» Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:41 pm
For the record and convenience: http://uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Souls,_Black_and_White
The morals behind Soul Trapping are ambiguous at best in the Elder Scrolls universe, as the true nature of souls is unknown.
The theory I have is that souls in Tamriel is that there is a vast reservoire of soulstuff that is continually recycled.
Think of the soulstuff in this aspect as the components in a computer that give it memory (the computer being the physical body). It holds the data from the individual's experiences in life, backing up the data in an imprint (in this metaphor, it could be a cd or a flash drive). When the computer ceases the to function (assuming it was possible to recycle computer components), the part that hold data is melted down and reshaped to be the component in another computer. The imprinted data, know in the flash drive or cd is not lost, it just moves on. Idk, this metaphor was an attempt to explain things, but might've failed.
In other words, when a soul leaves the body, the consciousness imprinted on the soul moves on to the afterlife, but the soulstuff itself either goes back to the reservoir of soulstuff or ends up trapped in soul gems. That being said, there are probably two reservoirs of soulstuff, white soulstuff and black soulstuff, which of course is reserved for certain forms of life, probably due to the capacity of imprintation that the soulstuff type allows.
When the soul gem is used, the soul is not destroyed, but bound to the item. Items with charges release portions of soulstuff back to the reservoir when it is used, while constant enchantments are the result of a sort of filtration process that runs the soulstuff through, gathering as much energy as possible before the soulstuff returns to the reservoir. In this case, think of the soulstuff as a sort of rechargeable battery. The larger the soul, the more energy is has, but once the energy is used, it goes back to the reservoir, where it has to gather energy before becoming a soul for a creature.
Yes it's a bit confusing. But my morals on the process, based on the Tamriel morals and soul nature, not others, is that manipulating white souls is neither good nor evil. It is unaligned. Harvesting black souls isn't necessarily evil, it's definitely not good, because the individual clearly knows that you're trying to trap their soul in a soul gem, and causing that fear is certainly an evil act.
Oh sh- *disappears*