ooc: Is something going down in Illusionary's little world or somethin'? I haven't seen her about lately, like.. at all.

ic: Karst didn't think about it, really, when Odeen took her hand in both of his. She just squeezed back gratefully, grateful for the contact, grateful for the company, and most of all, grateful for the fact that someone actually cared. She knew a lot of people cared now -Iris, Miranie, Serena, Odeen, Zant, Martin and, hell, even Vivian who she'd thought hated her until a couple days ago- but her mind was still used to the world as she'd known it for the last seven years. She was used to being hated, scorned and abused, the proverbial dirt on the bottom of the guards' boots that they loved to walk and spit on. Being cared about and..
loved, even.. still felt alien to her.
For a moment, she thought about this and smiled at her relative turn of fortune, but Karst being Karst
and being depressed already, had to throw some cynicism into it.
Out of the cage and into the fire. I've traded hate and abuse for danger and chaos. Is this really better than prison?Then, she looked down at the cold, ash-scaled fingers that held her right hand and instantly had her answer.
Hell yes it is. I can live and die a free woman, every injury I incur is in combat, fighting for a purpose, for saving lives, not the pointless violence of the Arena or the meaningless torture of the Chain Room. I have friends, family, support. People actually give a [censored] whether or not I'm still breathing come tomorrow morning. This beats the hell out of prison a thousand times over. Glancing up at Odeen's face, she smiled a tiny, weak smile, the best she could muster at the moment, but she felt better.
People love me here. Why, I'll never know, but they do.And without really thinking, she leaned over and hugged Odeen, gripping his hand even as he let go. Closing her eyes, Karst sniffed and let out a little cry, something about halfway between a laugh and a sob, then squeezed him harder. "I dunno what I'd do without y'all here to help me." she said, her voice quivering with unshed tears, but sounding happy despite, "I just wish there was something I could do for every freakin' one of you to pay ya back for it all.." Karst sniffed and laughed softly, "You're awful hard to shop for."
_______ooc: Ooh! Frank post! ^_^
And yeah, I got ya, Sib. It's 9PM here and I've been runnin' on nothing but coffee and music all day.
ic: Zant took all of what Vivian said in, a contemplative look on his semi-feline face. Behind the crystal of his eyes, a shadow flickered past, just momentarily, at the mention of young, promising people who'd died.
Khassie.. she had dreams and plans.. we both did. And she was barely older than Karst when they killed her, twenty-six years old.Vivian didn't know how much Zant sympathized with him. The death, the dysfunction, the infighting, and Karst being all secretive about something that so obviously was ripping her apart inside, it was all starting to really piss him off. The Khajiit didn't really give a rat's ass about heroics or even being given credit like some of the others, though. All he wanted to do was make sure as few people lost loved ones as possible.
"The hell with heroism, Vivian, we just need to get our crap together so we can
fight the bastards." Zant finally said at the end of it all, "I'm trying to see if I can help Adeth learn to fight and, if she ever opens up to me, maybe I can help clear the webs from Karst's mind so she can focus again. I know I could harness that fury of hers if she'd just [censored] communicate." His frustration with his sibling was a little more obvious than he'd meant it to be, and Zant sighed at this realization, lowering his voice in mild shame. "I'm sorry, it just.. it kills me to see her suffer like this and feel so helpless."
Straightening up, Zant continued in a more steady tone. "Maybe we just need to grab them by their proverbial balls and tell 'em what to do." he suggested, then shrugged, "Some of them might get pissy, but people need discipline. If not set straight, they just veer further off course until.. well.. this happens. Personally, I think we all need to get to know one another better, so that every one of us knows where each of us excels and where each of us falls short, and let those who are good at the shortcomings fill in those holes. That's how armies do it. I'm not sure exactly how to reign everyone in to propose this, but.. it's worth a try, don't you think?"
No sooner had Zant finished than a Khajiit came behind him and cheerily introduced himself, then offered to help. He smiled a bit.
"Yeah, we are, and we sure as hell can use some extra help. So, what can you do, Do'Rhadi? We can't make use of ya if we don't know what you're good at." his tone was friendly, if curt, but he hoped the Khajiit wouldn't mind.