And that's fine, you don't have to bother yourself with such topics. By now we are all familiar with your reasoning ("Gameplay is more important", "You are wrong, it looks incredible", etc), but I don't feel it will contribute anything.
Most of 'us' don''t criticize for the sake of flaming or hating, but to give constructive feedback, without which The Elder Scrolls wouldn't be where it is today.
Now, on topic.
The first descriptions of "dynamic snow that falls realistically" raised high hopes, and although I didn't actually expect real particle physics, I have to admit that I'm a bit disappointed about the snow we saw in the trailer.
- The rock on the right looks really, really nice. The deeper parts are filled realistically, and the rock itself blends perfectly with the surrounding 'flat' ground.
- However, the other rocks don't fit. Their snow is darker, and they don't blend into the ground at all.
- The rock Dovahkiin is standing on is covered in snow on all sides. Furthermore, the snow-covered parts stay at the same height as the underlying rock, which indicates a simple re-texturing. This makes it look like a white rock instead of a snow-covered rock.
- Again, the boulder on the right looks much better, but the snow on top doesn't seem to accumulate either, it's 'just' a new texture.
- In case this is supposed to be part of a glacier: I'm sorry, it looks great.
Some examples of real snow-covered rocks: The more snow accumulates, the less it imitates the surface of the rock. A similar example; the snow only covers the top and generates a new, smooth surface. This is a good example of a rock with less snow, and how it blends into the surrounding area.
Overall, one of the main problems seems to be that the snow doesn't create a new mesh, thus just "recoloring" the rock (which I think could be darker in the first place to create a better contrast between the rock and the snow). This is the part I don't think they will be able to change. Sadly, this means there most likely won't be snow-covered trees either - the ones we saw looked more like frozen over.
But: They already have the means to place the snow where it would fall naturally, e.g. not at the sides of the rock. Also, I'm sure they could equalize the brightness of the snow, so it doesn't appear darker on certain rocks and blends better into the environment.
However, all this nitpicking is just about closeup snow. From afar, the
What do you think about the snow in Skyrim?