The End of an Era 44

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:25 pm

Name: Aslyn Andoril
Race: Dunmer
Gender: Male
Age: 42 (appears to be in his early 20's)
Birthsign: The Steed

Focus: Speed-Agility
Skills: Blade, Restoration, Spear, Speechcraft, Acrobatics, Athletics, Light Armor
Class: Mercenary/Acrobat
General appearance: With constant training and in field experience Aslyn is a fairly fit individual. Though he is built like the average Dunmer male, he has a bit more lean muscle giving him the appearance of someone who is constantly active. With a soft, kind face and kind eyes it is hard to distrust him.

Hair: Dark mahogany that is usually kept in a short, neat, ponytail.
Eye Color: Ember Red
Height: 5'10"
Build: Athletic with lean muscle
Skin: Pale grey
Tattoos/Scars: Several minor scars dot his arms and chest. He has two gold earrings on his left ear and one with in his right ear.

Mental description: The best way to describe Aslyn is to simply say that he is not afraid of challenges. This can mean many different things and has gotten him into trouble more than once or twice. This can mean that he is a thrill seeker, never afraid to step up first, and it also means that he is very openly outgoing and friendly (sometimes a little too friendly). It is likely this attitude that gives him his competitive nature, which can be both good and bad. He is not afraid to fight and actually enjoys it for those two reasons, it is a competition, and is always a new challenge.

Aslyn is a fiercely loyal person to friends and loved ones, willing to do almost anything for someone he considers a true friend. This is probably his biggest weakness as well; he is very trusting of people, whether he knows them very well or not. This should not be mistaken for naivety however. He is fairly good at telling whether a person is trustworthy or not, he just tends to believe that deep down most people are good.

Weapon(s): He carries with him a silver halberd that is slightly longer than him. The tip of the halberd looks like a thin, crescent-shaped, sword; the sword itself is always frigidly cold to the touch, to the point where it almost burns, a minor enchantment. The sword itself can be taken off of the shaft, which takes almost two feet off the shaft, and turns it into a simple silver staff which can be a weapon itself. He also carries with him two light, steel, curved short swords.
Clothing/armour: Aslyn is currently wearing black pants and a light blue shirt, if they are not covered by his black cloak of course. Simple leather greaves and boots are usually the only armor he wears.

Inventory: The blade of his halberd, a map of each of the cities of Cyrodiil, and a little gold.

-Without a staff, spear/halberd, or sword Aslyn is virtually useless and knows very little of hand-to-hand fighting.
-Aslyn is very skilled when it comes to using a spear or halberd, enough in fact that he has made his own style of fighting which utilizes speed and agility rather than strength.
-Beyond his skill with a spear Aslyn is also known for his silver tongue
- He has a bit of drinking problem when he gets upset
-Aslyn absolutely hates rats

Bio: Born the only son to Ulvyn and Relle Andoril, both members of the Fighters Guild in Balmora. With that as the case, it was only natural that Aslyn was raised and trained at an early age. With Aslyn's eagerness to learn new things he picked up on everything he was taught fairly fast. He officially joined the guild when he was only 17 years of age, though he was already proficient with a spear. For several years he stayed with the guild until it began to get boring. When he was 22 he left the guild to try to make it on his own.

Aslyn began working as a mercenary, taking only honest contracts for work. Between the Fighter Guild and other mercenaries with better reputations, Aslyn could hardly get any work though. Figuring it probably wouldn't do too much harm, he began taking contracts that were somewhat outside the law. Before he knew it he was not only a mercenary but thief as well. His natural agility and nimbleness made him perfect as a second-story man. Finally good money began to roll it, even though it may not have all been legal.

For quite a few years Aslyn got away with it all, even though most knew that he was doing illegal jobs from time to time, no one could pin it on him. It was while he was working on a contract, a legal one, that he met the love of his life in Vivec. Her name was Brilesa, a beautiful Telvanni Dunmer. Unfortunately the love of his life was already married, not that it stopped Aslyn however. With a healthy dose of sweet talking and good looks he was able to convince Brilesa that he was better than her husband.

For many, many, years Aslyn was able to avoid the law on a number of occasions that had to do with illegal contracts. It would seem though that the one thing Aslyn couldn't avoid was a very annoyingly devoted, and observant, husband. So when Aslyn was caught it wasn't as if he could say that he had never even seen Brilesa before. After that Brilesa's husband, who just happened to be a very influential member of the Telvanni, was able to convince the guards of Morrowind that Aslyn was a very dangerous criminal. So Aslyn had to leave for Cyrodiil and hopefully for a second chance at the world.

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Lucie H
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:54 pm

"Heh...I don't think you'll have to do anything for me, really...except be there for me, too. When you can, at least." Odeen replied to Karst, hugging her tightly within his scaled limbs. However, it wasn't long before he began to shiver a bit, and mentally scolding himself, he released the Khajiit. "W-well, when it's convenient for you. I mean, if you don't mind..." he stuttered timidly, as if asking her for anything in return was shameful. "But you know, it really would help me out too...s-so long as you don't mind being there for me...because it's not like I want you to have to listen to me despite how you feel...or..." Odeen fell silent after a few moments of strained speech, before draping his arms over Karst, sighing.

"Just don't leave me alone...please?" he asked of her, reptilian eyes making contact with the half-breed's more feline eyes.
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Sammie LM
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:37 pm

"When it's convenient for me? If I don't mind?" Karst asked incredulously as Odeen spoke. When he hugged her the last time, though, she smiled a bit as his eyes met hers. She could see the fear and worry in those purple eyes and she realized this was, sadly, just normal Odeen behavior. It's just Odeen bein' Odeen.

