The extremely puzzling thing about no more dlc #3

Post » Sun May 05, 2013 1:53 pm

Um to continue on the topic, why exactly did bethesda stop dlc on a project despite successful sales? They must be releasing fallout 4 soon.

Here's the previous thread:
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Charles Mckinna
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 4:53 pm

I wouldn't say they are releasing Fallout 4 (or whatever their next title will be) soon, but whatever they are working on has reached the next stage in production. Or, basically, what they said in the press release. I don't see anything puzzling about their decision to halt work on Skyrim and to move on to their other projects. I have no doubt they originally intended to do more, but with the horrible PS3 debacle, who can blame them for saying "enough is enough"? They probably wanted to be done earlier, even if they had other DLCs planned.

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loste juliana
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 5:23 pm

I wish we could have seen these other planned DLCs.
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Adriana Lenzo
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 4:35 am

Woaaaahhh this new quote system looks way different.

Anyways this is something people don't seem to realize, I feel like Bethesda lost a lot of time just trying to fix all the bugs in the game. Porting the DLCs to PS3 svcked up even more time.

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Tanya Parra
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 9:57 am

they are likely working on Prey 2 since Human Head Studios commissioned Bethesda to help build the open world environment ( stated by exec editor during interview with IGN in 2011).

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Cash n Class
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 7:50 am

They needed the man power on their next project.
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Eddie Howe
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 2:16 am

My thoughts exactly. What I figured happened, was that Beth was working on a new DLC, and couldn't figure out how to make it work properly, so they just gave up and moved on.

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Tammie Flint
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 2:07 am

I might be painting with too broad a brush, but there were probably several issues that Bethesda was wrestling with prior to game release day that ended up biting them in the a$$ets, PS3 debaucle was only the most obvious. Frankly, they should have had 4J studios working the coding seperately as the game came together. Sure there were some singular bugs with their work of Oblivion, but it had none of the game engine lag issues we saw repeatedly develop with Bethesda's in house handiwork with Fall Out and Skyrim.

The use of random quest generation was initally going to be the main foundation of the game, which would have been a disaster IMO. Bethesda had to change directions midway, which explains why most of the questline adventures ended up being short, often shallow, and sometimes totally full of plotholes. Not enough time was allowed to develop the game story aspects, only the game world design and sound track really seem really hit their marks,, though I'd also give kudos for the improvements in the combat and magic system mechanics. I'm really hopeful they move more to a narrative style ike we saw in KOA,-Reckoning, which was more faction oriented like Morrowind.

Skyrim made Bethesda a lot of money, but it was also a huge monster of a job for them to deliver it on schedule. Hopefully they are expanding their game development period this time around to be more realistic with their aspirations. They've also a whole new console architecture to be working with this time, so there are some serious challenges ahead. And while I'm fairly confident they'll deliver another blockbuster gameworld adventure, I'd not be surprised if its just a bit smaller in scope from previous releases. I'd glady accept a province 2/3rds the size of Cyrodil or Skyrim, if it meant we received a gaming experience that had some depth and dialogue to it, and only the occasional small bug issue. And to wrap it up I'd say , they shouldn't announce a release date until they are at least 80% done with the game. Their games are just too complex to slot into a hard and fast workplan. Let the artists at Bethesda strive for excellence this time, and if that means extending the development window 3 - 6 months, fine, I'd much rather have a quality game than one that is rushed and gimped, just to meet a corporate monetary timepoint. There would have been a much higher aftermarket accessories (DLC) return if there hadn't been so much fixup work going on instead. Pretty obvious.

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helen buchan
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 3:07 pm

A bit of wishful thinking, I'm afraid. I fear Prey 2 will never see the light of day. The game has been stuck in limbo well over a year; it's been, at least, that long since there was any update. Very few games survive the affair, and those that do rarely are worth it in the end. Besides, Bethesda Game Studios was never working on the project itself. They have their own intellectual property to develop.

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AnDres MeZa
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 7:25 am

So basically what you are saying is that Skyrim and its DLC's got 11/11/11'ed?

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Amanda Furtado
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 4:30 pm

I am wondering... when the project they're working on now is finished, could they get back to Skyrim DLC ? Maybe to release a small DLC foreshadowing the events of TES VI just before they announce it, and thus produce some more hype...

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Milagros Osorio
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 1:48 am

The new generation of consoles will be out well and truly by then and with it, I suspect, a lot of the profit margin a third major DLC would have had if they didn't pull out when they did.

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 5:44 pm

Yes, you're probably (and sadly) right.

I still can't figure out why they decided to cut, I am sure they'd have had a great profit even with a small DLC...

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Madison Poo
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 4:01 am

This would bring my pee to a boil if it were true, sadly we will never know and we shouldn't assume that this is the case in absence of evidence.

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Gen Daley
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 5:21 am

If I remember correctly, a report that the game ( was canceled, later turned out to be misinterpreted, according to Bethesda (sound familiar?). Plus Bethesda has fairly recently stated that a Rage sequel is not going to happen. So they falsely dropped an ambitious sequel in Prey 2 and completely far as I can tell. Again, I wouldn't be surprised that they later down the road say: "Wait, what we said about any Rage sequel was incorrectly interpreted, it was only, delayed for an extended period of time."

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Suzie Dalziel
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 5:16 pm


Pete Hines said that wasn't it though. Scroll down to where it says @Colonelkillabee and click see conversation. He never responded back though when I asked what he thought Gstaff was actually saying. I likely just jumped the gun, and Gstaff just meant that they didn't want to say they were done until PS3 got their dlc as well. In fact, yea I'm pretty sure thats all he meant, and I just didn't look closely enough and jumped to conclusions when I saw "PS3".

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Josh Sabatini
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 3:44 am

then why would Zenimax bother to file an extension on the trademark, and why are stores still taking pre-orders. Bethesda may put games on the backburner but they dont often throw out a game. Even though Human Head Studios is the primary benefactor, Zenimax still has quite a bit of funds tied up into this game and they aren't about to just throw that away. Zenimax is a for profit company, they don't spend money filing extensions on something they aren't going to use.

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Naazhe Perezz
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 7:50 am

What ever title they are working on will not sell as much as Skyrim, it may still sell good but just not that good.

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Crystal Clear
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 4:30 am

Unless it is Fallout 4. Fallout 3 outsold Oblivion after all.

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 11:11 am

That guy has better skills as a photographer than a PR.

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Marlo Stanfield
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 2:44 pm

If its fallout 4 and they do get it majorly done and do make it a launch title they would make a huge profit and swipe the other competition away.
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Dan Scott
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 5:04 pm

Wait what
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Lauren Graves
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 4:20 pm

As much as I love Skyrim (for me it's the best game I have ever played - and I've been an avid adventure player since 1993) and was very sad to hear that Beth ended DLC production, I think that they at least did it right, ending it on a high note. Dragonborn DLC added so much to the game and extended the main plot, even though I'm a big fan of Dawnguard DLC. Riding and teaming with the dragons and dragon-related shouts are one of the highlights and game changers for me... something that I wistful wished from the very beginning, not to mention tons of new and exciting things they brought to the game with this DLC. Then, making the Legendary perk system and Legendary difficulty are true and smart game savers when your character is highly developed. It extends the game beyond any limit.

So, all in all, I'm a bit nostalgic, but happy. Thanks Bethesda for making it and polishing it for 1 and a half years!

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 1:27 am Unluckily, not as much skilled as a PR.

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ashleigh bryden
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 1:47 am

they could easily hire a small group of talented modders to make a "broken steel" type dlc to round out all the plot holes in skyrim though. DLC is low risk , high profit.

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