The entrance to another DLC (Probably one in LA)?

Post » Mon Aug 16, 2010 9:42 pm

it's stupid though, in terms of New Vegas. You're running around, trying to find Benny, then you get caught up in the war over hoover dam and.. oh, wait, I need to go 250 miles away to a completely unrelated place and have a vacation, all this running around the Mojave makes me wish for a nuclear winter blah blah.

I can understand you dipping into a vault under Camp Golf or wherever. I can understand you seeking out the Burned Man. I can understand you concluding your business with the other Courier. I can understand you helping RIngo take a caravan to New Canaan. (just). I can't understand you travelling all the way to LA. For what? If you were going there, it would be for good. Caesars legion are coming? Wait, I can hitch a ride in a virtibird to the beach? hell, I'm not coming back, good luck to em...

It just doesn't make sense in the New Vegas story arc. Yeah, for Fallout 4. Or Fallout 5. or Fallout: The Boneyard. But not for a dlc. Pointless even discussing it in that context

So, it makes sense to makes sense to go dawdling to have tea with the burned man, dike around in Utah with the mormons, and follow a radio signal into an obvious trap to God knows where, go wandering to The Big Empty, but going to the Boneyard to find whatever DLC could be there is just as implausible?
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 9:10 am

I could see going back to an old FO1 or FO2 place from Vegas if;

1) It was close enough to get there... (270 miles is not close enough, and I don't want/need some magic train ride through a tunnel to get me there.)

2) You can go back to the area after the questline in the DLC is finished.

3) The reason for going there actually makes sense....(You're a courier, you deliver stuff, so there can be good reasons).

4) The writing for the plot and NPCs is thought out and written well.
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Jennifer May
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Post » Mon Aug 16, 2010 8:30 pm

So, it makes sense to makes sense to go dawdling to have tea with the burned man, dike around in Utah with the mormons, and follow a radio signal into an obvious trap to God knows where, go wandering to The Big Empty, but going to the Boneyard to find whatever DLC could be there is just as implausible?


what is my motivation?

Does it assist me in getting Benny? Will it help in the final battle? Why would I go all the way to the boneyard? for what? what is there that I could possibly want?

Only 2 possible reasons for going there, kill Kimball or get more troops. I can do the first right here in Vegas, and the second isn't going to happen anyway.

(unless, as a full game, you are taking an army there to wipe out the NCR once and for all. Then I would go for it)

If I was Bethesda I would ban any talk of .. erm... "pre-Fallout 3" on these forums. It is counterproductive and pointless.
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Eileen Collinson
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Post » Mon Aug 16, 2010 10:47 pm


what is my motivation?

Does it assist me in getting Benny? Will it help in the final battle? Why would I go all the way to the boneyard? for what? what is there that I could possibly want?

Only 2 possible reasons for going there, kill Kimball or get more troops. I can do the first right here in Vegas, and the second isn't going to happen anyway.

(unless, as a full game, you are taking an army there to wipe out the NCR once and for all. Then I would go for it)

Before you talk about improbabilities. I looked up New Canaan in the Wiki, now, just to clarify, this is from the Van Buren documents, so if we go to New Canaan, it may not be there, but for now, I'll just go with the Wiki. New Canaan is set up in the ruins of Ogden Utah, according to Google maps, the shortest way to Vegas from Canaan is 458 miles. How is going up to New Canaan more plausible than the Boneyard, a 200+ mile trip? (Don't bicker that 'But that's Van Buren' this is about the only source on New Canaan we have at the moment :/ )

If I was Bethesda I would ban any talk of .. erm... "pre-Fallout 3" on these forums. It is counterproductive and pointless.

So basically you want to deny anything before Fallout 3 exists? :/
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Post » Mon Aug 16, 2010 8:45 pm

No. I just want mention of it to be in context. The reason the BOS are in the East is because of xxx... the reason there are supermutants is because of YYY... lore. Canon.

