This RP is about the Oblivion Main Quest, though some things may be done differently from the game. One quest usually lasts one or two threads. You can come in when you get the chance to meet the group or my char, and some may come through subplots such as in an Oblivion gate. All the gates to Oblivion will have a Subplot and if you have ideas feel free to pm me.
We use, spoilers for those who want to search some places themselves.
"I was born 87 years ago. For 65 years I've ruled as Tamriel's Emperor. But for all these years I've never been the ruler of my own dreams. I have seen the gates of Oblivion, beyond which no waking eye may see. Behold! In darkness a doom sweeps the land. This is the 27th of Last Seed, the year of Akatosh 433. These are the closing days of the Third Era... and the final hours... of my life." - Emperor Uriel Septim VII
The killing of the emperor's sons caused the emperor to flee, he and his blades went through a prison cell and there was a prisoner the emperor recognized as the man in his dreams. They fled and left the prisoner after a fight with the assassins. The prisoner departed from the emperor and his guards after that he continued through the caves until he found the emperor again. They moved on until they came to a dead end, where the emperor was killed. Before his death the emperor trusted the prisoner with the amulet of kings. The prisoner escaped further in to the sewers and found his way out. He had a purpose now, he liked it or not. He was to take the amulet to the grandmaster of the blades named Jauffre.
Rules for the RP:
1) No character control
2) No mind reading
3) No all knowing characters
4) Be Realistic
5) No werewolves or special chars
6) Normal rp rules
7) Romances are welcome, keep it clean for the children
8) Max 2 chars, if the other one of them is from the game, tell me
9) I am lord and master of this RP if i say that martin became a running pig because you ate a sandwich then he will...
10) Please PM the sheets to Adeth before posting. (now joining comes with recommendations from the other rpers. or adeth's choice.)
11) Have fun
use the sheets provided here
Eye Color:
Hair Style:
Skin Color:
Class Focus:
Major Skills:
General Appearance:
Apparel Worn Most Often:
Apparel worn least often:
Mental Description:
Brief History:
Adeth's char:
Name: Adeth
Gender: Male
Race: Imperial
Age: mid twenties
Height: 6ft
Eye Color: dark blue
Hair Style: black medium length rogue knot
Skin Color: lightly tanned
Class: Thief
Class Focus: Stealth
Major Skills:
hand to hand
General Appearance: or muscular in a way an acrobat would be.
Tattoos/Scars: none
Apparel Worn Most Often: dark hood with a cape, dark shirt, matching pants and boots
Apparel worn least often: prisoner clothing
Weapons: steel dagger
Spells: moonshadow, open easy lock
Mental Description: kind to the poor and his friends, a bit paranoid towards strangers
optional Brief History: adeth has been a petty thief for most of his life, he once got caught and put to prison.
Recent Events:
As part of my 'improving the crap I wrote when I was a noob' program, I've finally gotten off my ass and revamped my sheets, bringing Zant and Karst's profiles up to standard with the rest of my work. As my oldest and most beloved furballs, I think they deserved it. Still working on Zant, but here's Karst in the meantime. Also, a warm welcome to Melanarde, my replacement wench while Karst deals with her crazy.

Name: Karstine Maranay Zeterra
Gender: Female
Race: Dunmer/White Khajiit [Heavy on the Khajiit]
Age: 23
Birthsign: The Thief
Birthdate: 17th of Evening Star, 3E 409
Class: Vagabond
Class Focus: Stealth
Major Skills: Sneak, Light Armor, Security, Marksman, Short Blade
Minor Skills: Alchemy, Acrobatics, Restoration, Unarmored, Athletics
Eyes: Emerald Green
Hair: Blood colored, comes to just below shoulders. Ends are singed.
Skin Color: Snow white with quarter inch long white fur. Fur has black striping on her sides and the outsides of her arms and legs. Also, the tip of her tail is black.
Height: 5' 6"
Build: Slender, with stringy muscles.
General Description: Karstine is, in a sentence, a small but pretty young Khajiiti woman. She has stark white skin and similarly colored fur with black striping on her sides, arms and legs, alongside a pair of sparkling emerald colored eyes, all attributes from her mother. From her father's elven lineage, Karst has blood colored hair and a soft elven face, as apposed to the usual feline snout that her mother bore.
In body, she is somewhat curvy, though what beauty she has is a warrior's beauty rather than a maiden's; her arms, legs and stomach have stringy-yet-strong muscles under them and there's not an ounce of fat on her body. Her hands are scarred but otherwise delicate looking, her fingers oddly long for the size of the rest of her, and her toes, while human in appearance, bear little claws on the ends of them.
