The Fangs of The Tsaesci: RP Thread

Post » Fri May 04, 2012 3:04 pm


Shortly after the events in Skyrim, where the last dragonborn defeated Alduin and the dragons, The seers of the tsaesci all recieved a similar warning. That some strange new threat was coming to tsaesci lands, and that only by seeking a set of lost artifacts known only as "The Fangs of The Tsaesci". It is unknown what these artifacts are, or where they lie. What was clear in the vision was that in order to find them all, the help of other races would be needed in order to use or find the Fangs. After much arguing and politics, which took place in the usual way (see Tsaesci society later on), it was decided to break their isolation and seek help for their continued survival, even if it means having to make peace with an empire that demonizes them as monsters.

To do so, several boats were sent out, each with a notable Tsaesci representative and crew, to find people that would be willing to cooperate with them to save their race. This is where the RPers come in. We will be members of the crew or people that were picked up in one of these boats, who will be taken to the land of the Tsaesci, to help them, study them, or whatever your character's motivations may be.

In this RP, the characters will either start off already on the boat, or being picked up at the final stop before the return to the tsaesci homeland, whichever makes the most sense for the first characters. characters who join later on in the rp would essentially replace NPC already with the group, to prevent the akward situation of finding out why a random person is wandering around akavir.

all tyes of characters are welcome, warriors, scholars, bards, as long as you can find a good enough reason for them to come, they'll be welcome

I'm planning for the group to encounter several races that, while mentioned, are never actually shown in an elder scrolls game. chief among these, are the tsaesci, the Imga, the Maormer, and potentially even the Lilmothiit. Unfortunately, these races have never truly been fleshed out by Bethesda.

This means that I have taken it upon myself to make educated guesses pull out of my ass a good bit of information about them. As a result, this isn't exactly a lore-friendly RP. Those who will be bothered by this need not apply. I promise I will do my best to give all of these races a believable society, as well as other aspects of their race.

I will accept suggestions for changes and alterations with due consideration. by no means will I accet everyone's suggestions, but if it seems to make more sense than what I have come up with I will attempt to find a way to implement it. So far, I've only managed to write up the details of the Tsaesci, but I will write up the others as we come across them in the rp. For basic reference, here are their pages on the wiki

Now, first things first, this is the part that will contain my interpretations of their cultures/appearance. these will be added as they are needed in the RP

The Tsaesci: A race that comes in two forms. The first form is similar to man and mer in body shape, with green or golden scales covering the back and upper arms. Their eyes are typically vertical slits, with a varying colors of the iris. Their hair is often grown long, even on males, and can be many colors, though the predominant colors are blonde and platinum blonde. Their teeth are often sharper than those of other races, though not as much as a khajiit or argonians. They can be as tall as Altmer, but rarely as short as a typical Bosmer. A feature all tsaesci share is a forked tongue, which can "taste" the air, augmenting their sense of smell.-----

The second form, referred to as a "Bonded" by other tsaesci, is slightly less common than their more ordinary brethren. from the waist up, they are reminiscent of other tsaesci, though may have more snakelike features up to and including fangs(sometimes venomous), more noticeable scales, and on semi-rare occasions a cobra-like hood. The scales on their backs are more pronounced, even forming patterns. From the waist down, their legs have been replaced by the tail of a snake, which they use both for movement and during combat as a weapon of constriction. This tail adds almost a foot to their "standing" height and several feet to overall length; starting from where the feet would normally end, it can add up to three quarters of their legs' original length.-----

Physiology: Bonded and nonbonded tsaecsci can breed and produce a child, which will take the form of the mother. This is unusual because bonded tsaesci produce eggs, while the normal tsaesci do not. it is unkown if this would also be viable between a tsaesci and argonian, or any race for that matter. Due to the heat of their desert or jungle environment, the boast a resistance to fire, although at the cost of being weak to frost, in a Bonded tsaesci, both of these traits are greatly increased, causing them to be nearly immune to flames, while being deathly weak to cold, both environmental and magical. The bonded tsaesci with fangs, often possess a unique paralytic toxin, injected through the hollow pointed fangs in their mouths, which can be retracted in a manner exactly like a snake. They are often sluggish in cooler temperatures, especially the bonded, and need higher temperatures to function normally.----

