it will be prety much the same and ncr controll it so it will be civilized
And your point? Maybe we can solve an economic or infighting issue. Are you implying it is an absolute must that a DLC has mandatory violents, bullet sponges, and all that crap? Plus, The Boneyard is not that civilized. Razz, or whatever his name is, at Camp Golf mentions how growing up there was rough, and he either joined NCR army or die by NCR's hands for joining chem fiends in the Boneyard region. He can't be any older than 25-26, so It's perfectly logical to deduce The Boneyard being a good DLC. Plus, if it add's more 'What after all this time' lore to the series. Don't be such a closed minded person over this :shrug:
la is 245.8 from primm that's a wee bit far
Your point? We could ride with a caravan, or maybe the NCR could reutilize an old USAF military truck, the BoS and NCR both make use of them as shown by their use at bases.
it was in the first fallout no point going back you wanna see la play the first fallout
Again, your point? It's been near to 50+ years since the Chosen One went forth. Times change. If done right, it's perfectly acceptable to see an old site.