The Fallout Scrolls

Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 12:28 am

That's still more originality - and more over, much more versatility - than having just one product of your own making (TES) after which everything else is then modeled. ;)

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 10:35 am

Based on what?

Speaking of originality, FO3 storyline and setting was basically FO1 (water & super mutants) and 2 (GECK and Enclave) mashed together with very little originality. A freaking rerun! At least NV has an original story that doesn't crap on or unnecessarily retcon original lore.

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Matt Bigelow
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 2:04 pm

Which is why i don't understand people disliking Fallout 4. It has something new, it has well developed lore for the East Coast. It is not a rerun.

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Racheal Robertson
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 12:50 pm

I will say this. Obsidian are great storytellers, but they are horrible game designers. Yes they have had bad publishing deals, but the gameplay of their games is horrible and the mechanics are often unfinished and broken. The only Obsidian game i enjoyed playing was New Vegas, because Fallout 3 had a great framework for that, and Obsidian actually made improvements and it generally felt nice to play.

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 8:48 pm

Which in my mind ironically was because Fallout 3 was clearly designed with the mindset of "what do we think fans of the old games expect" which lead to Beth resorting to just imitating things from the old games, which in turn lead to a shallow copy.

4 in my mind is, as controversial as it is, is overall a better product, because its clear this time around, Beth decided to make the Fallout game they wanted to make.
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Miss K
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 12:50 pm

Because it was not made by the originator of the series. That makes it a knockoff. I can buy a Gucci "style" bag by another manufacturer and, even if it looks like, acts like and has everybody believing it's a Gucci, it's still a knockoff.

NV had an original story? It's the same story already done by 1/2 a dozen other games AND there is no way to invest in a character that has absolutely no motivation to do anything in the game after recovering the lost shipment, and that only because there's a steep penalty if he/she doesn't. It's really hard to invest in a all those factions and plotlines when there is no reason for my character to do so.

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 8:31 pm

FO4 definitely is finally something original from Beth to the series, something which the series really needs.

No if only Beth would now get some proper writers for quests and dialogue...

Developer means nothing. New Vegas is Fallout and not a knockoff. It as much Fallout as is every other in the series.

At least NV had much more original story than FO3. A lot of it is actually based on Van Buren (like Legion, etc.)

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 10:47 pm

What a horrible thought.

There's only one right way to do a TES/Fallout game- It'd involve Landfall and go by the name Landfallout.

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 11:23 am

They need one new writer atleast, to get some fresh perspective. One that has experience with the franchise, and also can add to TES.

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 6:25 pm

Ok let me break it down a little bit for the people that have really devoted fan blindness. The fact that your character has a voice now totally ruins the RPG effect. You know why? Because its not my voice. It's like my part in the story has been replaced. I'm no longer a character in the movie I'm watching a movie. The fact now that the coolest weapons you can find are randomly generated destroys the exploration part of the game. For example when I played Morrowind I went into a cave or whatever it was and there was a high ceiling to this cave. There was no way I was going to get up there. Later on in the game I learned how to create a levitation spell and not my first attempt but my second attempt I was able to get to the top of that ceiling. Turns out there was a Daedric bow and some Daedric arrows. I was totally stoked. Now that every powerful weapon is randomly generated it's like well why should I even go inside that building maybe there will be a legendary Raider that will mutate all his health back and drop a a pipe gun that does more damage to super mutants then it does humans. A game needs your standard find everywhere weapons but your most powerful weapons should be saved for exploration. I know that you can still get bobbleheads and magazines but....
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barbara belmonte
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 8:10 pm

Meaning what exactly? If you honestly expected them to keep everything the same from their previous game then obviously you haven't played many Bethesda games. Every TES brings change, some highly wanted and others highly hated. I praised the end of repair hammers but disliked the stripping of so many skills and spells (hand to hand would've been perfect in Skyrim dammit).