"Of course. I'm not gonna run off an' leave you in a ditch or anything. I.." she reassured him, but then paused, unsure for a moment what to say. Karst reached around back over Odeen's shoulder and itched her nose before thinking of what to say next. "I don't.. really know what you've been through, but.. I assure you I'm never gonna leave you hanging out to dry. Besides.." she giggled softly into his shoulder, "I think I need you as much as you need me." Moving back a tad, Karst's ears went forward again, her hair rustling a little as the furry parts moved in them, and the little Khajiit met his eyes with a serious-yet-worried gaze.

"Odeen.. I just.." How the heck do I word this so it doesn't come out wrong? Maybe I should ask later. But.. this might be the only moment alone I get with him in a long [censored]in' time, though. Karst's eyes flicked down for a fraction of a second, contemplating finishing her sentence, before emerald locked with purple again. "You know.. just before we went into that last Gate.. when you told me you had feelings for me?" Her words were uncertain, conveying the fact that she really had no idea how to go about what she was asking. "What.. How do you feel about me now? Like.. as we sit here kind of now. Don't ask why, I just.. I need to know."
Zant bristled at Vivian's admission that he'd killed women and children, but suppressed the spike of anger before it became an issue. When the assassin walked away, Zant sighed and turned back to Adeth and Paulus.

"All right, then, boys.." He snatched the katana from the wall and balled his right hand into a fist. Purple smoke curled out of it for a moment, then he opened it and thrust it slightly at the ground. A ball of dark gas exploded soundlessly on the floor and portal popped into existence beside him. A skeleton walked out with a huge Orcish axe grasped in one disproportionately strong bony hand. "And undead," he greeted the skeleton. It nodded its head rapidly, the spine creaking as it did so, then shouldered the axe and leaned casually on the wall and proceeded to tap its fingers on the wall rhythmically. "Choppy here will spar with you, Paulus, while I teach Adeth some katana basics. Don't worry, he's safe. I've worked with him for a decade now." Turning to the undead, Zant motioned for him to come over, which it did rather enthusiastically.

"Chop, you spar with the armored one. And I mean it when I say spar. Mindless killing is not acceptable social behavior. That's what got you killed in the first damn place."

The skeleton hung its head.

"Yeah. Now grab a sword and go to work." he laughed and looked at Paulus with a smile. Choppy grabbed an iron longsword and adopted a defensive stance opposite the forester. "Don't worry. I just tease 'im like that. He's harmless to you."

With a pat and a smile, he left the Legion man and dropped into a defensive stance with the Akaviri sword. "Now, Adeth, the first thing you gotta know about these things is that they work best of you slice and pull. Attack and then drag the blade through the motion and off of the target. It causes a deeper wound and prevents cracking the blade by just chopping with it like a savage.."
ooc: Y'know, I'm really not sure what to do with these two. I kinda wanna keep 'em and I kinda wanna kill 'em. I crafted and opened my own little Pandora's Box here. :rolleyes:

ic: Two yellow eyes watched Vivian from a perch atop Cloud Ruler's roof. The little black-furred face was tilted to the side and a curious smile rested on the Ohmes' elvish lips. Marcy.. Dedicated, sixy Marcy. Too bad that little healer he's seeing. Ahdanjha would've liked to 'check' him out.

Adjusting herself on the rooftop, she pulled her legs and feet under her in a crouch, purring a little to herself at the way the gray fur of her greaves and boots rubbed on the black fur of her body. She rested her hands on her knees and looked down at her gauntlets, elbow length pieces of specialty Brotherhood gear with Black Hand symbols branded on them at the top in red. Little holes let her claws poke out the ends of the armor. Ahdanjha quickly rubbed her bare arms against the cold, the left of which bore a slave brand, and let a wisp of breath out of her mouth before bracing her hands on the edge and slipping over.

She landed on all fours with a small thud, considering how far she fell, on the stone behind Vivian and straightened up quickly. "Marcy." Her voice was purely Khajiiti and the last syllable of the name was drawn out hissingly. The little Ohmes stood only 5' 2" but she looked as fierce as an Orc. Looking up at the Dunmer, she smiled and played disarmingly with the dark ponytail that hung off her head. "How is Marcy today?"
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Julia Schwalbe
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:14 pm

ooc: Dang it and ya forget me again >.< Why ignore the wittle kitten thats trying to get involved :P

ic: Do'Rhadi looked at them and tilted his head abit "And how would you like me to help here?" he asked quizzically. Kind of now not sure if he was getting involved with them or not. His khajiiti accent somewhat heavy now as he spoke to them. Watching the skeleton and the khajiit.
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Charity Hughes
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:05 pm

(school is killing me... or rather Im killing myself with the way i do school. I do nothing at all for it. Always either a bad excuse "I got dumped, Im sad and depressed" or "I'll do it tomorrow", or maybe "Yeah, I know this and I will know it in the exam". And then comes the lazyness. I svck!!! )

Adeth stepped back quite quickly as the skeleton appeared but relaxed only slightly when Zant started talking to it. He then nodded understanding what was said. Adeth then turned to face the other khajiit. 'Maybe you could also spar with me and Zant. Taking turns and such.' He said and drew out his own katana, he did it clumsily since he wasn't all that used to handling it yet. Once the katana was out he raised it and slashed down slowly just to see if he was doing it right. When the blade hit Zant's blade he dragged it away, not exactly knowing how it was supposed to be done, so he did it also clumsily and along Zant's blade.

Adeth looked the khajiit in the eyes and at their blades carefully and took an offensive stance.

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:26 pm

ooc: Y'know, I'm really not sure what to do with these two. I kinda wanna keep 'em and I kinda wanna kill 'em. I crafted and opened my own little Pandora's Box here. :rolleyes:

ic: Two yellow eyes watched Vivian from a perch atop Cloud Ruler's roof. The little black-furred face was tilted to the side and a curious smile rested on the Ohmes' elvish lips. Marcy.. Dedicated, sixy Marcy. Too bad that little healer he's seeing. Ahdanjha would've liked to 'check' him out.

