» Fri May 27, 2011 10:39 am
Bleck! I dissapear for a few days and totally lose track of everything! How's a guy suposed to join a fun-llloking RP if he can only see from the middle of it? well, enough of me being a carbon copy of my crotchty gramps. Here's my charsheet, if it's not too late:
Name: Rys
Age: Thirty
Race: Breton
six: Male
Class: Rogue
Class Focus: Combat
Primary Attributes: Personality, Speed
Major Skills:
Light Armor
Birthsign: The Thief
General Appearance: Suave and smooth all the way. A big chin and defined cheekbones, with a straight nose. Slicked-back dark reddish-brown hair. Middling tall, but not remarkably so for his race, dark brown eyes.
Tattoos/Scars: white scar across the palm of his hand, no tattoos
Apparel Worn Most Often: Blue & Green Outfit, russet felt shoes
Apparel worn least often: Prisoner outfit
Weapons: Steel longsword
Spells: Pacification, Alluring Gaze, Command Humanoid, Starlight, Eyes of Eventide
Mental Description: Sarcastic and decietful, the definition of rogue. However, he occasionally does make fast friends. When he does, he is mind-bogglingly loyal. However, for the average observer he is simply a charming ne'er-do-well who falls afoul of the guards a little too often for comfort.
Brief History:
He became a rogue out of neccessity. He truly does wish to be a legitimate businessman, but the conniving Imperial monoplies like the EEC were and are too ruthless for his taste. So, he did odd jobs, mostly legal, moving gradually farther and farther south until he settled in Cyrodiil. However, as time passed less and less of his work was legal as more and more of the legitimate businesses were disturbingly cutthroat. Be that as it may, as far as rogues go he is not the best, and has spent several stints in prisons. Oftentimes in places that know him the guards don't even bother arresting him anymore, they just rough him up a little. As it stands he is living and learning, journeying around Cyrodiil to see where he can go.
Well, I gess I'll try and make a coherent intro. Damn I'm not used to joining RPs midrun. If it winds up that it's too late, just tell me and I'll bow out.
Bruma Streets
Rys didn't want any more to drink.
He already was tipsy, and if he got in any more trouble then the guards would be very upset. Be that as it may, he didn't hurt quite as bad. Such paradoxes as these always fill my thoughts when I impair them. He thought. That was usually because he drank after being beaten up, and rarely otherwise.
As often happened when he entered a town, despite his totally legal status, the guards had brought him to a back alley, informed him that they knew of his reputation, then proceded to beat him up with the warning that he stay out of trouble or the cnsequences would be dire. It was nothing he hadn't seen before, but he was getting pretty well sick of it. That was why he was there.
He was doing various gainful jobs that were perfectly within the sphere of legality. Despite this, he hadn't done quite enough to convince people that his infamy was no longer deserved. Ah, well, he sighed to himself, such is the plight of such honest men as myself, I suppose.
As he had no desire to further hamper his ability to walk, he didn't head towards the taphouses. He instead decided to head up further towards the castle, missed a step, and landed face-first in the snow.
"This is not a good day!" He muttered to himself as he pulled himself up.