I can understand you dipping into a vault under Camp Golf or wherever. I can understand you seeking out the Burned Man. I can understand you concluding your business with the other Courier. I can understand you helping RIngo take a caravan to New Canaan. (just). I can't understand you travelling all the way to LA. For what? If you were going there, it would be for good. Caesars legion are coming? Wait, I can hitch a ride in a virtibird to the beach? hell, I'm not coming back, good luck to em...
It just doesn't make sense in the New Vegas story arc. Yeah, for Fallout 4. Or Fallout 5. or Fallout: The Boneyard. But not for a dlc. Pointless even discussing it in that context
So, it makes sense to makes sense to go dawdling to have tea with the burned man, dike around in Utah with the mormons, and follow a radio signal into an obvious trap to God knows where, go wandering to The Big Empty, but going to the Boneyard to find whatever DLC could be there is just as implausible?