Adjusting herself on the rooftop, she pulled her legs and feet under her in a crouch, purring a little to herself at the way the gray fur of her greaves and boots rubbed on the black fur of her body. She rested her hands on her knees and looked down at her gauntlets, elbow length pieces of specialty Brotherhood gear with Black Hand symbols branded on them at the top in red. Little holes let her claws poke out the ends of the armor. Ahdanjha quickly rubbed her bare arms against the cold, the left of which bore a slave brand, and let a wisp of breath out of her mouth before bracing her hands on the edge and slipping over.

She landed on all fours with a small thud, considering how far she fell, on the stone behind Vivian and straightened up quickly. "Marcy." Her voice was purely Khajiiti and the last syllable of the name was drawn out hissingly. The little Ohmes stood only 5' 2" but she looked as fierce as an Orc. Looking up at the Dunmer, she smiled and played disarmingly with the dark ponytail that hung off her head. "How is Marcy today?"

At the small thud on the stone behind him, the assassin whirled around, the bow twisting to a forty-five degree angle and his arm bent; a rather odd position to be holding a bow in, but Vivian seemed comfortable enough holding the bow while maintaining his weary crouch. "Marciiiiii." It was a distinctly Khajiit hiss, one he did not recognize immediately, before the figure straightened. It was a woman, an Ohmes, two yellow cat eyes glowing from a light furred black face and looking at him quizzically. "How is Marcy today?"

How does she know-? He stopped in mid thought as he saw the crimson mark upon her furred gauntlets. He straightened, the bow turning to a vertical position. But the string never relaxed. Nor did the arrow waver from its target.

"Lucien sent you, didn't he?" Vivian replied, red eyed narrowing. He used the Speaker's name openly. To say 'Speaker' in a location where a spy of the Emperor-to-be could hear was foolish, and few were likely to connect the simple name Lucien to Lucien Lachance.

OOC: I was kinda hoping to be RID of my monsterous DB side plot.... But let's make this quick while we await Shadow's return.
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Conor Byrne
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:07 pm

ooc: I'd actually been plotting that whole thing long before I knew of your plot. So it's mine. Miiinnne.. *hiss*

Besides, we seem to be losing other characters at an alarming rate and I did promise you something evil. I'll bring it to an end soonish, though, if you want. I thought of a solution last night.

ic: The little cat laughed, a halting, hissing laugh. "Lucien? No, nobody sends Ahdanjha anywhere. She does as she pleases." she informed him casually, walking over to him. Her hips swung as she walked, one leatherbound hand on her left one. Her claws, black as the leather they poked through, picked at the weapon belt that hung from her furred greaves. "Ahdanjha is not here for you, Marcy." The Khajiit pronounced each syllable individually anyway, but this seemed exaggerated when she said his name. "Khajiit seeks another of its own. The daughter of a traitor, to be exact. Its mate tells her she is here. But.. Ahdanjha can stay for Marcy.. if he wishes her to." There was a disturbingly high amount of seductiveness to the last sentence, but the little feline didn't know of Vivian's nature, only of his deeds. She'd never actually met him before and figured him the same as any other Dunmer; an easy source of amusemant until her mate got back.

A little smile graced Ahdanjha's dark lips and face as she came up to him and set one hand on his bare chest where the vest didn't cover, ignoring the bow entirely. "Come in, let us talk. You must be cold.. Khajiit has a fix for that." And Khajiit has a way to kill you too, if you don't cooperate. She smilied at this as well, though her expression remained friendly and pleasant. Her right hand rested in her pocket, fingers clasped around a small vial of poison. Ahdanjha even has enough for the traitor-born, if needbe. Va'Rahkshi tells her that Zeterra is much too talkative, but dead lips cannot speak.

Glancing up at Vivian's eyes, though, she felt an immense amount of animosity from him. "Why do you glare at Ahdanjha so?" she asked, her tail flicking behind her in annoyance.
Zant looked at Adeth's stance, then pulled his own katana up to knock the blade away, slipped in and poked Adeth in the chest lightly with the sword tip, holding the Imperial's sword in his gauntleted hand. He smiled kindly at the man, though. "Heh, couldn't resist." He lowered the blade to his side and set his right hand from Adeth's sword to his shoulder. "Adeth.. Stance means nothing if you cant hold it, and sometimes, a defensive stand against a more skilled opponent can be to your advantage. You're clumsy with that weapon, so try practicing on a dummy or something a bit first to get the hang of using it, get used to is weight, the way it cuts the air and reacts to impact."

With a final pat on the shoulder, he turned to the other Khajiit. He leaned the katana against the wall and pulled the elven blade off his back, holding it in a standard defensive two-handed stance. "Okay, Do'Rhadi, show me what you can do."
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:18 pm

ooc: *Hides from Aula*

Hmm Andanja might find some fun with Rhadi :P

ic: Do'Rhadi gave a grin, a big one at that. "Well we might want somewhere thats alittle more open" he said. "But if here is fine then sure" he stepped back a bit. Taking up a defensive stance with his hands. His body was poised tense but not to tense, like a wound up spring. His tail raised slightly, acting as his counter weight and balancer.
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Nick Jase Mason
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:04 am

Vivian tried hard to ignore the hand on his chest, but the warm fur was... inviting. Disturbingly so. As was the pure seductiveness that oozed from her lips when she spoke even his very name. Not another Antonietta. He thought with a mental groan. He forced himself back into the situation when she asked him the reason for his suspicious glare.

He knew the reason she was here. And her attempts at seduction served only to piss Vivian off. I will not be played with like a tool. As if in retaliation of this, Vivian moved; the bow came up, and the steel arrow head came within an inch of the Ohmes' throat. The look in his eyes suggested Vivian would release the string at a moment's notice, even the hint of an unpleasant spoken word from the Khajiit.

