The Expirement

Post » Thu Jun 16, 2011 8:22 pm

First off, I take no credit for these rules or the idea of this roleplay. The original game is called "Werewolf" or "Mafia" but was adapted by a wonderful little forum, UESP, called the "Molag Bal games" in which I was a member ( So check it out if you'd like. I was a player, and I must say, it was incredibly fun.

Here are the rules.

The Rules:

Every player is either a:

* Moderator
* Werewolf
* Villager (Seer)
* Villager

The players' roles are picked by the Moderator. There should be one Moderator, two Werewolves, one Seer and the rest of the players should be Villagers.

The Moderator will pick who the players are and send Private Messages to everyone to let them know what they are. I will take the place of the Moderator in this game.

Two players are now secretly Werewolves. They are trying to slaughter everyone in the village. Everyone else is an innocent human Villager; but one of the Villagers secretly has the Second Sight, and can detect the taint of lycanthropy.

The Game: Night and Day:

The game proceeds in alternating night and day phases. We begin with Night.

At Night, the Moderator sends a Private Message to the two Werewolves, who will then confer with each other and pick a player to murder.

The Seer then sends a Private Message to the Moderator and then picks a player. The Moderator will then reply, saying if the player chosen is a Werewolf or a Villager.

The Moderator will then tell all the players who has been killed, and the player will tell everyone what he was. He cannot reveal any other information apart from what he was.

Now it is Day. Daytime is very simple; all the living players gather in the village and lynch somebody. The mob wants bloody justice.

As soon as a majority of players vote for a particular player to die, that player then reveals his card, and the rest of the players find out whether they've lynched a Villager, a Werewolf, or the Seer.

There are no restrictions on speech. Any living player can say anything he wants; truth, misdirection, nonsense, or barefaced lie.

Contrariwise, dead players may not speak at all. As soon as the sun comes up and the Moderator indicates that someone is dead, he may not speak for the rest of the game. No dying soliloquies allowed. Similarly, as soon as a majority vote indicates that a player has been lynched, he is dead. If he wants to protest his innocence or reveal some information, like the seer's visions, he has to do it before the vote goes through.

No player may reveal his card, to anyone, except when he is killed. All you can do is talk.

Once a player is lynched, night falls and the cycle repeats. Everyone closes their eyes, the Werewolves secretly select someone to kill, the seer secretly learns another player's status; then the sun rises, one player is found dead, and the remaining players begin to discuss another lynching. Repeat until one side wins.


The Villagers win if they kill both Werewolves.

The Werewolves win if they kill enough Villagers so that the numbers are even. Two Werewolves and two Villagers, or one Werewolf and one Villager. At that point they can rise up and slaughter the Villagers openly.

In Case It's Not Totally Clear:

The Villagers are trying to figure out who's a Werewolf; the Werewolves are pretending to be Villagers, and trying to throw suspicion on real Villagers.

The seer is trying to throw suspicion on any Werewolves he discovers, but without revealing himself to be the Seer, because if he does, the Werewolves will almost certainly kill him that night, since he's the greatest threat to Werewolves' security. Of course the Seer can reveal himself at any time, if he thinks it's worthwhile to tell the other players what he's learned. Also of course, a Werewolf can claim to be the seer and reveal anything he wants.

The only information the Villagers have is what other players say and who dies. Accusing someone of being a Werewolf is suspicious. Not accusing anyone is also suspicious. Agreeing with another player a lot is suspicious, and therefore so is pretending not to agree with another player. Never voting to kill a particular player is very suspicious for both of them unless it's the seer who knows that player is innocent.

Just replace "Werewolf" with "Mutant", give it an Fallout coating and you're good to go!

Moderator: Arch-Mage Matt


This is the intro. Do not post until I begin the game. When everyone who wants to has joined, the RP will begin.

The villagers of the small Capitol Wasteland settlement, "gamesas Village", live directly between Metagon and Rivet City, a perfect haven for traveling traders and people visiting both towns, so the villagers live rather comfortably. That will all change soon.

The villagers awoke one day, leaving their house as normal, prepared for any horror of the wastes that wander into their town, also as normal, when they come to a distressing sight. The villager's gate, which kept out unwanted 'guests', had been sealed shut on both sides. After around an hour of trying to escape, they find a poorly scribbled note in the town village.

"Dear gamesas Village,

We two villagers have decided to make you our playthings. It is what we do; we live in a town for a certain amount of time, then create that oh so wonderful chaos. Each night starting tonight, one of you will die. In the morning, you shall gather in the village and decide who the murderer was. Of course, we expect you to kill this person, because you never know, it could be one of us! To be fair, we only have powers at night. (But it just adds to that wonderful drama, suspense and chaos, doesn't it?) Don't feel too bad, we've been doing this for over one hundred years. And we've never lost. And to prove we mean business, we've killed Joe the Trader, who was in the town when we locked it. Look by the gates, in the bushes. You'll find Joe's body.

But, unfortunately for the mutants, a villager lives in gamesas with a unique piece of technology. They have a broken down pip-boy, sold to them by a trader, that flickers on and off every day or so. This pip-boy can detect radiation!

Understandably, these mutants are irradiated. So once a day when their pip-boy turns on, this person can read the radiation level of a person. If the person is emitting high levels of radiation, they are a mutant! If they emit no radiation, they are a normal person. (Yes, this person is the seer.)

When you all join I will select the two mutants and the seer, and voila! We have a game. I hope you all find it as enjoyable as I did. (Oh, and good luck...) :thumbsup:
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Post » Fri Jun 17, 2011 10:31 am

Sounds fun.

Count me in. :)
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Post » Fri Jun 17, 2011 7:39 am

I'll join I suppose.
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Post » Fri Jun 17, 2011 7:40 am

Me too
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Pat RiMsey
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Post » Fri Jun 17, 2011 6:20 am

Ah, great. :biggrin:

I also want to apologize for the slightly misleading title of this roleplay, which was the name before I changed the back-story of the game.
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Monika Fiolek
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Post » Fri Jun 17, 2011 1:05 am

Finally someone else knows about this game!
But I doubt I'll have time for it, sorry /:
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Benjamin Holz
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Post » Fri Jun 17, 2011 6:05 am

I'm in.
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