With all the ungrateful whiner topics floating around out there complaing about everything imaginable I just wanted to make a thread saying how much I appreciate all the hard work that Obsidian has put into this game. In all honesty I can say that Fallout New Vegas is probably one of the top two or three games I've ever played and if it wasn't for some unfortunately bad luck with working out some bugs it would, in my opinion anyway, be a top canadite for game of the year. Just the deph that was put into the individual quests in the game and the attention to detail was second to none in any game I've played in awhile, and as good as all the dlc's were on their own they were made even better having the story of Ulysess always there in the background, and the climix to the whole thing with Lonesome Road was just plain awesome.
You guys have definitely listened to a lot of the fans on this one and it show in the way you designed the features in the game, so in all seriousness thank you to everybody that worked on this game from J.E. Sawyer on down, its definitely been a treat getting to play it.
Finally, a positive thread
I agree completely, my experience with New Vegas is one that I will never forget, it was a memorable game with memorable characters. So, thank you, to everyone who worked on the game, it has been a great year for the fallout series.