The gentleman was gone from his eyes; the man who raised Iris was gone. Vivian was in full on assassin mode. And an assassin had to refuse to acknowledge morality to survive. "If you are here to kill Karstine, I will have you know you will fail. She is vital to the survival of this Empire and this world, vital to the ending of the Crisis. You'd have to get through me first." The bow lowered to Ahdanjha's briastbone, giving him an even LARGER target area than her neck. If she moved either way, he'd release the arrow and at point blank range, her shoulder would be pierced clean through by the strength of the recurve bow design.

"And you would not last long. If you seek to further initiate her into the family, I suggest you wait until after the Crisis is done. She does not need the added stress of further initiation rituals. Am I clear?" His voice was coldly smooth and business-like. Vivian had a terrible feeling it might only seem sixier to the Khajiit, though. Which was far from his purpose.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:51 pm

OOC: Sorry for the double post, but new members of the RP: I've got something for you to do in waiting for Shadow's return.

IC: "If Mia does indeed have the Mysterium Xarxes... it may have brought her harm already. The evils of that book are powerful." Martin mused after Iris had given her full report, leaning most un-emperor-like on the wall. Iris was sitting in a chair with her legs over one elbow rest and her back on the other, idly bouncing her legs up and down. "It is dangerous to even touch the book, but I know ways to protect myself. I will have to take it from Mia."

"What use does the book have, anyway?" Iris asked lazily, looking over to Martin. The priest sighed.

"I don't know; I would have to read it to discover the knowledge within; it may very well hold the secrets to how Cameron created his Paradise you claim he spoke of. But dark secrets such as those in the Xarxes are dangerous, and I will have to work carefully. I'll need time."

"I imagine you'll have plenty of that here." Iris replied with displeasure, before swinging her legs over the chair and standing. "Well, if we are finished here, I things to take care of."

"Sadly, we aren't." Jauffre interrupted her procession out of the room, and Iris slowed, stopping beside Martin. She gave him one glance, to which he gave an apologetic one back, before looking to Jauffre. THe Grandmaster sighed. "My Gate guards have reported seeing strange figures on the road to Bruma for several nights now. Since you left for Cheydinhal, in fact. I'm afraid I cannot send my own men out to investigate, as it will leave Cloud Ruler under manned. The Bruma city guard has been unable to help."

"And you want me to take care of these spies? Should be easy, considering you even noticed them. Unprofessional swits." Iris responded, putting one hand on her hip.

"Thank you. Talk to Captain Steffan. He'll have information for you about them, as he's been working more closely with the Gate Guards than I have been able to, and seen these strangers with his own eyes." As Jauffre seemed finished, Iris turned to leave.

"I would advise you to take company, Iris Marcy; we witnessed them staving off the attack of some wild wolves two nights ago. Consider them armed and dangerous." Jauffre added, and Iris grinned at this, looking over her shoulder at the Grandmaster.

"Very skillful choice of words; I'm glad you realize I am not one of your Blades, and only spying on your behalf for the pay." With that, she walked out of the room, and began to think on who she could bring along, in case things got sour.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:42 pm

ooc: Dammit, Zelric, post! :lol:

And just for all future references, FC, her gauntlets are leather and only the claws themselves are poking through. They're not fingerless like Karst's old ones, they've just got holes poked in 'em so she can claw people. :D

ic: Ahdanjha narrowed her eyes and lowered her ears when the bow was turned upon her yet again. In all honesty, she was here for a number of reasons, and although Karst was the main one, she wasn't here to kill her if it could be at all helped. As for Vivian, he was expendable if he needed to be, but killing a fellow child of Sithis did not sit well with her. The memory of how she'd helped Va'Rahkshi kill his mother, even though she was technically an ex Sister, still left a bad taste in her mouth. And that had been well over a decade ago.

No, Khajiit will not kill Marcy. Not even though he so blatantly asks for it by threatening Ahdanjha. She will not have the blood of another of the Brotherhood's former best on her hands.
On the outside, the feline managed to make herself smile sweetly.

"This one thinks Marcy sounds very protective of Karstine for being merely her comrade." she folded her arms over her chest and gave Vivian a mockingly scolding look. "Marcy has not been getting.. friendly.. with his new Sister, has he now? You know what they say about getting attached." But is Ahdanjha not attached to Va'Rahkshi? she questioned herself, then quickly made an excuse, But.. that is different. He saved Khajiit's life, made her happy when she had never known happiness. He scares her sometimes, but she loves him. They are mates. Very different, yes..

Without any hesitation to indicate her thoughts, Ahdanjha continued, smirking. "Besides, would Marcy really shoot one of his own? Khajiit has done nothing to wrong you, Dunmer." she questioned him, then added dismissively, "Besides, Va'Rahkshi would kill everything you ever held dear if you ended Ahdanjha's life. Be smart, Marcy-" Ahdanjha set a hand on the arrowhead and gently attempted to lower the bow, "-Put it down. This one is more peaceful than its mate. She talks first, poisons you later if that fails." The way she said this made sure there was no mistake she was joking about poisoning him. She didn't want to. She really didn't.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:52 pm

Vivian narrowed his eyes at the Khajiit, but when Ahdanjha tried to lower the bow with her finger, he allowed it, moving the bow to his right and loosening the string as he did so. The arrow hung laxly on the bow as he stared at her. Va'Rahkshi... He's here? Dammit, what are they here for?! Vivian's mouth pulled into a small smirk. "I don't think you'll have to poison me, Ahdanjha, but I won't bow easily." His gentleman was beginning to resurface, but the assassin remained in control, and it was prevalent in his continued words.

"I am not friendly with Karstine on any account. Being an elder brother means I must look out for her on the initiation into the family, since she is more familiar with me than with anyone else in the family." He'd purposely left out the fact that Karst was Iris' close friend, which played a major part in his protectiveness of the annoying feline. Mentioning it would raise suspicion about his relationship to Iris, and he wanted to keep that from the Brotherhood's knowledge for as long as possible. Vivian took a step back, moving the bow so it was held in front of him, pointing at the ground, between the two assassins.