Architecture: the tsaesci will build large cities, with the different districts in rings around the central palace, where the city's leaders reside. in the ring closest to the palace, paradoxically, is the poorer areas of the city, followed by the richer districts, and the merchant districts on the outer ring. This is to ensure that the leaders see the problems in the city and can attempt to fix them, instead of ignoring them because they are never seen. The palaces are large and grand, often built in rounded shapes featuring points on top. the normal buildings are usually made out of sandstone or adobe, and rarely have more than two stories.----

Society: TheTsaesci have a primarily militant society, which puts a high focus on personal honor. Performing one's tasks exceptionally well, or going above and beyond frequently will raise one's standing in society, to the point where even a very poor tsaesci can be respected by nobles. All tsaesci are raised to fight from day one, and are typically proficient in their chosen weapon and profession, whether their choice is a scimitar or magic. To a tsaesci, there is an honorable and a dishonorable way to complete any task. Even thieves are respected for the skill it takes to steal from another. ----

Personal arguments between taseasci are often resolved through a duel, where the two agree upon terms of the fight and fight until one either concedes victory or can no longer stand. at which point, the victor has won the argument as well as the fight. If the opponent fought with honor, obeying the agreed upon terms, it is common courtesy to heal them, or alternatively finding someone to do so if the victor lacks the skill. It is also true that political and legal arguments are solved in the same manner, though on a larger scale. the Grand palace is built around an arena for this purpose. supporters of each side line up and fight until one is left standing. this person's viewpoint determines the final outcome. Tsaesci rarely die in these battle royales, but it can happen, and each goes into the arena knowing the risks.----

Tsaesci, despite being so violent, are also friendly and trusting. they see violence as a necessary part of life, but not the only part. They often welcome others into the their homes, providing food and entertainment for their guests. However, many are hesitant to break the centuries old isolation that they have only recently decided to break due to the seer's prophecy. Any newcomers should not be surprised if they are treated with a certain level of distrust, though unless a tsaesci is directly offended one needn't worry about conflict.----



Name: Saresh

Age: 28

Race: Tsaesci (Bonded)

Gender: Male

Height: "standing" height; 6'5", Full height; 7'4"

Birthsign: The Atronach

Appearance: Saresh is a bonded tsaesci with retractable venomous fangs, which when not in use lie flat against the roof of his mouth like a snake's fangs, and a Cobra's hood. He appears more serpentine than human, even on his upper half. The top of his head, his upper arms and entire back, and his tail are all covered in bright gold scales, and white scales make patterns on his back and hood. The front side of his tail has large, horizontal scales that he uses to move around, again, just like a snake. His eyes are a golden color, with a vertically slitted pupil. HIs torso has a somewhat large build, emphasizing strength while not sacrificing too much speed. His tail is also muscular, as thick around as his waist at it's thickest. While speaking, he may hiss slightly on 's' sounds due to the forked tongue that occassionally flits in and out of his mouth

Class: Tsaesci Warrior

Skills and known spells: One-handed(dual wielding), can use restoration to seal simple wounds on himself and others, light armor, leadership experience

clothing/armor: he wears a strange light armor on his chest and shoulders. A dark green color, almost black, it looks and feels like an organic substance. it is actually specially treated pieces of a certain species of cactus that grows in the desert. when treated properly, it creates a substance that is similar in strength to a very hard piece of amber: strong, with a bit of flexibility and a very light weight. Another, more flexible piece protects what would be his upper thighs and groin. He also wears a pendant of the same material, shaped like a lotus flower.

Weapons: twin steel scimitars that he is very proficient with. the handles are shaped to look like snakes, with the bottom of the hilts shaped into a snake's head, baring fangs.

Miscellaneous items: lotus pendant

Personality: saresh, like most tsaesci, is respectful and honorable. He tends to be a bit abrupt when speaking to other races, as he is ot used to dealing with (understandably). but it's evident that under his no-nonsense military exterior, there is a softer side to him. The lotus flower pendant he wears was given to him by his mate in the tsaesci capitol, to remind him of her and his home. While he himself is military, he understands that many of the people on the ship aren't soldiers, and thus keeps a relatively loose hold of on-board happenings between people on board, trusting them to resolve their own conflicts, though he will step in if it affects himself or his crew. He is deeply protective of those under his command, and takes any man lost as a deep personal loss. Those who accompany him often on missions and/or prove themselves capable will earn his trust and respect.

