» Tue Dec 29, 2009 12:24 pm
Chapter 4 Part 3
Andrew woke to the sounds of falling metal scraping against the door of the panic room. He rose slowly and managed to rise to his knees, he felt the beating of his heart in his chest, he didn't like the way it started beating in odd fashions. Straying from the typical thump-thump to a thump-de-thump-thump-da-thump. He started remembering what had happened and he slowly started to rise to his feet, trying to find the energy to get out of this confined area.
After 5 minutes of pain and hardship, Andrew finally rose to his feet, he took a step and nearly fell to the ground again, he immediately took all of his weight off that foot and into the other one. He winced at the feeling of his right foot, but it wasn't terrible like his left. He slowly limped his way to the door, he entered in his name and he scanned his eye, slowly the door opened and Andrew saw the carnage his failsafe had caused to his home, his sanctuary.
He could see the sky of the Wastelands, with bits of shrapnel flying all through the air at amazing speeds, how they were still there, Andrew wouldn't have guessed. He looked around in the small area that had been his control room and he found what he was looking for, John, he walked over to the piece of armor that looked like a leg. He moved over and he started slowly shifting all the wreckage until he could get a full view on the whole body, Andrew gasped.
John's body was moving up and down, slowly, but surely.
Andrew looked at John's head, amazed that it still looked human-like, the armor looked completely fine, without a scratch or any other mark. John's head had burn marks all over it, making it impossible to tell what he'd looked like before he came to Andrew's home. Blood was pouring from a cut on his forehead, making his face look dark and stained, but still, not ugly. Andrew nudged the man, suddenly, his eyes shot open and John stared Andrew down, he fell into a kneeling position.
John opened his mouth and rasped out, "This armor is a curse, I can't die... God, I can't die! Kill me Andrew, kill me, crush my head, do something, do it so that I ca-" John got cut off, going into a giant coughing fit. Andrew rose slowly, he moved off to his store room, which had closed itself off when the Failsafe had been activiated. He pulled out a simple weapon, a Super Sledge, he smiled at the thought of it being classed as a simple weapon.
He walked over to John and he smiled as soon as he saw the weapon, he closed his eyes and said his last words, "Goodbye Andrew, take my armor after you've taken my life, I thank you with all my heart for doing this. Tell everyone you meet, that John, the Lone Wanderer, is sorry for all that he did and he's paid his price." He kept his eyes closed and Andrew shuddered, he brought up the giant weapon and he brought it down on the man's head, he heard an ear splitting crack.
Andrew fell to the ground from the weight of the giant weapon, he fell into a blissful slumber.
11 hours later
Andrew woke to light, the light of early morning. He yawned and looked at the body next to him, he grimaced and he got up swiftly, forgetting about his leg. He yelped in pain and clutched at the broken limb, growling, he stumbled over to his supply room and injected himself with as many meds as he could at the time. He then limped over to the corpse of the Lone Wanderer, he pressed a button hidden on the armor, causing the shell to hiss as it opened, he pealed it off the man.
He placed on the interface suit that John had been wearing, he then took a breath as he placed the armor over him, it hissed as it connected to the suit, monitoring his body. It started injecting meds into his leg, it felt great within a split second, which surprised Andrew. He didn't know what to do, so he returned to the supply room to gather everything he could, little did he know, he was being watched.
The man stood on the edge of the crater, watching as this fool put on the armor, his whole squad killed by the blast and himself mortally wounded. He slipped into the crater and started to make his way towards the man...