OOC: Bleh. I think I'm out again.

This RP is impenetrable to me, which is sad. Mira and Serena may return, I don't know. For now, consider them gone from the group.
Illusionary out.
:sad: Why, Illusionary,
whyyyy? Mira and Serena were like.. the best things since toast. And I
love toast..
Come back if you can, mm'kay? I misses you. And FC, you do Martin well. Keep it up. You're like.. the Official Game NPC Guy. But I wanna use him for a second, lol. I'm borrowing your emperor.

ic: As Jauffre ignored her, Karst's leatherclad hands balled into little black fists and she glared. She heard Odeen in the back of her mind, but was too angry to think about what he'd said. Right now, she wanted to hurt the old man in front of her. "Why you stingy son of a--" she started to growl to herself when Martin came down the steps in a gray robe and put in a word in her favor. The pissed-off cat woman's expression softened and she smiled, then turned to Jauffre and patted him on the shoulder in mock reassurance. "It's okay, grandpa, we all lose sometimes. Just don't break your hip going back up the stairs." she said in a motherly tone, then let out a witchy cackle, let go and trotted off victoriously.
Seeing Martin, Karst bounded up the staircase and assaulted the Emperor with a hug from behind, making him let out a soft cry of surprise. The man looked down at the small hands on his chest and then turned around. "Oh, hello Karstine." he said, sounding a bit shocked at the surprise hug, "You got new gauntlets?"
"Huh?" Karst sounded a bit surprised herself, then recalled she'd had her old fingerless ones on last he'd seen her a few days ago. It seemed like an eternity. "Oh, yeah. Hey, thanks for the help down there. Are you.. sure you can afford a thousand dragons for each of us though? I mean.. a couple hundred would suffice for a week or so."
"If you expect to be done with this within the week, you have far greater confidence than I do. Besides, funds are no concern. What good is it to have gold if all it does is sit? It will be of better use to the Empire in the hands of you and your companions." Martin said in his soft, concise manner, sounding a bit depressed.
"No.. I.. I don't." the Khajiit let go and looked down at her armored feet, then let out a sigh that curled away from her nostrils like smoke. "This [censored]'s tough."
Martin placed a hand on Karst's shoulder and she looked up. The man's gaze seemed to broadcast reassurance and calm and she relaxed in his grip. Her ineloquent manner of speech had always both made the priest a bit uneasy and amused him at the same time, but the way she spoke clearly said she was losing hope, and that would certainly not do.
"I know it's hard. I.." he faltered a moment, "I'm expected to command these men, but.. I have.. no idea how to. I'm a priest, not a leader. I know that it is nothing in comparison to what you and your companions face, but do know that I sympathize even if I cannot relate. Do not lose hope, Karstine. Sometimes, that's all you have to hang onto to keep yourself going and without it, well.." the illegitimate Septim trailed off, sighed and looked down a moment before returning his gaze to the diminutive feline and smiling at her. "Just don't give up. I know you're strong enough to survive this, just like you survived everything else before. The Nine won't let us lose, I know it."
Karst looked up him and couldn't help but disagree with some of his statement. He inspired confidence with his tone, regardless of what his words were, and seemed like as good a leader as they could hope for to her. Straightening her shoulders, Karst smiled and, after a small hesitation, pecked him on the cheek. "Thanks." she said softly as she turned in a whirl of coat, hair and tail to go meet the others where they were on the steps, leaving Martin to stand there in mild bewilderment.
"Did she just.. kiss me?" he asked softly, then smiled and chuckled, continuing up the steps to the temple.
Down at the end of the stairs, Karst spotted one thing immediately, and that was frost on Odeen's snout scales. Yanking her gauntlets off and stuffing them in her pockets, Karst walked up to him, grabbed his snout in one hand and ran the other over the top of it. The frost came off on her hand and she noticed how cold his scales were to the touch. "You're frosting over again. Get inside and I'll make you some warm tea so you don't--" she stopped and grabbed her face, sneezing three times into her hands before sniffing and wiping them on her coat, "Get sick like me. Ungh. C'mon."
Grabbing the sleeve of the alchemist's robe, Karst veritably dragged him up the steps to the front door, tossed him into a chair and plodded off to boil water. Zant sat down across from him with a laugh and smile. "Commanding, ain't she?" he asked with amusemant.