Major flaw: Though he tries not to show it, he can be somewhat sentimental. He is willing to put himself in harm's way to protect those who cannot protect themselves, but will show no such favor to those he has deemed dishonorable

Background: Born in the tsaesci capitol of Lotra (yes, this is completely made up), at a young age he, like all tsaesci, was enlisted in the military. his natural skill and sense of honor allowed him to quickly rise in rank, eventually becoming the equivalent of a legate in the empire's ranking system. it was at this time, he was allowed to retire as a prominent member of the city. It was at this time he met his mate, Kadara (another bonded who I may post a sheet for and control later). He has fathered a child with Kadara, and said child is currently enlisted in the military and is currently training for combat. He was in the capitol when the seers all began speaking of the "Fangs of the Tsaesci", and he was one of the candidates for heading the trip to Tamriel to ask for help. he gladly accepted and is currently on the ship. He resides in the captain's quarters, near the aft of the ship. And while he is available to answer questions and requests, he does not appreciate entering without permission.

I will also post the current sign-up thread, where you will post your CS. alternatively, you can PM them directly to me, and post them to the OOC thread when they are accepted
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 3:50 pm

Wulgar. The main deck Midday.

It was day one for the Nord. He heard rumors that the Akaviri had returned to Tamriel. Except this time, they are not invading. Instead, they wanted foriengers to come with them for some reason. Wulfgar only come with them to escape his past. He took with him the books Mysterious Akavir, and Dissaster at Lonith. As he came to the main deck, he just sat on a stool, reading these outdated books. Hoping someone won't bother him.

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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 10:21 am

Saresh, Captain's quarters, Midday

The Captain's quarters were dark, the windows had been partially sealed to retain heat. In the center of the room, there was a fire burning, elevated so as to not endanger the ship. Magically heated stones were placed in the four corners of the room, providing even more heat. To any normal person the room would be like a sauna. There was no bed, and instead a large cushion had been placed on the ground, with a hole in the middle, it encircled the pillar holding the flame. Coiled around the pillar was the room's occupant, and the captain of the ship: a large bonded Tsaesci, by the name of Saresh. Just looking at him, one would assume he was either a statue or dead, based on how little he moved. if one looked closer, they could just barely see the rise and fall of his chest as he breathed.

Saresh had been sleeping since the ship left Tamriel, for the climate of the continent was far too cold, except in the regions that were like his own home. His rest however, would not continue, for a sudden knock at the door of his quarters announced that one of his men had seen fit to awake him, for whatever reason. He had not left his quarters since he began his forced hibernation, when they first arrived in Tamriellic waters. But the heat of the room ensured that he could be awakened if need be. and apparently someone thought he was needed.

The tsaesci awoke with a slight hiss, becoming instantly alert. He grabbed one of his scimitars and moved to open the door. As the door opened, a young tsaesci crewman was revealed, and he was shaking slightly at the intimidating bonded standing before him. Saresh was the only bonded on the ship, to help ease the newcomers into the concept when he showed himself. He looked down at the young man, asking simply, "Is it time?" He nodded, worried that he might be punished for awakening Saresh. Saresh put a hand on the man's shoulder, and said, "Thank you. I will go address the newcomers. You are free to return to any other duties you have." he smiled as he said this. He recalled that this young one had never been on a mission with him before, and had been worried he would be a tyrant of an officer. He was, needless to say, relieved as he bowed and left.

Saresh briefly went back inside his chambers, donning his customary armor and strapping his scimitars to his back. After doing so, he left his chambers and made his way to the main deck, stopping briefly before the door to listen. He could tell that a crowd had formed outside the door. apparently the arrival of the elusive captain made for good gossip. He opened the doors and slid outside into the sunlight, which would have blinded him if he weren't used to living in the desert. Upon seeing him, all conversation stopped, and he could hear quite a few audible gasps at his appearance. Whatever they were expecting, it wasn't him. A few people near the doors drew their weapons out of reflex. He held out his hand in an attempt to calm them saying, "Peace. I am not your enemy. I am in fact, the captain of this vessel. And I do not appreciate weapons being drawn on me. If you would be so kind..." They lowered their weapons. and he continued moving through the crowd. He passed men, mer, orcs, and even some of the beast races of Tamriel. Most interestingly, He passed a few Imga and even some Maormer could be seen. How on Nirn did they convince THEM to come with us? he briefly wondered as he made his way to the bow of the ship, so he could address these people.