"She is very troubled right now, sister. And part of this stress stems from her recent initiation. I do not know what your purpose is in being here, but I advise you abandon it and leave this group to its own devices until Dagon's threat is eliminated. It is for the interest of the family. If the world falls to the voids of Oblivion, what future will we have? This group can prevent that, but they need to be left alone." Vivian sounded more like he was stating a fact than anything else.

"Trust me, going into an Oblivion gate is stressful enough as it is." The cold steadiness of his voice actually cracked when he said this, for a moment dropping into a somber, dead tone.
Iris leaned against the wall in the Temple Dinning Hall, arms folded over her chest and one hand at her chin. She was staring at the ground, some random knot in the floorboards, thinking.

Bring company... That's a double-edged blade in and of itself. I know I can handle battle alone, but if they overpower me it's the end. Going alone is a risk. But... if I take others, it's just as risky. They might not be articulate enough for the class of work required, getting me caught. They might not be able to handle the typical work of my kind. So I'd need someone stealthy, but with a touch of combative air; or at least more than I...

Wasn't Adeth a thief?
Iris suddenly recalled, tilting her head to one side at the thought. Thieves generally made power spies, but they were pretty good at managing to remain out of sight, if not out of perception altogether. And Adeth was practicing his weapon handling skills at times, so he had to be at least better than she was with a dagger, or a sword. But he also was a foolish youth, so it was risky.

But compared to the clankiness of Zant, the preoccupying insanities of Karst, and Vivian's... well... she didn't want to particularly see him in action. Paulus was a soldier, so that wouldn't do. She had seen one khajiit though, who looked unarmed, that had come in. If unarmed was any clue, he might be adequate enough.

But where were they? In all likelihood, training somewhere if Adeth had kept to his desires. So, Iris pushed off the wall, and headed for the smithy, the first likely place for training.
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Kayleigh Williams
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:49 pm

OOC: Howdy everybody! I'm excited for this RP to get back on its feet once all the players are back, and I look forward to meeting you all!

Name: Aravis Venim
Gender: Male
Race: Dunmer
Age: 54 (appears late 20's due to dunmer age difference)

Height: 5'9''
Eye Color: Red
Hair Style: Copper
Skin Color: Ash-grey

Class: Knight
Class Focus: Strength

Major Skills: Polearm, Short Blade, Medium Armor, Athletics, Acrobatics, Speechcraft

General Appearance: Well-toned and muscularly sleek in a fit elven style, fairly clean, with a faraway, dispairing look in his eyes
Tattoos/Scars: No noticeable scars
Apparel Worn Most Often: Full suit minus helmet of Gah-Julan bonemold armor worn over white dress shirt and black, tight leather pants.
Weapons: An elaborately decorated Redoran-style Ebony halberd worn on a special back-strap with the head covered in cloth, a steel shortsword worn at the waist

Spells: A powerful Ancestor Guardian power: the spirits of the Venim clan infuse themselves with Aravis' armor and weapons, greatly increasing his combat ability

Description: Aravis is the son of the late Bolvyn Venim, Archmaster of House Redoran. After the Nerevarine left Morrowind and the Hortatorship of the Great Houses ended, Aravis was to become Councilor and in line for the Archmagistry. He lived a life of luxury, but not by any means an easy one. Following his father's wishes, he adhered to a strict martial code of nobility: formal court manners, exceptional combat skills, and reverence for the ancestors and saints. He was engaged to be married to Vienna Sarethi, a House-arranged marriage, but with whom he was in love. He became a sort of local hero, and his life was a happy one.

This all changed when the Oblivion Crisis began and his home of Ald-Ruhn was destroyed. He saw hundreds of his people die at the hands of the Dremora armies, his beloved Vienna among them. Less than a dozen survivors fled Vvardenfell and made it alive to the Imperial City. There, he met a kindly Redguard woman named Jearl who took pity on him and took him in as her bodyguard. They now reside in Bruma. Aravis knows nothing of her private life, and she frequently goes on trips during which Aravis is made to stay behind and guard the house. Aravis is a faithful servant and puts his duty before all else, but is plagued with his loss to the point of serious depression, and emotion he only shows when he is alone.


With each swing of the axe, the sky-reaching Evergreen shook to its uppermost branches. There were no tall trees back home in Ald-Ruhn, and besides, it never got cold enough that firewood was needed. Of course, this tree would still be wet wood for a while, possibly not ready to burn until next season. Aravis Venim was inexperienced with woodcutting, but strong and reliable: His boarder Jearl was sick and getting older, and he pitied her. Besides, her reputation in Bruma was less than sterling. Not that she was reviled, more simply avoided, and Aravis knew all too well the pain of lonliness. So he would work for her. He considered it his duty to take care of her, since it seemed to him that their repective well-beings were at least temporarily intertwined. He had no more friends, family, or loved ones aside from her; as far as he could tell, neither did she.

Besides, the day-to-day work kept him busy and distracted. He had not yet fully come to grips with the impact of his loss. Still in the 'denial phase', one supposes. He could see his breath in the cold mountain air, and fastened the bear hide coat he wore shut. With one last swing, the mighty tree fell. Next came the ardous task of removing the branches and the bark, only then to tether the log and drag it back to the city. Perhaps if a trader or someone like that came by, he could borrow their horse.

The winds began to howl, an icy breath from a land he did not know. He was grateful to Jearl, and indeed cared for her, but still felt like a stranger in a strange land. This will pass, he thought. This is my life now.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:20 pm

(sorry for my absense...)

Adeth gave way to Do'hadi and sat to watch the four fighters with interest. Soon he noticed that he had a wine bottle in his backpack and took it out for a gulp. He uncorked it and took a sip. Suddenly after taking a couple sips, Adeth felt bad as something was poking his memory. The wine tasted like... the one he had in kvatch with Mia.

