Yet I bet you still shoot at them instead of taking them up close with Melee weapons.
Nope didn't learn anything, went there with a mission, came out a success, claimed victory over the Long 15, laughed in the faces of all the NCR I laid to waste with the press of a button. I felt rather powerful actually.
Nope, I fight Legion Assassin's with Gehenna, my fiery sword of justice - while they SHOOT at me, I must point out!
Wow, pressing a button made you powerful... what a man!

LOL =p
Yes,we humans have launched enough nuclear warheads to destroy the world! And we survived. I think we can survive two more.
and two more, and another two, and hell why not four more, while you are at it... LOL *rolls eyes*
I cant believe im saying this but your right. The world has been nuked before, and what happened was devestated, but the NCR need to pay for their crimes, so do the Legion. Its hard to justify the nuking of them, but in my new playthrough (just started, in primm right now) i will consider it.
Woah R.J.! I'm pleasantly surprised to see that you are going to at least consider the other option.

The Apocalypse. I can't have the NCR or The Legion harassing my completely independent citizens with ideal promises now.
Yea, what the hell, just blow 'em all to pieces. Who cares if you cut off supply lines or maybe a husband of wife that might be married to one of your citizens... =p
OK people, I know it's a game, but I try to consider my actions as if they mattered. New Vegas is an amazing game and I love that your actions have major consequences, so yea, I will carefully consider the path I choose. But, I'm mostly pulling your legs here, when I don't agree with you! No flaming intended. It's all in good fun.