"As I said, I am the captain of this vessel. As I'm sure you know, we are on our way back to Akavir. I can see my crew have enlisted the help of many, and of this I am glad. I'm sure my appearance is surprising to you, but you needn't worry. As long as you do not cause trouble, you have nothing to fear from me." he paused, allowing his words to sink in. "Furthermore, while none of you are in the tsaesci military, you are aboard a military vessel. Personal conflicts are to be resolved quickly, and without bloodshed. If a conflict begins to affect myself or my crew, I will step in and personally resolve it. Are there any questions?" he waited patiently for anyone who wished to ask a question.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 2:58 am

Wulfgar. The main deck. Midday.

While he was reading the book, someone came upon the deck. It was a snake man. Wulfgar had heard legends of of how many of the Tsaeici were snake-men. And he thought it was false as most of the Tsaeici on the ship were just merely human. Many cowards drew their sowrds. Idiots. When the captain began to speak, Wulfgar noticed that he even had seen some Maomer and Igma. He never even seen either race. How did they somehow got convinced to go on this journey. When the captain asked for questions he merely just ignored and kept reading Mysterious Akavir.

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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 8:23 am

Mathyn looked up at the giant snake-man that had just appeared through the open door. But instead of looking with awe or fear in his eyes, he watched the tsaeci man with simple curiosity. He was not afraid for his life and he had heard of these people before so he knew that he was safe with his knowledge and magical skill. He sat down in a chair close to the edge of the ship so that he could see the sea as they sailed towards akavir. He turned to a book that he had aquired from a merchant at the port. "The moons and stars were hidden from sight, making that particular quiet night especially dark. The town guard had to carry torches to make their rounds; but the man who came to call at my chapel carried no light with him. I came to learn that Movarth Piquine could see in the dark almost as well as the light — an excellent talent, considering his interests were exclusively nocturnal.
One of my acolytes brought him to me, and from the look of him, I at first thought he was in need of healing. He was pale to the point of opalescence with a face that looked like it had once been very handsome before some unspeakable suffering. The dark circles under his eyes bespoke exhaustion, but the eyes themselves were alert, intense, almost insane.
He quickly dismissed my notion that he himself was ill, though he did want to discuss a specific disease.
"Vampirism," he said, and then paused at my quizzical look. "I was told that you were someone I should seek out for help understanding it."
"Who told you that?" I asked with a smile.
"Tissina Gray."
I immediately remembered her. A brave, beautiful knight who had needed my assistance separating fact from fiction on the subject of the vampire. It had been two years, and I had never heard whether my advice had proved effective." He read to himself murmuring the words in the story.

OOC: I love immortal blood.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 3:43 am

Trannigan stayed in his room for most of the journey. He never did like having to be cooped up on ships or carriages for too long. While he did enjoy the smell of the sea enough, ships just werent big enough to contain his wonderlust. The Imperial lazed around in his bed and thought about his family and about past comrades he was leaving behind. He hoped that he wouldn't have to return to hear of any losses.

Then again... I should hope I am able to return at all. I'll have to stay on top of my game in this land. I know practically nothing about it except for the old, mostly untrue legends...

He turned on his side then and decided to try to sleep to pass the time. He would wake up later to eat when his stomach woke him up, or perhaps some of the Tsaesci would tell them when meals were prepared. They seemed nice enough.

"I'll worry about it later" he uttered to himself as he kicked his shoes off and nodded off.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 1:58 pm

Alecor Valterayn, Main Deck, Midday
Alecor watched the sea as they travelled along it He had gathered a few inquisitive stares when he had conversed in Akavari with some of the Tscaeci, he looked down at the wrapped bundle next to him in the bundle was An old Akavari katana, he hoped to deliever it to his old friend if he was still alive he looked up when the captain gave a speech "aye" he spoke up "what year is it?" it grew a few laughs but he held up his hand "When I was last awake the year was 3E177 I know we are in the fourth era So what year is it?" he asked.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 8:09 am

Main deck
Administrator Katariah (Elene)

Wave chased wave in the seemingly endless vastness of the ocean surrounding them, the soft embrace of the waters surrounding them swaying relatively calmly in the midday wind. For this, the crimson-robed Nibenese had to admit being thankful. As she had been quick to realise, protracted journeys over the sea were not entirely her thing. One might have even ventured to say that she detested the experience so far.