Karst's soft face often bears a look of determination, making her otherwise cute features look somewhat sinister. Like her hair, her eyebrows are a deep crimson, a drastic contrast to the snowy fur, and her eyes themselves are slightly slanted inwards, almond shaped with long eyelashes and highly expressive. Like most Khajiit, her ears and tail are easily noticeable indicators of her mood at most times and her movements are graceful and smooth. Unlike most Khajiit, though, her voice is that of an elven woman, with only traces of her Khajiiti blood audible when she speaks.
Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: Many small whip scars along her back from mistreatment in the Imperial prisons, a scar from a stab wound just under her collar bone, a gold, jeweled ring (the type you wear on your finger) in the base of her left ear (which is hidden under her hair normally), and a small tattoo of her name in Daedric between her shoulder blades.
Clothes: Corset style red and black shirt [slightly revealing], loose brown pants, long black leather strapped boots when unarmored, long form-fitting black trenchcoat [worn unbuttoned and open].
Armor: Black Adamantium boots, Dark Brotherhood gauntlets, pauldrons and greaves, fitted mithril cuirass.
Pack [main pocket]: Various assorted types of arrows (ten or less arrows total), spare steel short blade, 2 healing potions from Odeen, sack with 2263 gold from the Arena, her spare armor parts.
Pack [secondary pocket]: 2 Standard Restore Health potions, and 2 empty flin bottles, 2 loaves of bread, blanket, old black shirt with several cuts in it, pair of long silk gloves, loose black pants and ruffled skirt with purple lace trim on the bottom.
Pouch [right hip]: Purse with 125 gold, Zanna's burnt necklace and her pouch of 400 gold, two random rings, 8 lockpicks, small canister of stolen tobacco.
Other: Emerald necklace given to her by her mother which protects from disease around neck, silver dagger tucked in between self and pants on left hip.
Weapons: Steel Longbow, Enchanted steel blade [shock enchantment], Dremora Shortsword, claws.
Magic: Mara's Kiss [restore health, can be used on others as well as self], Flash Bolt [mid-level shock spell, cast on target], Wind's Companion [invisibility 65 secs on self. This uses up enough of her magicka she cannot cast anything else for at least a couple minutes], Dead Bolt [lock 30pts/add easy lock on target], Trespass [open level 50/average lock on touch]
History: Karst was born in Elsweyr, a product of an unlikely love between a Khajiiti wise woman and a Dunmeri man who was taken into the tribe after being rescued from the desert. Until the age of three, she was cared for and nurtured both by her mother and father, but also by her elder brother. When her brother left after his fifteenth birthday, she clung to her mother and father most of the time as the other kittens in the tribe picked on her for being a half-breed.
Another two and a half years passed in relative peace, Karst burying her little nose in the various documents that the tribe kept to pass most of her time. Sadly, as later turned out to often be the case for her, the simple happiness didn't last. Her mother fell ill with an odd curse and, over the next seven months, died a very slow and painful death. Her father held on another year despite his grief, trying to raise his daughter, but he could only go on so long. Karst's father died in his sleep one night and left her horribly alone in the world.
She lived an uneasy and bothered life in the tribe until she turned eleven. An incident with an older boy left her guilty of slaying one of her fellows and, despite the killing being in self-defense, it was a perfect excuse for the elders to do what they'd been itching to do for years: get rid of her. Karst was thrown out with only a week's supplies, exiled for merely defending herself.
Her life didn't go much better from then on, either. After a few failed relationships as a wanderer, Karst was taken in by, and subsequently found love in a Dunmeri nobleman in a small town in northern Elsweyr. Again, though she spent many a happy day and night with the man over the following year, it didn't last. Angered by such a respected and powerful member of their community not only romancing a Khajiit, but one of no noble blood or deed, the villagers rose up and stormed the manor at night. The next morning, Karst was forced to endure the sight of her love being publicly executed and, for fear of being killed herself, fled.
Heading north over the next few years, she viciously slaughtered bandits and highwaymen to vent her pain until coming to the town of Skingrad. She lived there for a month or so before a nobleman who she'd frequently stolen food from decided it'd be better to pay off the guards to harass her than to have her arrested. After a month, she snapped. One night, Karst picked the lock to the manor as she'd done before, but instead of stealing from him, she marched up to the bedroom and robbed him at dagger point.
Or at least she tried to.
The man spun around and disarmed her with a twist of her wrist, grabbed her dagger as it fell and rammed it into her collar. Though she remembers nothing after that point, the guards have told her they found her passed out in the manor, the only one alive. Even the servants were dead. Since then, she has been imprisoned in the Imperial City Prisons, where her sharp tongue, stubbornness and violent outbursts have made her a good deal of enemies, many of whom have done unspeakable things to her in return. Over the past seven years, Karst fought in the Arena to vent her anger at her captors and keep up her combat practice. Though she was forced to give up most of her winnings to the Legion, the only reason they agreed to allow her this small luxury in the first place, it offered her a chance to escape and breathe fresh air for a while, so she gladly welcomed it.
