» Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:34 am
Velorien, I think you are missing the point; everyone has a different opinion on how they feel about the main story. Trying to justify that with your opinion seems as if you are trying to get people to see it your way and only your way. In addition, using the line “This must be your first Elder of the Scrolls” game is invalid to such a topic because you not need to play other Elder games in order to express your opinion about something.
Getting on the topic at hand, the main story was very different from how awesome Oblivion’s story was. OK, great we get to fight dragons, cool, but that is about it. The main story talks about the Dragon, The World Eater who wants to, well destroy the world and have dragons lead once again. The start of the story was very strong, a dragon attacking Helga and then after it that it just sort feel in the realm of “Eh, I guess I’ll help you.” However, I found the back history with the Greybeards interesting and the training too.
With Oblivion the Mythic Dawn were always trying to get one-step ahead of your hero and the empire and sometimes they did succeed. In Skyrim nothing really happens, you get a random attack from a dragon out in the wild (most of the time) which in no way is hurting the populace. In Oblivion, you were constantly trying to save towns and people from the Oblivion Gates and the Mythic Dawn. It literally felt like a rat race wondering if you were going to win.
In Skyrim the main baddie has a chance to spring up and attack you at any moment, but you only see him threaten the people at the start of the quest. Then you see him once more later on (and maybe if you are lucky again). What is he doing? Here is a dragon wanting to swallow the world and he is off somewhere doing what? Having tea and cookies?
The Greybeards send you off to a dungeon to retrieve a Horn of whatever. You get there and find out someone has already taken it. Um, excuse me? Is there a backdoor to this place? Because I was under the impression the only person, who could get to the horn was a dragonborne, because of the gate puzzle.
You hook up with the Blades and you assume there here to help instead, there bickering with the Greybeards ways, complaining about how they were almost wiped out by the Thalmor and decide to use you as a tool for their revenge. Now I would be pretty mad at the Thalmor too. But going off to their Embassy was pointless, it felt more of “Well, we need to squeeze the Thalmor in the story, let’s add in a filler quest.” I also think adding in the Dragon Priests to the main story would have been really interesting.
The Thalmor want to rule Tamerial, they could have either been a part of the dragons coming back or joined the Alduwin’s cause. Now I will not lie, capturing a dragon in Dragonsreach was pretty cool but the end fight was sad. All you had to do is shout, sit back, sip on a margarita while the souls of Sovenguard did the job for you.
Everyone says no one even acknowledges you for saving the world. Well how is someone suppose to be acknowledge for saving the world when it did nothing to threaten them in the first place? Oh sure people hear dragons are back, but the dragons do nothing to the populace except bother your character coming to or from a place. You of course maybe lucky to see a dragon attacking one of the main towns, but that is not exactly common.
I am not expecting the main story to be exactly as Oblivion’s or close too. I do however was expecting to be on the edge of my seat wondering what was going to happen next. But it did not feel like a Main Story it felt more like a side quest and not doing it would change nothing so there would be no point.
Then let’s go back to the Blades, they have turned into a bunch of evil nasty &*$#@. They no longer listen to reason and are more of a hindrance then helpful. Making you forced to make a choice on if you should do the deed to join them for no purpose whats-so-ever or give the finger and walk away. Needless to say I gave them the finger and walked away.
The main story was no-where near the roller coaster ride I was expecting, boring, bland, far too short and pointless. Some of the side quests were more interesting and entertaining.