Adeth corked the bottle and put it on the other end of the table and returned to look at Zant and Do'rhadi. He removed the thought of Mia from his head and started to think he was glad that Zant didn't hate him, and neither did Paulus and the new khajiit.

(bad post)
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Leilene Nessel
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:18 pm

Sure enough, Iris heard clanging in the armory, before it fell silent. So there was certainly something going on in there. After the silence lasted for a good minute plus, she opened the door, to find Adeth sitting on a bench with a bottle of wine in his hand, and Zant looking about ready to spar with some Khajiit she had not seen before.

Walking up to Adeth, Iris casually swiped the bottle from his hands, tilting it back to take a sip of it herself. When she lowered her head and the bottle, she frowned. "Flin is better." She said simply, before capping the bottle. "Anyways, I need you sober right now, Adeth. So stow it and stick with me." She rested the bottle on the bench next to him before turning to look at Zant and the new Khajiit. She eyed up the newcomer, looking at his stance. Typically those who fought unarmed weren't warriors. And warriors were the type she required. He could prove to be useful.

"So, Kitten... you going to introduce your new playmate?" She inquired sweetly.
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Gen Daley
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:59 pm

heya guys ill be back in a week or so, finally have the net set up ^^ sorrrrryyyy for my absense

"no.. not this one.. maybe that one" Mia mumbled to herself as she searched her closets for a dress that Vivian would approve of. A pile of clothes already tried out was getting larger by the minute as the little healer tried to decide. "Too formal.. too revealing.. gah! i dont even know why this is even in here" She continued as she tried on many more.

"Urgh! why cant i find something nice to wear!" she cried out and fell back on her bed frustrated. She had to find something soon otherwise something else might prevent her from going out tonight. As she lay on the bed, her eyes wandered over to the Xarxes.

Hmm... what in the Nine could be so important about this book, other than the daedric magic that i can feel from it.. mayb e i should have a peep.. she thought to herself as she propped herself up on her elbows and reached for the book wrapped up in a piece of fabric.

a short filler but when i get back ill be getting stuck into catching up
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Honey Suckle
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:25 pm

"Are you sure you know how to handle that book safely Martin?" Jauffere asked anxiously as he joined the heir on the way to Mia's room. "Even I can feel the power coming from that book, and it unsettles my stomach more than the carnage of a battlefield. The last thing we need is our last hope to the throne tainted by some artifact of the enemy." His brow creased as he said this, exemplifying his wrinkles.

Martin stayed appropriately silent as he walked down the hall towards the young healer's room, contemplating his answer. How much of his past should he reveal in his reply? How much did the Grandmaster of the Emperor's spy network already know? Did he know about the mistakes of his past in the Mage's Guild, dabbling in the Daedric Magicks? Stay safe, and assume he does not. If he knows, he'll understand what I say.

Martin stopped when he reached Mia's door, turning to face the Grandmaster sternly. For a brief moment, he looked a spitting image of his father. "There is no one safer than a holy man of the Nine to handle such unholy artifacts. Akatosh will protect me when my knowledge of the magicks fails me." Martin remained looking at the Grandmaster, and rose one hand, knocking on Mia's door.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:05 pm

Just as Mia was about to open the book, a knock was heard and she groaned. At the moment she was in a tight fitting black dress that had a small 'V' at the neckline. It was the closet thing she could find that was inbetween, and guessed it would have to do. Slowly she rose, closing the book as she did so, and walked to the door, opening it. "Yes?" she asked between the small gap in the door she opened.
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Riky Carrasco
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:12 am

Jauffere looked about ready to say something when the door opened a crack, prompting him to turn his head to look through the crack to the speaker behind it. All he saw, though, was a line of face and black clothing. Martin saw equally as much, but spoke in response easily.

"Mia, it's Martin and Jauffere. If we may speak in your room, unless you are preoccupied?" He asked, not wanting to intrude on her. he did want the book, though; the longer Mia held it in her possession the worse, as it was dangerous. Something was already off-color about the girl to the priest, the last thing he needed was a true taint of the young healer. Especially when she served a vital purpose to his champions.
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Madeleine Rose Walsh
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:59 am

Mia looked behind her and then back. "Um.. sure hope you dont mind the mess, ive been um.. sorting out my wardrobes.. yes thats it. its been some time since ive been here and i need to get things done. but sure come in" She said and opened the door up further to let the two men in. "I hope there isnt anything wrong for both of you to be wanting to come in here.. unless its about the book we found when they.. um rescued me from the caverns.." She continued as she began picking up all of the clothes that lay beside her bed.

She just hoped that she didnt have to do anything else that would prevent her date with Vivian

grr, family computers are a pain cause im getting kicked off lol.. ill be back soon i hope
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Killah Bee
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:40 am

Vivian narrowed his eyes at the Khajiit, but when Ahdanjha tried to lower the bow with her finger, he allowed it, moving the bow to his right and loosening the string as he did so. The arrow hung laxly on the bow as he stared at her. Va'Rahkshi... He's here? Dammit, what are they here for?! Vivian's mouth pulled into a small smirk. "I don't think you'll have to poison me, Ahdanjha, but I won't bow easily." His gentleman was beginning to resurface, but the assassin remained in control, and it was prevalent in his continued words.

"I am not friendly with Karstine on any account. Being an elder brother means I must look out for her on the initiation into the family, since she is more familiar with me than with anyone else in the family." He'd purposely left out the fact that Karst was Iris' close friend, which played a major part in his protectiveness of the annoying feline. Mentioning it would raise suspicion about his relationship to Iris, and he wanted to keep that from the Brotherhood's knowledge for as long as possible. Vivian took a step back, moving the bow so it was held in front of him, pointing at the ground, between the two assassins.

"She is very troubled right now, sister. And part of this stress stems from her recent initiation. I do not know what your purpose is in being here, but I advise you abandon it and leave this group to its own devices until Dagon's threat is eliminated. It is for the interest of the family. If the world falls to the voids of Oblivion, what future will we have? This group can prevent that, but they need to be left alone." Vivian sounded more like he was stating a fact than anything else.

