It appears, then, my game is completely hosed, because my settlers do not put any food into the workshop, or water for that matter.
I've 13 settlers in Sanctuary, and 94 food. Plenty should be left over, but instead, I have to manually pick plants. I pull half from each crop bed. I have no clue how to draw water, as neither purified or dirty water is placed. I don't have any supply lines.
The worst part was coming to Sanctuary after a few days of exploring to see my rating was 60. It never dropped that low before, and I have zero clue as to why. It wasn't raided while I was gone, and I even picked up 2 more settlers (to bring it to 13).
There simply is no excuse for this lack of management for the settlements. If our rating is dropping, we should know why so we can correct it. We should be able to rename settlers, or have some type of tracking system.
I find it incredible Todd gave a huge speech about crafting settlements but failed to mention his entire developer staff didn't even have an issue with the way this system was designed.
It's mind boggling. I don't want to walk away from settlement building, but even with all the tips and tricks, it's still too damn difficult to know what settlers are doing.
Irony: I can build a terminal to control a bunch of lights, but can't write one line of code to manage my settlers. >:[