I've always heard the FC Twins don't work with all NES/SNES games, and often-times have issues where the slots are just a tiny bit to small so you have to shove real hard to get the games in, which leads to breaking the games on occassion. Any of you in this thread who have them come across those problems? I ended up spending 70 bucks on a NES that had every single part that could be replaced, replaced with new ones, and the rest were scrubbed clean. Works like a dream, haven't had an issue with it, but man it would have been nicer to have gone with the FC twin for a third of that price.
I haven't seen any games not work myself but I do believe there's a few games out there that don't work. There's probably a list floating around the net that will tell you which games won't work.
you mean WHEN! you find a part.
ive bought from them before hassle free.
Well my friend buys Nintendos to resell so it's less practical when your profit margin is around 20 dollars. Still it's good to know there's parts out there so I'll pass that information on.