"Trust me, going into an Oblivion gate is stressful enough as it is." The cold steadiness of his voice actually cracked when he said this, for a moment dropping into a somber, dead tone.

Ahdanjha reached up and set a hand of claws and leather on Vivian's vested shoulder. Considering what he likely had heard about her, he might be surprised to see a friendly, consoling look in her yellow eyes.

"This one knows the horrors of the Deadlands, Brother Marcy. She recently helped her mate with taking out a Legionnaire that knew too much. Turned out he'd gone into a Gate, so we had to follow. We helped him take a lava bath, you see. Khajiit has a scar across its chest where a Harrada cut her." The assassin said, then giggled and adopted a very serious look, "Relatedly, Ahdanjha thinks it should be noted that being intimate in a demonic realm can be hazardous to one's health.."

Ahdanjha smiled after this, cleared her throat, let go and crossed her arms. She tucked her hands into her furry armpits and shivered. "By Sheggorath it's cold here.." she muttered, then promptly looked back to Vivian. "Might Marcy know where Ahdanjha could get a cup of coffee in this place? She needs warmth.."
Sure enough, Iris heard clanging in the armory, before it fell silent. So there was certainly something going on in there. After the silence lasted for a good minute plus, she opened the door, to find Adeth sitting on a bench with a bottle of wine in his hand, and Zant looking about ready to spar with some Khajiit she had not seen before.

Walking up to Adeth, Iris casually swiped the bottle from his hands, tilting it back to take a sip of it herself. When she lowered her head and the bottle, she frowned. "Flin is better." She said simply, before capping the bottle. "Anyways, I need you sober right now, Adeth. So stow it and stick with me." She rested the bottle on the bench next to him before turning to look at Zant and the new Khajiit. She eyed up the newcomer, looking at his stance. Typically those who fought unarmed weren't warriors. And warriors were the type she required. He could prove to be useful.

"So, Kitten... you going to introduce your new playmate?" She inquired sweetly.

Zant looked up just as Iris came in and smiled at her as she took the wine from Adeth, then commented on Flin being better.

"Me? Oh, this is Do'Rhadi. He showed up here just a bit ago. Do'Rhadi, this is Iris, my current.." he thought a split second, then looked up, "I suppose you'd call her my mate. I've been away from the homeland so long I'd almost forgotten what natives called a romantic partner." he said with a laugh.

At about the same time, Paulus and Choppy had been sparring in a darker corner and the skeleton broke it off to go see who'd come in. Upon seeing Iris, he tilted his head to the side, then ran at her and hugged her, forgetting that a flying hug from the undead could be potentially unsettling. The summon emitted a creaking sound, almost like a purr as it wrapped its arms around Iris's neck, sword dangling loosely from one hand. Zant broke out laughing.

"I think he likes you." he said, smiling, then walked over and pulled gently on the skeleton warrior's shoulderblade. "Choppy, get offa her. I don't think you realize how creepy that is. Sorry, Iris.. he's.. enthusiastic about meeting new people."
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Brooke Turner
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:35 am

( Shady, I didn't miss you :P Also, Adeth had set the bottle away onto the table away from him.)

Adeth saw Iris come in and was surprised to hear her talk to him. 'Uh... Cant you see im sparring?' He said with a yelp as the skeleton ran past him and jumped at Iris. He stood up then. 'Ok, so... What am I needed for?' He asked a bit uncertainly. 'Or do you just uh... want me to stay sober so I can annoy people and not be a dead weight?' There was a sad tone in his voice. It was possible that he wasn't really needed.

'If it's nothing, I would like to continue my sparring with Zant and Do'rhadi...?' Adeth questioned.

(bad post....)
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Emily Rose
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:39 am

Do'rhadi smiled and relaxed well enough. Giving a polite bow to the woman. "Nice to meet you Iris." he gave a polite smile as well. "I am, as Zant here has said, Do'Rhadi." his tail flicked about gently, showing he was now starting to relax amongst the strangers, giving a light look over at the male, Adeth, Rhadi spoke "Staying sober keeps your head on."
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Jose ordaz
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:33 am

Mia looked behind her and then back. "Um.. sure hope you dont mind the mess, ive been um.. sorting out my wardrobes.. yes thats it. its been some time since ive been here and i need to get things done. but sure come in" She said and opened the door up further to let the two men in. "I hope there isnt anything wrong for both of you to be wanting to come in here.. unless its about the book we found when they.. um rescued me from the caverns.." She continued as she began picking up all of the clothes that lay beside her bed.

She just hoped that she didnt have to do anything else that would prevent her date with Vivian

grr, family computers are a pain cause im getting kicked off lol.. ill be back soon i hope

Martin proceeded to enter when bidden, followed by the elderly Grandmaster. Both men looked Mia over, noting the tight fit of her black dress and the delicate display of neckline it provided. Martin seemed more receptive of the look than Jauffre, for understandable reasons. When near fatherly to a girl, one typically did not enjoy seeing such... displays. However, to Jauffre's credit as a parent and Grandmaster, he held his comments back and stood dutifully in front of the door, which he had now closed.

Martin tore his eyes from the young healer to look around the room, before he saw the book and approached it. One hand hovered over the malignant object before he looked to Mia. "There are dark, horrid secrets within this book. Secrets that even if you'd known them once before, would further taint your soul until you were merely a shell of your former self." His voice was harshly, knowledgeably smooth and low, and his eyes spoke volumes of what he knew. Daedric magic tainted his past, always would. But what he felt when around Mia; Daedric magic still did. In a magnitude not normal for even worshipers of the malevolent gods. He couldn't help but wonder yet again, if Jauffre was aware he likely harbored a Daedric essence within his own fortress. Getting the book away from Mia had become a priority shortly after he heard she'd had it, and had met her after her 'rescue'.

