The false accusations are getting WAY out of hand

Post » Sat Dec 24, 2011 10:46 am

In my time playing Crysis 2 I have only seen 4 or 5 obvious hackers, but have only seen 2 of them succesfully votekicked. On the other hand I have seen at least 7 legit players votekicked. And plenty more get way down to 1 vote left, myself included.

It has gotten to the point that every time I make an amazing kill I have to second guess myself and wonder if I should have just let that person go. Console players don't have this problem.

I really am a BIG fan of PC controls. Keyboard and mouse all the way. It's not the hackers that are ruining PC gaming, its the community. People talk about the XBOX controller having a skill cap that the mouse doesn't have. Well we'll never reach even close the mouse's skill cap before we start getting kicked from every server.

Its at the point now that the accusations are worse than the hacks. Don't get me wrong, the hacks are horrible. I am not in any way a fan of hacking or ANYTHING that contributes to the death of PC gaming. However, these accusations really are starting to make the console look good and PCs look bad.
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