A 13+ is pushing it. You can cut peoples heads off, is that really something you want the next generation to be brought up on? But I also think 18+ is a wrong rating, Skyrim is a 15 in my eyes.
You're right. That rating is perfectly reasonable imho.
As soon as President Joffrey Baratheon is elected (or in my case, Prime Minister), there'll be plenty of beheadings for the next generation to be entertained by.
LOL. If my direct manner of speaking offends you, then its your issue, not mine. What I was referring to, is the simplistic small almost seemingly insignificant plot lines that people were discussing that led the ESRB to give it an 18+ M rating. This is not just "hearsay" or "personal unedcated opinion". This is FACT that was given to me by close friends in the industry with intimate dealings with the ESRB and how they work and rate games. Most of my friends and family are in the gaming industry, few of which gave remarks to the supreme court in the brown vs. merchants association, and several are in competitive intelligence and/or legal in the industry so I know what I am talking about.
I would say it's incorrect, you get more intense six and drugs from PG-13 movies than this game has even IF it's a role playing scenerio, I would give it a Teen rating as I think they would have to go a lot further for that Mature or advlt ratings especially for Skyrim...
thats not why it was rated M, it was rated M because of what it says on the box, sixual themes, graphic Violence, drug use, etc...
you don't seem to have much knowledge of who runs the ESRB either, ESRB is run by various former game developers, not "over protective parents".
If it was rated M for the reasons you are claiming (Magic, Non-christian religion, etc), every single JRPG in existence would be rated M.
Think of Tales of Symphonia, it makes much use of Magic, non-christian religion, and half way through it starts saying Angels are homicidal maniacs who are committing mass genocide.
Deleted my post because I can't be bothered, my OCD is tripping. Moderators feel free to delete this post, and apologies for the inconvenience.
Or, you know, the intense violence and blood and gore that are also listed.
Yes a pretty cool fun moment that was. Definitely felt nordy.
Maybe you should actually research something before sprouting off.
The ERSB is a self-regulatory organisation created by the video games industry. It has nothing to do with religion, so I have no idea why you keep bringing that up.
My opinion, those pictures you linked say exactly what the purpose of this thread is.
Stealing Souls! Mods!(You know the ones im talking about) Decapitation! Sometimes Npc′s say bad things! six themes! Drugs! - i guess they got it right
Oh and they have a shout where you call names to Npc′s!!!