ooc: It's the Crap Post Trilogy!

And yeah, black market inspiration is never any good..
ic: Watching Tim go, Melanarde felt like a proud mother, watching her kid go off to school for the first time. She didn't know why, after all she'd just met the kid, but the elf felt connected to the human child somehow.
I've never had a sidekick before. She laughed in her head.
I just hope we really can find him an archery trainer around here.. The locals seem more into axes than bow.Shrugging, the elven mercenary opened the door and walked back inside in time to see the Imperial waking up. Xerxes had poured water on him, but it didn't seem to be doing much, so she walked over and jabbed him roughly in the ribs with her boiled leather boot. "Wake up and talk." She commanded him, "Or the next place I kick you will be further south."
_______Karst had fully expected a thwack on the side of the head or a glare for her commentary, but instead Veyar played along with it.
"Aye, sounds like a good idea to me, Karst. We do take slaves back home in Morrowind, after all." He said, and Karst giggled once more. "I've been looking for another slave to wash my undergarments for me. He's got no meat on his bones, but I think he'll do nicely."
"I think so, too. And hey, if you get promoted, maybe you'll get to wash
my undergarments." Karst laughed, then heard the bit about the fine. "Oh, I don't think he can pay that. He'll just have to work it off through years of ass-kissing and hard labor."
"Wha'?! It's wrong to keep slaves, that's why the ban was actioned." The man countered with odd calm. Maybe he was onto the joke.
"I'd rather have you as a slave than have you pay with stolen money." Adeth interjected, and Karst laughed again.
Well, that's hypocrisy at it's finest, ain't it?The man glared at Adeth, then knelt and began going through his pack. "Well if its a fine I must pay I may be able to make a trade.. let's see.."
"If ya got any skooma or liquor, I'll take that as part." Karst suggested, only half joking.
If Veyar didn't thwack me for the slave joke, he'll do it for that, I'm sure.. Karst thought, but shrugged mentally,
But then again, if it nets me some free vices, it'll be worth it._______ooc: It seems as though I must do my duty and RP the forester. C'mere, Paulus, I'll be gentle. *grabs Legionnaire by the scruff*
ic: As he made his way towards the entrance to the Temple, Paulus grumbled. A couple of the Blades had been bickering at him for 'stealing their job' and told him to 'go back to the forest where he belonged.'
Lazy fools, if they don't want me doing their job as guardians of the Emperor, maybe they should try doing it themselves! All they do is sit around the Temple, maybe stand watch now and then, then come in and whine about the cold. I've spent a week in the snow before, with no shelter but the trees! What're they complaining about? Nobody appreciates us men of the Legion..In his fuming, the forester hadn't noticed which doors he was going through and when he came out into the cold from the west wing door, it almost startled him. At seeing Iris and Viuven standing there already, though, he smiled.
Well, okay, not nobody, but not many either. But some is better than none, right? The Imperial thought as he walked up to the Argonian and Dunmer.
"Good to see you, Iris and.. um.." He closed his eyes a moment, then sighed and looked up at the reptilian man. "Forgive me, sir, but I seem to have forgotten your name.. Where's Adeth, by the way? Wasn't he coming?"