I'd like someone to create a mod which alters the probability of a Nuka-Cola Quantum spawning in vending machines based on the player's Luck attribute. Namely, I think the spawn probabilities should be like so:
Luck ............. Spawn Chance
...3......................0.10........ (vanilla default spawn % for all luck levels)
I think a mod like this would make the Luck attribute more important and would incentivize investing in it, especially since each skill point after 5 progressively increases the spawn chance. Thanks in advance!
This would be a simple script to make. It would look something like this:
scn NukaQuantumLuckSpawnScript
short myLuck
short DoOnce
short random
Begin OnActivate
if DoOnce == 0
set myLuck to player.getAV luck
set random to getRandomPercent
if myluck == 2
if random >= 95
additem MS05NukaColaQtm 1
else if myluck == 3
if random >= 90
additem MS05NukaColaQtm 1
else if myluck == 4
if random >= 85
additem MS05NukaColaQtm 1
else if myluck == 5
if random >= 80
additem MS05NukaColaQtm 1
else if myluck == 6
if random >= 70
additem MS05NukaColaQtm 1
else if myluck == 7
if random >= 55
additem MS05NukaColaQtm 1
else if myluck == 8
if random >= 35
additem MS05NukaColaQtm 1
else if myluck == 9
if random >= 10
additem MS05NukaColaQtm 1
else if myluck == 10
if random >= 5
additem MS05NukaColaQtm 1
set doOnce to 1
attach that script to NukaCola vending machines and you should be good to go.
Replied before realizing you'd already done it. Good job and great initiative.