Greetings, I've decided to start a Mod Wishlist series of threads. I've thought of two rules so far (for the wishers) but I think that's good to start out with.
1: It doesn't have to be possible to do, it can be fantastic, but it can also be completely possible. If you have a wish, you can wish for the bread store, or just a piece of bread.
2: Please do your best before you post to make sure the mod you wish for doesn't exist before you wish for it, searching nexus, etc, before making a wish. It'll be a system of good faith
3: Wishes are important to the individual wisher, please do not harass or heckle wishers for wishes you yourself wouldn't wish for.
To potential wish granters who browse this topic and feel it's in their ability to grant a wish for a mod, I can think of only one rule.
1: Don't grant the wish until it's ready to be granted(?)
That way someone doesn't give their hopes up waiting for a mod to be finished if a potential wish granter says "okay I can do that!" and ends up abandoning the wish for other ventures.
Why this thread should exist instead of massive amounts of [REQ] threads
I feel a lot of [REQ} threads are either utterly ignored by serious modders, even if they're good ideas, or some seem so fantastic that they never really get attention aside from the negative. I feel that a thread like this can produce a better chance of seeing a few good, smallish mods come of it and have someone's creative ideas flow in a forum post.
If someone feels after that explanation that this kind of thread is not needed, I'll take it like a man and go back to standard [REQ] threads. However I think this could be something good, if given the chance.