You have to take it as it comes or stay stuck in the past grumbling about things you miss. I hate the damn voiced character in FO4 but I don't let it stop me from will probably prevent me from making a bunch of separate characters and playing for years but that's another story.

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Charleigh Anderson
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 5:47 pm

I have played just about every Bethesda game. I also understand that there must be changes but you just don't do to an RPG what they have done to this and expect people not to complain. Especially one you've been working on for 7 years.
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Iain Lamb
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 5:22 pm

Yeah everybody knows you are a moderator for a reason.

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Charles Mckinna
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 6:15 pm

I hear you, I don't like the direction they're going with their games by trying to rope in a larger audience so I go into them with low expectations. I fully expect a watered down TES next time or a Fallout:Call of Duty down the road which svcks but the games still offer more then most on the market and still retain some resemblance of what they've always done.

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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 1:47 am

Please be more melodramatic, please!! You said you played Bethesda games before but you sound like you just stepped out of a vault after beating Fallout 2 and entering cryo for over a decade.

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Chloe Lou
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 2:07 pm

Black Isle made Fallout 2

Obsidian, in essence, was Black Isle at the time of NV. By your logic, Beth games are knockoffs and NV is the real Fallout 3.
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 10:11 am

Actually, I don't have an issue with the voice. I usually just imagine the voice the way I want it anyhow (the Silver Shroud voice you do on your character is particularly silly when you're playing a woman), but I have to agree about the items, weapons and legendary encounters. It's so random! I've been getting legendary opponents and items since about level 15 ALL the time and there's no actual reward to it. The same goes for boss battles and tough locations you have to get through. There's that final chest/box/crate/locker/desk, etc. and you just get the same junk you've been getting all along.


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Jennie Skeletons
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 12:34 pm

You are correct then. Interplay made the original Fallout so they're all knock-offs. My bad. Thank you for making me look it up. It's been years since I've played 1 or 2 (stopped PC gaming years ago).

Thanks again. I learned something new today and that makes it a good day! :wavey:

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Kevin Jay
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 7:53 pm

The voiced character in and of itself is not that much of an issue (it is a certain kind of issue, but not the worst kind), what is done with that voice through the dialog system is.

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 12:51 pm

Exactly that :D

With some Borderlands and Minecraft added to the mix.

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Kill Bill
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 8:48 pm

My intentions are not to hate on this game. I want somebody who gives a damn to remember what Bethesda brought to the gaming community. Loot in a box is loot in a box. An undiscovered treasure discovered is a treasure indeed. And leave the voice acting to me.
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CArla HOlbert
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 2:49 pm

I'd like a fallout elsewhere. Maybe a ghoul US soldier stuck in a fridge in China for 200 years or something.

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adam holden
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 1:16 pm

Right on dude. Fallout from a ghouls perspective. Sounds really interesting.
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Benjamin Holz
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 5:35 pm

Im being serious here I would love to play as an intelligent deathclaw who uses the F.E.V virus to stranform the wild deathclaws into intelligent deathclaws like himself then we start taking control of the wasteland little by little completely wiping people off the face of the eradiated earth if they dont bow down to there superior lizard overlords.
The deathclaw warriors designated for large scaled combat would mount plasma guns and any other weapons to there backs that are controlled by there brain. Giving them great long range capabilities while not having there superior melee capabilities hindered. Ya I would love this.......
although having the intelligent deathclaws be the antogonist and us the enslaved human as the protagonist would make for a more compelling and emotional story. (You know how it goes. your people enslaved by cruel lizard dictators then you start a rise up against the oppressive regime and begin a revolution against our reptilian overlords)
If you cant tell I LOVE deathclaws the way they were designed is phenomenal! Who ever was in charge of there designe needs to get a medal!!!!
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Amy Smith
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 11:05 pm

You could have a deathclaw squad member in Tactics, and I'm pretty sure you could have a deathclaw companion in Fallout 2 if my memory hasn't imploded. In any case, there is some precedence for deathclaws being something other than powerful enemy mobs.

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