"I can protect myself from the evils of this book through my gifts of faith, and scholar's knowledge. And I feel it may hold the secret to reaching Cameron in his Paradise." The hand hovering over the book glowed a strange fuchsia, which shifted into a soft blue and back again frequently. After a few seconds of this magical glowing, the hand lowered and wrapped around the spine of the skin-covered tome, and the priest hefted it up without hesitation. "I will be taking this book, Mia, for the safety of everyone in this Temple, and so I may research how to retrieve the Amulet from Cameron."

Ahdanjha reached up and set a hand of claws and leather on Vivian's vested shoulder. Considering what he likely had heard about her, he might be surprised to see a friendly, consoling look in her yellow eyes.

"This one knows the horrors of the Deadlands, Brother Marcy. She recently helped her mate with taking out a Legionnaire that knew too much. Turned out he'd gone into a Gate, so we had to follow. We helped him take a lava bath, you see. Khajiit has a scar across its chest where a Harrada cut her." The assassin said, then giggled and adopted a very serious look, "Relatedly, Ahdanjha thinks it should be noted that being intimate in a demonic realm can be hazardous to one's health.."

Ahdanjha smiled after this, cleared her throat, let go and crossed her arms. She tucked her hands into her furry armpits and shivered. "By Sheggorath it's cold here.." she muttered, then promptly looked back to Vivian. "Might Marcy know where Ahdanjha could get a cup of coffee in this place? She needs warmth.."

Zant looked up just as Iris came in and smiled at her as she took the wine from Adeth, then commented on Flin being better.

"Me? Oh, this is Do'Rhadi. He showed up here just a bit ago. Do'Rhadi, this is Iris, my current.." he thought a split second, then looked up, "I suppose you'd call her my mate. I've been away from the homeland so long I'd almost forgotten what natives called a romantic partner." he said with a laugh.

At about the same time, Paulus and Choppy had been sparring in a darker corner and the skeleton broke it off to go see who'd come in. Upon seeing Iris, he tilted his head to the side, then ran at her and hugged her, forgetting that a flying hug from the undead could be potentially unsettling. The summon emitted a creaking sound, almost like a purr as it wrapped its arms around Iris's neck, sword dangling loosely from one hand. Zant broke out laughing.

"I think he likes you." he said, smiling, then walked over and pulled gently on the skeleton warrior's shoulderblade. "Choppy, get offa her. I don't think you realize how creepy that is. Sorry, Iris.. he's.. enthusiastic about meeting new people."

"Being intimate can be deadly in the Deadlands, sister." Vivian replied, but there was veiled displeasure in the sibling term. Does she not know I am now unwelcome amongst the family? Does she know I have refused any further contracts, and already faced the Wrath of Sithis once? Why is she -they- here and what do they want with Karst?! Vivian thought, before her comment about the cold made him notice that it was, indeed, cold. Until then, he'd been ignoring the temperature, but now he was consciously aware his limbs began to tingle with numbness they had always had, but he'd failed to acknowledge.

"There is, yes." Vivian replied. I'll just have to be friendly until I can figure out her true purpose here. Then I will act accordingly. "I'm not sure how receptive they are to having unexpected guests, but we'll just consider you my guest and they may let it pass." He removed the arrow from the bow, spinning it around his index finger so the arrowhead pointed at the ground, and setting it back in his quiver. The bow followed suit, and then he walked towards the door to enter the Temple. As Ahdanjha followed, she'd be led into the small Temple kitchens.
Mate... what happened to girlfriend? Iris smiled as she laughed inside at the thought, but the smile was wiped away when a skeleton charged her with sword in hand. She reflexively took an agile step back, but found herself colliding with the bench behind her and unable to escape the onslaught, which was an unusual and uncomfortable grapple by the undead being. Iris' face was classic, her teeth grit in a mixture of disgust, horror, and anger as she eyed the being and then tried hastily to remove it from her body. Zant tapped it and ordered it to remove the vice grip it had on her neck, but Iris had enough of this well before he spoke, and both hands were already crackling with candlewick flames. These flames exponentially expanded before she thrust both fists up the chest cavity of the skeleton, and shot off her magic forcefully.

The result was a likely unsettling explosion from within that separated arms from shoulders. They fell off Iris' sides as the body was flung into the opposite wall to break into pieces that dissipated from existence, the spell broken. Iris' chest heaved as she tried to calm her breathing, before whipping her head around to face Zant. There was clear displeasure and unease in her expression, and she shook her head at him. "You can explain later about this, but for now DON'T do that again, and apologize to the thing or whatever."

While she looked to have gotten over it when she turned to the young thief, Zant would likely notice the small clues in his mate that she was still distressed. As she spoke to the boy, she was idly twirling a strand of her hair around one finger. "Besides keeping you sober, so you can keep your head on as Do'Rhadi has stated, I have a use for you, yes. You were a thief, right? If you were of any caliber of decent, I need you for a 'mission.' I could likely use you as well, Do'Rhadi." She looked over her shoulder to the Khajiit with a gentle smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you, and sorry for asking such things so suddenly, but if you are decent with stealth and fighting, might you be willing to help me out?"
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Emma louise Wendelk
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:39 am

'I uh...' Adeth looked a bit nervous at the mention of his thievery. He hadn't told the new khajiit of him being a thief and didn't know how he'd react. 'Yeah, I was a thief...but to be honest, Im not all that good. Hide and sneak I can but only on average levels.' He told Iris truthfully. 'But if I can actually help with something, Im glad to.' Adeth said determinedly.

He then turned to face Do'rhadi. 'I'd be glad to work with you, if you want to help us.' Adeth said eagerly with a friendly smile and an extended hand. 'I need my drinks to get through the day.' Adeth said as a simple truth. Before that week, he hadn't been much of a drinker, but as to what happened in Kvatch, maybe he just hoped it'd happen again somehow.

'So what are we to do?' He asked.
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