Maybe it would all turn out for the best in the end, as unlikely as that sounded at the moment. After all, if my perceived weaknesses are my strengths, then Administrator Katariah is growing stronger by the second indeed. At the expense of Elene, sadly enough.

The incessant scribbling stopped for a moment, Elene glancing up from the sheet of paper and at the detestable swaying surroundings. 'Administrator Katariah' indeed; she used her real name so rarely, the thought of introducing herself any other way didn't even occur to the agent. So that was how the Tsaesci and the rest of the crew knew her now, one of the endless sea of bureaucrats that kept the Imperial clockwork ticking more or less smoothly (if not always heading in the right direction). As far as anyone aboard the ship was concerned, she'd spent her life honing the skills of indefinite polite stalling to keep people from troubling her master directly.

A first impression that made her unlikely to be well received by the rag-tag bunch who probably considered themself to be the stuff of legends and men and women of action, and one that she was eager to maintain. If anyone bothered to inquire, the supposed administrator could explain her presence aboard the ship with a sad but suitably affable smile and a story about how the inbred chinless wonder of a noble she served (not that she was permitted to call him that) always had a fascination for all things Akaviri.

So far, none such questions had been leveled at her. And while the lack of people she could exchange basic pleasantries with now and again might get depressing in the long run, for the time being she was positively overjoyed at the ease of maintaining a low profile. And, after all, we won't be stuck on this ship forever, will we. I hope.

The agent's ruminations (and rather furious scribbling) were interrupted rather abruptly by the arrival of the captain, an individual certainly... notable enough. Perhaps a charitable way to describe him, considering he - or it, maybe? - was pretty much a giant snake-man. Emphasis on the 'snake'.

There's one ambiguity about Tsaesci cleared up. Elene may have been too skilled an actor to let her surprise show, but inwardly she had to hand it to their captain (for that was what the snake-man was, or claimed to be at any rate), his arrival would probably stay with her for a long while. Her and a few others, or so it seemed as some of the members of their 'team' less adept at hiding their emotions than the agent pulled their swords on the Tsaesci.

No incident seemed to be forthcoming, however, largely thanks to the fact, as the alleged administrator suspected, that the captain spoke calmly rather than errupting into a series of furious hisses and venomous spits as she'd half-expected him to. Seeing as he apparently wasn't going to eat them, which took away the dangerous edge to his exoticism fairly quickly, Elene could note the fairly ancient (and odd, what with the purple eyes and all) looking Altmer and his query regarding the current year.

"The 201st year of the Fourth Era we have the pleasure to live in, by the Tamrielic reckoning at least; our Tsaesci hosts could certainly provide their own equivalent." She nodded slightly with a polite smile in the captain's direction. "And, on that note, I would like to inquire as to our esteemed captain's name, and if the fact that we are aboard a military vessel means we should consider ourselves under military jurisdiction, with all the implications that entails - which undoubtedly transcend continental borders fairly intact, as is the nature of such things."
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 12:34 pm

Main deck
Administrator Katariah (Elene)
"The 201st year of the Fourth Era we have the pleasure to live in, by the Tamrielic reckoning at least; our Tsaesci hosts could certainly provide their own equivalent." She nodded slightly with a polite smile in the captain's direction. "And, on that note, I would like to inquire as to our esteemed captain's name, and if the fact that we are aboard a military vessel means we should consider ourselves under military jurisdiction, with all the implications that entails - which undoubtedly transcend continental borders fairly intact, as is the nature of such things."
Alecor Valterayn, Main Deck, Midday
"Thank you" Alecor Called before turning his attention to the captain who looked as if he was about to speak.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 12:19 pm

Wulfgar. Main Deck. Midday.