Instead all we get are these endless "FO1 was better!", "FO3 svcks!" "take us back to the boneyard!". gah...
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 12:47 pm

No. I just want mention of it to be in context. The reason the BOS are in the East is because of xxx... the reason there are supermutants is because of YYY... lore. Canon.

Instead all we get are these endless "FO1 was better!", "FO3 svcks!" "take us back to the boneyard!". gah...

I'm actually a supporter of Fallout 3 being lore, I just feel the writers kept half assing it, IE, They'd explain how X works, but they dont explain how X got there. They expalin the BoS and Enclave being there. I think lore wise, there arent alot of soldiers of the Enclave as F3 makes it appear, I think the ones at outposts and the battles are all the Enclave has. Anywho, long story :laugh:

Also, I think each Fallout has it's own unique appeal that makes it better than the other in it's own way.
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 10:57 am

yeah, we're on the same page. I just think that, Lore aside, the first two aren't Bethesda's, so constant comparison and "lets go back to" is pointless. This is a Bethesda forum, for discussion of Bethesda games. Which Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 ARE NOT. Discuss the history, please, for context sake, but leave it at that. Plenty of other Fallout fora around for discussion of the mechanics and pros and cons of the first two.

(I realise I am in a minority, and will probably be hated, but whatever. If I can't speak my mind among you lot then there is no hope for any of us lol)
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Post » Mon Aug 16, 2010 8:59 pm

The Devs did say that one DLC would be set somewhere no one expected to go in NV. Is it possible that the next one could be based in the Hub? According to the Vault it is located where barstow was. Barstow is not that far from Vegas (about 150 miles).

And besides, there was a DLC in Alaska, Pittsburg, and even Space in FO3...
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 1:37 am

The Devs did say that one DLC would be set somewhere no one expected to go in NV. Is it possible that the next one could be based in the Hub? According to the Vault it is located where barstow was. Barstow is not that far from Vegas (about 150 miles).

And besides, there was a DLC in Alaska, Pittsburg, and even Space in FO3...

DLC in Alaska was a simulation! and Space well that was crap "Epic Aliens"
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Post » Mon Aug 16, 2010 9:15 pm

DLC in Alaska was a simulation! and Space well that was crap "Epic Aliens"

Allright, how about 'Nawlins then in Point Lookout?
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Post » Mon Aug 16, 2010 9:53 pm

yeah, we're on the same page. I just think that, Lore aside, the first two aren't Bethesda's, so constant comparison and "lets go back to" is pointless. This is a Bethesda forum, for discussion of Bethesda games. Which Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 ARE NOT. Discuss the history, please, for context sake, but leave it at that. Plenty of other Fallout fora around for discussion of the mechanics and pros and cons of the first two.

(I realise I am in a minority, and will probably be hated, but whatever. If I can't speak my mind among you lot then there is no hope for any of us lol)

The only people I see wanting to go back to Fallout and Fallout 2 locations are people that never played Fallout or Fallout 2. New fans of Fallout aka Bethesda fans. They want to go back to see location already done because they don't want to play "old games."

Allright, how about 'Nawlins then in Point Lookout?

Point Lookout is not New Orleans. It is in Maryland!!
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 9:19 am

The only people I see wanting to go back to Fallout and Fallout 2 locations are people that never played Fallout or Fallout 2. New fans of Fallout aka Bethesda fans. They want to go back to see location already done because they don't want to play "old games."

Point Lookout is not New Orleans. It is in Maryland!!

Oh, [censored], styles, you're right.

But still, Pittsburg is 190 miles from DC in a straight line; the Hub (Barstow) is roughly 150 miles from Vegas, using the interstate.

I am a Bethesda fan, and I started playing Fallout 3 because I love the elder scrolls series.

