» Fri Apr 01, 2011 4:18 pm
Now I think I have see this mentioned before, but I can't find it:
I ran into the first set of Talon Mercs (the friendly ones, until they speak to you), anyway, I got killed in one shot by one of them who only had a pistol. Took a few reloads to kill them off and then got his gun, a Desert Eagle XIX, nice I thought, something to use those .50AE rounds with!
I was using it a bit then I noticed that the gun I was holding was actually a black laser pistol! (I'm not very observant and took me a while to realise this, yes!) I reloaded to the Talon Mercs and found it was always like this. I assume there is an incorrectly named model/texture file somewhere? The gun did look correct then the Talon Merc was using it though.
Any ideas?