While I was reading the book, some elf, who likes like a pile of potatoes, asked what year it is. And explained that he must of been a sleep since 3E 177. "[censored]." Wulfgar thought. Something was strange about the Elf. His eyes were... Purple. Still Wulfgar now happened to have a question.

"Exactly why do you want foriengers to come to your homeland?" He said in an almost horrific accent that sounded like a Dunmer from Vardenfell.

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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 6:25 am

Saresh, Main Deck, Midday

Saresh had been about to respond to the golden-skinned Mer's query when another beat him to the answer. A human woman, who he had not seen before, as she was sitting down. He could not tell what her specific race was, having not had time to learn how to distinguish them. When she asked her questions of him, The Tsaesci slithered towards her, until he was only a few feet in front of her. His yellow eyes narrowed as he looked her over, his tongue flicked out, tasting the scents of ink and paper, and several other scents he did not recognize, in the air. He finally spoke, answering her questions,

"While we are indeed on a military vessel, no one except the crew is technically under my jurisdiction. As such, I cannot officially give any of you orders. What I can give are polite requests that would be wise to heed." he said this with a wry smile, which became more genuine as he continued, "As for my name, I am called Saresh," he then heard an incredibly gravelly voice call out, asking why the Tsaesci would want foreigners to come to Akavir. Saresh turned towards the man, his face covered by a hood. "Why? An excellent question. I believe it's time you all knew the full story." he paused, addressing the whole crowd.

"We had been pushing to break our isolation for many years, and probably would have still been pushing for it, except for what happened about a month ago. Every tsaesci seer began speaking of some sort of prophecy, that something was coming, and soon, to destroy our people. Whether this thing is a threat to your races as well, is unknown. The seers also said that two things were certain. The first: that we would need to find a set of rare artifacts known only as 'The Fangs of The Tsaesci'." He paused, allowing the crowd to absorb what a few months ago he would have dismissed as fantasy. "The second thing they made clear, was that we could not retrieve them alone, we would need the help of other races to find or use the Fangs. This is why you all are here. My people are facing a threat we have never encountered before, and we have brought all of you aboard in hopes you would help us." He paused, waiting for any reactions.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 11:33 am

Trannigan laid on his bed as he heard talking nearby outside. Must be the other participants. One voice sounds odd though... like one of those Tsaeci people. He listened in as best as he could while in his own room but could only hear mumbles through the wall. With that he decided to get up and join the others. When he got to the door the Tsaesci, who he learned from one of the workers was named Saresh was explaining just why his people needed outsiders to help out. He listened as the snake man told of an artifact called the 'Fang of Tsaesci' and that legend held it to be able to aid with what ever large scale problem his land was having.

"My people are facing a threat we have never encountered before, and we have brought all of you aboard in hopes you would help us."

Trannigan took that opportunity to step forward and introduce himself. "Greetings, Saresh, was it? Trannigan Drattmer at your service. I have no doubt that through brotherhood and cooperation we will be able to solve the problem your people are having. Tell me, is there anything at the moment I could be doing? I am going mad sitting around doing nothing, always get restless on long journeys." With that he gave a hearty laugh and stuck his arm out towards Saresh to shake hands.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 12:16 pm

Saresh raised an eyebrow at the human's extended arm. Realizing it must be a greeting of some kind, he returned the gesture, awkwardly shaking the man's hand. "You wish to help... Trannigan? I have been mostly unconscious for a while now, and my crew have not had time to fill me in since I have awakened However, I'm sure if you asked any of the crewmen, they could find ways for you to help." He let go of the Man's hand, and turned towards the crowd. "The same goes for any others who wish to help. There is also a training room below the main deck, for those who wish to use it to pass some time."

"Are there any more questions? Now is the time." he looked around at the crowd, scanning to see if anyone in particular looked as though they wanted some answers.

OOC: argh short post
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Karine laverre
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 3:40 pm

Almaric, Main Deck. Midday.

"Boats.. Why does it always have to be boats?" thought Almaric, he stood with his head in his arms resting agaist the railings on the ships port-side. "Why cant mage just zap peop--.." The Breton spat out into the water, staring blankly down into his latest road. Behind him he could hear the Captain, Saresh, speaking to the crewmen and adventurers. Trannigan, A man who looked to be a fellow veteran, was next to speak and chose to ask about jobs to do in order to pass the time till arrival. Almaric felt it to be a fair request, he'd often get bored on long journeys too, but the mans attitude rubbed him up the wrong way. Friendly enough, though that was likely the problem.

