To be clear, to all who have complained of not wanting some random jerk entering their game and destroying their world I AM ONLY ADDRESSING AND ADVOCATING COUCH CO-OP. DROP IN, DROP OUT, COUCH CO-OP, not unlike Fable III. If you cannot stop someone who you are sitting beside in real time from ruining your world, if there is someone sitting in your living room or bedroom who is somehow anonymous and unknown to you personally. . . well then that situation has alot more problems that need working out than how your gameplay is going to be affected.
The ONLY arguments against singleplay that have any logical value are those about resource and capacity, but even these have flaws and are based largely on hypotheticals. There is no definitive proof that any future ES game (or any past one) would have any less story or graphic content for having a co-op option. Yet I can at least understand and appreciate the concerns of those who worry that the implementation of a feature that they personally do not require, might cause defeciences in other areas of Development. I deem this to be a false fear at this juncture. I am certain that even with co-op added players would still get, in terms of story, quests, customization and graphics, the exact same game they would have gotten in a singleplayer game, but with the benefit of being able to play with a friend.
HOWEVER, what I find so troublesome and frankly appalling, is that most of the naysayers are not arguing about fears of loss of quests, or graphics or options. They essentially are merely saying "we don't want the games to allow anyone to play with a friend, because we don't want to play with friends and we don't want the sanctity of the game corrupted by the possibility that someone might be able to play with a friend!" It is an argument not only illogical but EXTREMELY obnoxious.
The notion that these games can only be played properly if in a singleplayer mode is ridiculous. If story, quests, graphics and all other options are maintained, how does the ability to have a local friend drop into the game a play alongside the main character detract from anything. All those who are arguing against co-op for non tech related reasons would seem much more sensible if they said, "I don't like to play co-op, and have no personal desire for the option," And just left it at that. But to say there is no place for co-op, or that it would damage the epic nature of the game, or that it would have no value etc. etc., those arguments are fundementally flawed. They are no less obtrusive, biased and inconsiderate than if I were to say, "I only like to play as a mage, and because of this Elder S needs to stop bothering with having a bunch of stupid armour and stupid melee skills in the game, and they need to get rid of the stupid fighters guild and the assasins guild and make the Mages Guild quest way longer and have a bunch more spells, and also, I like playing as an Elf, so they need to get rid of all those other stupid race options and devote their efforts to making an even more awesome game for elf characters." That is the logic a lot of you are using, the logic of, "If I don't personally desire a game feature then it is worthless and I don't want the game to have it, even if its presence does not directly impact my playing, even if it is only an option anyway and one which I don't have to partake in, I don't want it to be an option, and all the people who would really love it and derive great pleasure from it can go to Oblivion."
I have logged as many hours in Elder Scrolls as some of the most hardcoe gamers here, at least in its Xbox incarnations. I have a score of Archmages leveled into the fifties who helm every guild in the game, and have been to every corner of traversible Tameriel and The Shivering Isles and the Oblivion realm of Dagon. I greatly enjoyed the game, but frankly, there were just too many times in the long hours of play and wandering where I felt, frankly, Lonely :shakehead: :cold: . I was adventuring through this huge, beautiful game world, but I could not share that adventure, the chill of the dungions, the wonder of the forests and enchanted places, the intrigue of the guild quests, with anyone, and I would have loved to. My game would have been so much more satisfying if a friend or relative could have joined in my explorations. The best I could do was say, "hey, look at how cool this is" to a bystander, and maybe let them borrow the controller for a minute or two. Often they wanted to join in. . . but they couldn't. It wasn't an option :banghead: :flame: . As much as I would have loved to have them as a compainion in my game world, as much as they would have loved exploring that world with me with their own choice of clothing, race, gear and spell lore, and as much AWESOME fun as we would have had adventuring through that world together and interacting with it. . . it simply was not an option. And the more I played, the more keenly aware of the absence of this option I was. All this awesome gameworld, all these awesome features, never a way to share even a moment of that experience with a friend. Elder Scrolls offers an almost real expereince of immersion in a wondrous setting. . . however much of a loner you may be, surely you must realize that most people, entering into such a world, would want to take a friend. :whisper: :foodndrink: There is HUGE value and pleasure for millions in being able to play alongside a friend through the afternoon or the dark hours in a massive, interactive, Epic game adventure. The World of Elder Scrolls is better suited to it than almost any other. Because it is so deep, and so large, and so full of lore and explorable space and quests, it would offer one of the most spectacular venues for a pair of gamers to get lost in as companions imaginable. And there is Great Value in being able to play co-op in a game like this. Maybe they won't offer it, maybe some of you would never use it if they did, but do not be so bold as to say that it is worthless, that it would somehow defile the game by its mere existence, or that it would not greatly enhance gameply and options for millions of players.
Moderator: I have removed the font color and bold after complaints that it was difficult to read. There was no need to attract attention that way, your post as it stands is sufficient.
I have also removed the final paragraph which was flamebait.