As for the "clothes department" to be honest I don't even care about having "skimpy" clothes for a chick. That would be a reason I wouldn't bother with a mod as such, if I even knew what the heck to do. Though, have you heard of Breezes FO3 males? There's a trench coat that is half open showing the guy's gut, dunno if that's exactly what you're looking for though. There's also an armor added by the same mod that, "exposes"... well.... you look for yourself

With all of two male body mods, of course I use one of them. The trenchcoat just doesn't look right, texture-wise in my game. Maybe it's my video card as I get the same effect on overhead lights :shrug:
Peacock armor for Raiders is probably the only other one. I never wear, or let any of my followers wear that though.
For what I have in mind if I do successfully make it I doubt I'd release it as I saw what happened to Slof and wouldn't want to be subjected to that kind of immature, prudish abuse from the mod user community. So, let's just say that is one wish I will fill myself

I can't mention my main wish without causing an uprising so I'll echo Miss Sparkle's squirrel wish.
Your main wish, is it what I think it is? I mentioned it, once, and you also commented your disapproval on what there currently was on offer. It may also be what I'd like as well, but we know that's not going to happen unless we figure out how to do it ourselves

@The 3rd Type - Sounds good

Oh! Just thought of another. I would like the Oblivion mod Anywhere Sittable for Fallout. It consists of a small cushion that can be placed anywhere allowing you to sit wherever you want