For reasons unknown, a mere couple months before the assassination of Uriel Septim VII, she was released, supposedly on the Emperor's orders, to go to Morrowind. From what she knew of it, Morrowind was a place she didn't exactly want to go, so when bandits attacked the Legion-guarded carriage that was transporting her, she fled to Kvatch where she lived until the beginning of the Oblivion Invasion.
Personality: Under normal circumstances, Karst is playful, energetic, carefree and witty. She boasts a strong will, a twisted and somewhat dark sense of humor and rather striking lack of physical shame. Karst is naturally tolerant of pain, able to endure amounts of it that would make most folk black out, a skilled marksman and swordswoman, excellent sneak and an extremely compassionate person to those who she thinks deserve it.
On the other side of the coin, Karst has problems with her temper and often speaks her mind when it'd be far better to be quiet. Displays of blatant arrogance and (what she views as) misuse of authority often garner fiery and violent reactions from the small woman. Though highly intelligent and quick-witted, she often does irrational and even incredibly stupid things in anger. She has a serious lack of confidence in herself in almost every way, is a frequent alcoholic and has a habit of judging people severely by first impression.
However, her biggest weakness by far is her emotions. At the best of times, she is subject to mood swings and broods sometimes for days after being angered. At the worst of times, she is manic-depressive and sometimes even suicidal. Despite all her weaknesses, though, Karst is a kindred woman and, if one earns her trust, a fiercely loyal friend.
Other Traits/Oddities:
- Despises arrogance.
- Enjoys pulling pranks.
- Drinks when depressed.
- Copes with certain kinds of trauma by masking it with humor. This sometimes leads to jokes at very inappropriate times.
- Karst's manner of movement is eccentric; the way she walks seems exaggerated and she occasionally makes odd hand gestures when talking.
- Her fingers are slightly longer than most humanoid creatures her age by about half an inch.
Misc Skills [Non-Combat]:
- Is a good cook, but never admits to it when complemented.
- Can be persuasive if need be, though she never claims to be smooth about it.
- Is good at creating medicines from raw ingredients, a skill she leaned from her mother when she was young.
- Has psychic potential that she cannot harness. Though she knows and accepts that she has it, the only use she currently has for it is the sort of sixth sense that it grants her, allowing her to sense and feel the emotions of those near her. This can often be as much a curse as it is a blessing, however.
Name: Melanarde Annabell Dorayn
Nickname: Mel, Melani
Gender: Female
Race: Altmer/Dunmer [leans towards Altmer]
Age: 131 [looks 25-30, but is more equivalent to 45]
Class: Fire Adept
Class Focus: Magic
Major Skills: Light Armor, Destruction, Alteration, Unarmored, Long Blade
Minor Skills: Speechcraft, Enchant, Alchemy, Athletics, Mercantile
Birthsign: The Lady
Eyes: Red
Hair: Blond and Orange mixed, worn either loosely or in a ponytail. Comes to mid-back.
Skin Color: Pale Orangish-Yellow
Height: 6' 1"
Build: Moderately muscular, but still looks distinctly feminine. Her actual feminine features; the curve of her waist and size of her briasts, are not very substantial, though.
General Description: Melanarde is an elegant sight to behold; her silken clothing flows around her when she moves, occasionally shining in the light, her steps are light and graceful and her movements are fluid as water. Her voice is soft but firm, not commanding, but speaking of someone who expects you to listen to her, she has an exquisite vocabulary and a twinge of obsessive-compulsive disorder.
However, if you look more closely, you'll see she is not your average noblewoman. A glint of silver at the top of her blouse indicates the armored corset she wears, and her body is well-toned and muscled. Under the skirt, mail greaves and a knife slipped into her garter are worn over her strong, nimble legs. The clothes on the outside hide the warrior she truly is.
Primary Clothing: Long, layered silk skirt of various shades of orange, Orange silk blouse with ruffled sleeves, reinforced with leather in the chest, brown leather heeled boots. All have charms on them that make them fireproof.
Tattoo/Scars/Piercings: Elaborate fire tattoo running from her shoulder, wrapping around her arm and coming to her fingertips on left arm, many small burn scars all over her body, small gold navel ring.
Armor: Mithril mail corset worn as underwear, covers chest and torso, greaves of same material and occasionally worn Elven plate gauntlets.
[Pockets]: Embroidered orange handkerchief,
[Medium-sized Travel Pack]: Folded blanket, one week's worth of food, jug of rum, purse of 963 septims, various personal effects.
Weapons: Daedric Longsword sheathed at hip in similar design to Daedric Shortswords encountered in Morrowind, silver dagger slipped into her garter under her skirt.
Magic: Fire spells of all makes and ranges, flame-based healing spells that she created, various Alteration spells.
History: Melanarde is the child of Elanende and Vedalamus Dorayn, her mother an Altmer, her father a Dunmer. Because of this, she was born with very potent magickal potential and natural resistance to flames.