But you can't tell me you wouldn't like to see the largest city in the wasteland in full-rendered splendor...
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sarah taylor
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 12:12 pm

The only people I see wanting to go back to Fallout and Fallout 2 locations are people that never played Fallout or Fallout 2. New fans of Fallout aka Bethesda fans. They want to go back to see location already done because they don't want to play "old games."

That's me I guess, but I don't want to go back. I can look on the wiki and see back story, what was in these places. I want new places, places that are fresh from the writers imagination. Places and stories written for nu-Fallout. Hard to explain really.. if I wanted to wander around the boneyard I'd play Fallout 1/2 (whichever). I don't.
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 12:21 pm

Oh, [censored], styles, you're right.

But still, Pittsburg is 190 miles from DC in a straight line; the Hub (Barstow) is roughly 150 miles from Vegas, using the interstate.

I am a Bethesda fan, and I started playing Fallout 3 because I love the elder scrolls series.

But you can't tell me you wouldn't like to see the largest city in the wasteland in full-rendered splendor...

It might be a possibility because of how close it is. Still I don't want to see it. I want to see new locations, new factions. LA would just be NCR, its a state in NCR and as much as I like the NCR. I don't think they need a DLC. I don't feel the BoS need one. So a DLC going back to LA and helping NCR with Rebels or fighting BoS does not appeal to me.

I like hearing about old locations but I don't have much intrest in seeing them again. If we had to go back to a past location I would want to see New Reno but that is 450 miles away.
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 7:11 am

I'd think the best option would to be have npc's that hailed from said area talk a little bit about their place of birth and give you an indication of what it's like now.

Like Razz in Camp Golf talking about the Boneyard and I believe but don't hold me to it somebody in Westside talks about one of the families in New Reno but I'm not 100% sure on that. Sure it would be cool for "ooooooooh and aaaaaaaah's" to visit an old location but I'd rather time be spent on new places.
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Racheal Robertson
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 2:21 am

Oh, [censored], styles, you're right.

But still, Pittsburg is 190 miles from DC in a straight line; the Hub (Barstow) is roughly 150 miles from Vegas, using the interstate.

I am a Bethesda fan, and I started playing Fallout 3 because I love the elder scrolls series.

But you can't tell me you wouldn't like to see the largest city in the wasteland in full-rendered splendor...

Isnt 'The Hub' Compton?
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 11:53 am

I just hope that if they do a DLC in L.A. they add in the Tec 9 and saggy pants. :thumbsup:
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Ricky Meehan
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 8:14 am

I just hope that if they do a DLC in L.A. they add in the Tec 9 and saggy pants. :thumbsup:

We've been there though

I want to see new places and intersesting places like area 51
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 5:28 am

We've been there though

I want to see new places and intersesting places like area 51

I was actually joking.
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Sarah Evason
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 9:17 am

Isnt 'The Hub' Compton?

No, "The Hub's approximate location corresponds to Barstow, CA. Incidentally, Barstow is also a major regional transportation center. Several highways, including Interstate 15 and Interstate 40, converge on the city, and it is the site of two large rail classification yards, belonging to the Union Pacific and Burlington Northern Santa Fe railroads" (

Note: Interstate 15 is the highway that the Mojave Outpost is on.

If the mojave outpost is indeed the starting point for another DLC, the hub is very likely.
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maya papps
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 12:29 am

Northern Passage is probably for Honest Hearts, the wrecked area with all the graffiti adressing the Courier (near Primm) is probably for Lonesome Road. No idea where Old World Blues' entrance will be.
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Jack Bryan
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 1:24 am

Im really starting to think that the Hub is pretty likely to be in OWB.
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jess hughes
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 9:26 am

L.A. Would be great!
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jess hughes
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 1:41 pm

I just hope they make each DLC vary in multiple ways, I hate repetitive DLC's.
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Lily Evans
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 11:30 am

I just hope they make each DLC vary in multiple ways, I hate repetitive DLC's.

Agree the next one should be more open world and different from what Dead Money was.
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