I will just agree to disagree. I should reiterate.. it is a tatical decision. I just feel like it isn't the wisest decision
No but it is the safest.
It isn't tactical if you are in the independent path. You kinda need the money (trade) from both factions to make your newly conquered land prosperous.
No you dont need the money from both factions. You get money from NCR and the Legion keep NCR at bay. Still i dont trust NCR and Legion have to pay for their crimes so i nuke them. Its simple. If i really want Vegas to be Indy i gotta cut the head of the guys that are preventing it, beside i aint destroying all of NCR or Legion so chances are they will reduce the number of mutants that appear in the aftermath.
However, if the NCR did win, and it did become their problem, you still have radiation to cut through and it could damage the landscape forever. Plus you are damning a bunch of traders, granted other civilian causualities may be minimal since everybody is enveloped into the Legion. I guess I don't have the nerve to condem such a fate on others. I would be better as Follow of the A, even though I believe their belief of anarchy is folly.
My opinion is you are ignorant of the situation, who the hell cares if a little piece of land gets damaged, its not like it will [censored] things up for everyone. Legion get [censored], NCR gain from the Legion casulties. Tactics, you better learn something from them, and if you are supposed to survive a apocalypse its not that good to be too good hearted and deny killing bad people just cause some innocent might die, although i would want to avoid that.
And its a game. you seriously dont have the nerve to nuke a Legion Outpost in Arizona in a video game? thats just wierd.