I'm going to get very philosophical here, so stick with me.
After listening to ESO alliance episode 3, it was being discussed how many people think The Elder Scrolls: Online is going to "fail." What exactly does it mean for a game to "fail?"
Websters dictionary (yes, I went there) defines failure as:
A. Omission of occurrence or performance; specifically : a failing to perform a duty or expected action.
B. A state of inability to perform a normal function
C. A fracturing or giving way under stress
D. Lack of success
There are a number of games that have "failed" according to the definitions above. Recently, it has been announced four Sony Online Entertainment games are going to be shut down. Link is here: http://www.pcgamer.com/2014/01/24/soe-announces-closure-of-4-mmos-including-free-realms-vanguard-saga-of-heroes/
Now what I think people mean when they say The Elder Scrolls: Online is going to "fail," they mean it will not have as much success as World of Warcraft. If you think about it that way, EVERY MMO has failed. Is this term only exclusive to MMORPGs?
I have never heard anyone say that Battlefield failed because it didn't sell as well as Call of Duty, nor have I heard Dark Souls failed because it didn't do as well as Skyrim. Is the MMORPG player base just a bunch of bastards wanting and waiting for every single game to "fail" because it came after World of Warcraft?
P.S. Am I the only person who hates it when people refer try to The Elder Scrolls: Online as the "WoW killer?"