There does seem to be some confusion about what is allowed here so I am reposting the rules specific to this forum (which are pinned at the top, but we all know no one reads the stickies) - all other apply as well.
1.) Please do not maintain more than one active RP thread, and one active story thread, at a time.
2.) There are no limits to the number of Fan Fiction and Role Playing threads posted, but we reserve the right to close any threads that we consider spam or unsuitable for this forum.
3.) We do not allow supplementary threads for RPs. If you want to maintain a list of characters or a related discussion you will have to set up your own forums or site.
4.) Keep the amount of OOC chat in RP and Story threads to a bare minimum. If we feel that an RP thread has gotten off topic or spammy it will be locked.
5.) This is a Teen Rated (13+) forum. So please only post fan fiction and roleplaying threads that are suitable for this rating.
The only criticism that is allowed here is constructive criticism and that is welcome.
Constructive criticism criticizes a proposed idea, story or RP. Criticism that is directed against one person, be it a writer, another member, moderator, developer or a group effort are all forbidden. This means that when you voice your concerns, please do so in a way that offers a vehicle for improvement. If you see something going wrong, feel free to say so, but also say something about how to set it right.
If you have any doubts about what you are going to post it is always best to run it by a moderator first, we don't bite (well bears do

Having said that this is generally a well run forum with no major dramas so let's keep it that way.
If you want to discuss anything then please do so in this thread.