Chapter 1
Christian walked out of his home in the wastes. He looked at the sky. Same shade of blue as usual. He looked around the area seeing if there was anything interesting. As usual there wasn’t. It’s been five years since the Enclave were defeated by the Brotherhood of Steel and since then the Capital Wasteland has become tame. The Brotherhood had pushed back the Super Mutants in the D.C area. The raiders of the area have become less of a problem with the Knights attacking their bases.He knew the area was safe now and that was something that most people thought couldn’t happen. He had a hand in part of it and he was proud of that. The thing is that there was nothing to do though. No trouble that needed to be solved. Life had become boring to him and he hated it. Christian walked back into to his home and turned on his computer. He kept logs of his many adventures from defeating the Enclave to going to Point Lookout. He started reading about his time in the time in the Pitt when something caught his eye. The Erie Stretch.
Christian knew about the old city of Erie from his studies from the vault. It was an industrial city that bordered Lake Erie. He wondered how the city fared this long. Was it hit by the nukes? Was it a prospering city that could promote advances in technology? Or was it a city overrun by raiders and the native populace needed help just like the Pitt? That one idea fascinated Christian the most. To go out on an adventure again after these five long years was something he desired the most.
The next day Christian set out to the Citadel to ask for a group to search this new area. It was a long trip not because of the hours it took to get there but the anticipation for the answer to his question. Would he be allowed to go with a group? Would they try to stop him? He came to the conclusion that if they denied him he would go out alone. He was the Lone Wanderer after all. A few hours later he came to the Citadel and was allowed clearance.
He walked in the fortress and looked around for Sarah Lyons. She was in charge now and even though she was less patient than her father she still kept his ideals; to keep the Capital Wasteland safe from all threats. Christian walked to the middle of the courtyard when he heard his name.
Christian looked back to see a friend. It was John. He wasn’t from the Capital Wasteland but from a place called Florida. Christian looked at his friend. He was in his usual power armor that the knights wore. It was different from what Christian wore. He wore his usual combat armor with his own modifications on it. It was black as night and he preferred it that way.
“I can’t believe you still wear that clunky armor,” Christian said jokingly.
“Shut it Chris,” John said. “What you here for?”
“Looking for Lyons. Is she around?”
“Yeah. I think she’s down at the lab”
With that ended the conversation and Christian walked to the lab. He hoped she would say yes. While he wouldn’t mind going by himself he rather have company, especially a company of well-trained soldiers. When he got down he saw her talking to the scribes. She had the same bored look on her face. It wasn’t that she hated the scribes. It was the other way around. She appreciated them but they were so boring to her.
Sarah looked up to see Christian smiling his half smile. She knew he could tell she was bored and he was enjoying it.
“What do you want?”
Christian looked at her and decided to be direct with it.
“I’m planning on going to the Erie Stretch,” Christian told her. “I was hoping that maybe you can give me a few knights to help me out just in case something there is worth taking out.”
“Are you crazy?!” She asked him. “We don’t know anything about that area and you want to go there? For all we know it could be overrun with deathclaws!”
“Sounds like fun.”
“Ugh. Look I’ve been wondering about that area for years now but there are too many unknowns about the area.”
Christian looked at her. He had a feeling that this was the answer she was going to give him. Even still he was going and she could tell by the look in his eyes.
“I might be able to give you maybe fifteen knights. You have two weeks to get there and come back. Bring any tech you find as well.”
The smile on Christian’s face couldn’t be any bigger. He was happy that he was able to get a troop with him but mostly happy he could go adventuring again.
Chapter 2
It became apparent to Christian that he would be going to the unknown with this expedition. It didn’t matter to him since he did many times like going to the Pitt and Point Lookout. Sometimes you had to take the risk and Christian knew that. So did Lyons as well. The Erie Stretch was curiosity to her and she heard many rumors about the area. She refused to believe the rumors that the area was a ghost town filled with the dead or her favorite one, the king of all deathclaws live there.
What she and Christian knew was that it an industrial city before the Great War much like the Pitt was. Few of the slaves in the Pitt were also from the Erie Stretch and they warned of a large raider group called the “Wolves” terrorizing there. It was also learned that there were two other groups living there called the Coders and the Community.
Christian and Sarah were walking in the courtyard of the citadel going over the information they got from the past week from questioning some of the former Pitt slaves.
“Any info on the two other groups Sarah?” asked Christian trying to get as much information of the area.
“Not much other than the Community might be a communistic society. The Coders are still a mystery.”
“Well it looks like we have to figure out ourselves then. Are my knights ready?”
Sarah looked at Christian. How he said that just offended her in a way that made her furious. She was about to yell before Christian said something.
“I mean your knights. Sorry”
Sarah continued to glare at his still filled with anger but she decided to let it go. They walked to the central area of the courtyard. There were about fifteen knights in the group all armed with the best technology they can spare.
“Looks like everyone here is ready,” said Christian. “Can’t wait to set out now with these guys having my back.”
“Just remember your mission,” said Sarah sternly. “Get as much information on the area and then get out.
“Got it.”
With that Christian looked at the knights. He didn’t know what they will see on the trip there. He didn’t even know what they might find on the way there but seeing a group of knights in power armor armed like this made him feel great about their chances going to the Erie Stretch.
“Knights,” said Christian with a loud and confident voice. “Today we set out to the Erie Stretch to discover what it is like. I won’t lie to you this trip will be dangerous. But that is the great thing about the Brotherhood. You know what danger is and how to handle it. For all we know the area might be a raider stronghold. But it also could be a city of great wealth and technology. I ask you knights this one question. This simple question. Are you willing to find out about this mysterious land? Are you willing to explore the unknown lands for the Brothood of Steel?”
The knights stood silently for a moment staring at Christian. Christian was nervous thinking the knights didn’t believe in him or thought the trip wasn’t worth it but then he heard the knights cheer:
A smile went over Christian’s face. He had the knights approval of the trip and he himself couldn’t wait to go on the trip. He looked over at Sarah. She stood in deep thought on what could happen to the group. She looked at Christian and smiled. She hoped that he could lead this group to the Erie Stretch and hopefully find something worthwhile.
EDIT: Right after I posted this I just realized it was a block of text. I would like to apologize for this. I'm fixing this at the moment. I guess I should never copy and paste again huh?
EDIT2: Is there a way to make copy and paste better. It keeps coming up different on this.