Her parents were not wed when she was born on the twenty-seventh of Evening Star in the middle of a rainstorm in the basemant of the Bruma Mage's Guild, but the mages that delivered her and helped her mother through labor swore not to tell anyone about this fact for the shame and humiliation it would bring to both parents and child.
Growing up, she usually lived in the Guild hall, spending most of her time as a little girl wrapped up in a blanket, reading by the fire. Through her reading, she gained a vast vocabulary by the age of fifteen and sometimes even had to explain her words to a few of the older mages. She wrote poetry and small stories that entertained and delighted even the most callus of men and she was a sweet, if somewhat bossy, young woman. Due to an unknown flip side of her fire resistance, though, the chill of Bruma often landed her in bed with colds.
As she grew older, her parents and their friends in the Guild trained her, and she took quickly to the schools of Destruction and Alteration, mastering many fire and lock altering spells, and a frost shield spell to keep her out of the sick bed, by the age of twenty-two. She continued her literary studies, poetry and writing as she got older, but her parents worried about the somewhat violent nature of some of her works. She developed an unhealthy fascination with fire as well, and would sometimes be heard screaming as she ripped off a flaming piece of clothing.
At forty-three years of age, she finally left Bruma and her parents, saying it was simply too cold for her, and moved to Skingrad, buying a small home just outside town with the money she'd saved from odd jobs done for the Guild and got a job as a bartender in the local tavern to pay for her own food and clothing.
After a year, she could no longer take the jeering and flirting of drunken tavern goers, though, and took up the blade, taking on freelance quests from, ironically, many of the same people she wanted to get away from in the tavern. After several years of success, she had a manor built in town with her earnings. When she met the count to arrange it, he was taken by her beauty, and as his own wife had been comatose for years, wanted company. He agreed on the terms that she spend dinner him. As they ate later that night, he told her of what had happened to him and how he had become a vampire and gave her an amulet enchanted to protect against Porphyric Hemophilia, saying he could never let such a thing happen to such a pretty woman. He also offered her a position clearing out vampires from nearby caves since the vampire hunters asked too many questions for his liking. Flattered by the treatment he gave her, she agreed, and over the years they occasionally spent and intimate night or two together. She cared for him, but despite sleeping with him, never fell in love with him. Janus, on the other hand, was mad over her.
Being the count's employee and bedmate came with its fair share of bonuses as well; she was given a daedric longsword he'd been keeping as a collectible and was made mithril armor that could fit easily and comfortably under her clothes, specially fitted to her body, and often wears the armored corset as underwear despite the coldness of the metal. In her free time, she studies the workings of fire magicka, and has, through many years of literally painful research, manged to make her body and clothes fireproof, and develop healing methods using flame energies. One side-effect of this, however, is that she gets sick from cold very easily and must keep warm at all times. Later, in boredom, she also got herself an elaborate tattoo on her left arm of flames, and pierced her navel.
Personality: In business and to those she doesn't know, she is manipulative, often insulting, and very self-centered. She will do about anything to get her way and always makes sure she gets the most out of deals, even if she has to do things that are less than morally sound to get them. She rarely gets angry, but uses taunts and insults freely with those she dislikes.
To friends, though, she is witty, cracks jokes, and is very relaxed and casual. Those who she invites into her home receive the finest of hospitality and are given nearly full access to all the commodities of her house, including her magickally heated and run shower and bath and are often served meals during their stays.
On her own, she often shuns clothing altogether and relaxes either in the bath with a book or someplace near [or in] the fireplace. She makes it no secret that she does this, however, and occasionally even answers her door completely nvde or in thin nightclothes or undergarments, or leaves a note on the door for people she's expecting to come in while she's in the shower. Some think she gets a sort of twisted joy out of the shock on people's faces when she does this, and they are most definitely correct.
When out in the community, she often spends time reading in the sun on harasses the churchgoers. On occasion, she stops by the tavern for a glass of rum.
Other Traits/Oddities:
- Obsessed with having her things neat and arranged
- Flesh and hair are immune to burning; sometimes relaxes in her fireplace
- Can be very blunt and insensitive at times, but at others is compassionate to a fault
- Often rash and impulsive, occasionally to the point of arrogance
- Is a totally different person once you know her than she is when conducting business
- Obsessed with fire
- Flesh, clothes and hair often smell faintly of burnt wood due to her habit of 'fire bathing'
- Extremely vulnerable to cold
Misc Skills [non-combat]:
- Exquisite cook; she's made meals for the count himself before
- Can use magicka to repair broken items. Cannot restore missing parts or sharpen weapons, however
- Persuasive, though not exactly smooth about it
- Makes perfume out of herbs for herself
ooc: Post to come for Melanarde soonishly. Like, in twenty minutes..