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Chapter 1: The Beginning of the End
The night was dark and the air humid. A single wagon led by a guar bounced along the bumpy road as its driverstruggled to keep himself conscious. The lantern that was hung on the front of the wagon cast long shadows across the road as it swayed from side to side with the motion of the wagon. The man carried a simple and modest cargo of saltrice and comberries, or so he thought. Unbeknownst to him he carried something far more sinister tucked away beneath his cart, holding fast to the axle.
The driver lifted his head lazily as his eyes met with the light of the torches that hung on the tall walls of the plantation. Two guards approached him as he pulled on the reigns of the guar, slowing the wagon to a stop. The light from the torches they carried cast odd shadows across their masked faces and the contours of the bonemould armor. The guards moved towards the wagon, pulling the hide back to reveal its cargo. The two armored mer prodded around the sacks of berries and saltrice until they were satisfied with the contents of the wagon. They made their way back to the front of the cart, nodding to the driver whose head bobbed up and down as he caught himself from slipping into sleep. The driver of the wagon nodded in reply as he shook the reigns of the guar. The cart once again jolted into a slow and steady pace as it made its way past the guards and the tall walls and into the yard of the plantation. A large manor in the traditional style of the region loomed over the dozens of small rickety shacks that were littered through the plantation. The wagon slowly rolled up next to the large manor, the old wooden frame of the wagon creaked loudly as the driver stepped off the side and walked up to a door near the back of the manor.
The driver lazily knocked on the hard wooden door. A few moments later it creaked open on its hinges as a quite obese mer stepped forth, he looked over towards the wagon then turned back towards the manor motioning to someone inside. Two more mer, much more fit than the first, appeared and began loading the sacks and bags of comberries and saltrice into the kitchen of the manor. One of the mer looked up curiously as a few bit of gravel fell onto his head from above. However he quickly dismissed it and returned to his duties.
A short time later the driver once again took a seat at the head of his cart and shook the reigns of his guar, which began to pull the much lighter cart forward once again. The driver of the cart sleepily nodded to the guards as he passed back through the tall walls. His eyelids finally closed over his crimson eyes as he succumbed to the ever tugging hand of sleep, confident that his companion would guide them home safely. He knew his job was done for now, his lord’s share of his was now delivered. However he knew not of the other cargo he delivered, the cargo that would soon make itself known.
EDIT: Chapter 2 is already finished, I'll post it on here later. Or you can go ahead and read it athttp://s7.zetaboards.com/Scribes_Corner/topic/8531059/1/#new