Saresh requested anymore questions to be directed to him now. With an unstable turn, The Sellsword stepped forward and spoke out to the gathering "I'd have a question, How long do you guestimate we'll be stuck aboard this ship? It'd be fair to say i'm a man of the land, not the waters." As he spoke, his half missing mouth made an assortment of unnatural movements, shapes and altogether unpretty sights for those of a faint heart. "Oh, and if we're in the 'Get to know you' stage, You may call me Almaric." His tone was somewhat sarcastic, though he ended his words with a genuine nod of curtesy.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 4:36 pm

Mathyn watched the others having a conversation with mild curiosity. He closed his book and stood up looking around then coughing politely to get Saresh's attention. "Where can we acquire food on this fine ship of yours Saresh. I must admit that I find myself famished." He said politely smiling up at the snakeman.

He looked over the towering figure trying to find as much about the man that he could. From the armor that he wore Mathyn could tell that their captain was a warrior and from the quality of it he was a high ranking officer. The armor appeared to be made out of some hardened plant material which suggested that there were many exotic plants on the island of akavir. The dual scimitars on Saresh's back showed that he was skilled with a blade and the fact that he had been polite and curtious with each and every man and woman on the ship that approached him while also laying out the rules that weren't strict but would be enforced pieced the snakeman to be an honorable man and a great leader.
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Guinevere Wood
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 4:45 pm

His eyes caught a man who appeared to have been in some sort of accident. One side of his face seemed to be mangled, and the eye on that side seemed almost completely blind. He asked for a general estimate on their arrival, and stated his preference for land. Saresh nodded, "I understand that feeling. Do not worry, this is a fast ship. we should be arriving in Akavir within a few days, Sir Almaric." Another voice, this one belonging to an elf, spoke up, asking about where to find food. Saresh laughed as he said, "I already sai-" he stopped realizing his error, "Ah! Different cultures! The training room I mentioned earlier? It is also the same room one will find food in. The tables all have a view of the fighting circles. Consider the fights to be your... entertainment." He finished with a small smile. He could see the elf looking at him intently, not to size him up for a fight; there was no such intent in his gaze, only curiosity. Though some green beings farther away... Orcs he believed they were called, seemed to be doing just that.

In particular a big one covered in tattoos seemed to be looking at him with the most belligerence. He had heard that their kind relished fighting as much as the Tsaesci, but without the discipline. I'll need to watch that group closely, he thought to himself. And if they try anything, I'll need to end it quickly. He returned his gaze to the elf, lowering himself slightly so that he didn't tower above him. "I'm sorry for the confusion, did that answer your question?"
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Vicky Keeler
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 8:12 am

Main deck
Administrator Katariah (Elene)

Sparing a barely notable nod to acknowledge the Tsaesci's responses to her questions, Elene tilted her head slightly as she returned to listening and, occasionaly, writing something down. Saresh may've noted a faint, flowery scent surrounded the agent, subtle and tasteful application of quality perfume meant to create the image of 'that' sort of bureaucrat - the sort who could actually tell their rear quarters from their elbows and take care of both themselves and whatever tasks were thrust upon them by their usually far less competent noble masters. At least, that had been the intent back in the comforts of Imperial City, kept up here out of habit (more accurately, Katariah's habit; the agent was paranoid enough to avoid any, even slight, changes to the bearing presented when she first met the Tsaesci envoys and was still an aide).

And where first meetings were concerned, for that matters, the fake administrator had to admit that the Tsaesci had a decent taste in hiring goons for their dirty work. Now that some of the members of their rag-tag not-so-little bunch had drawn her attention to themselves, she was pleased to note many were the usual sort of misfits whose use she favoured herself, when the occasion called for some brute force. Their level of skill remained to be verified, of course, but as far as their personalities were concerned, they only mattered as far as whatever quirks they possessed made convincing them to put themselves between her and incoming enemies more or less difficult.

Incoming enemies we probably will have plenty of. Her palms itched uncomfortably, which Elene could only interpret as a sign of definite trouble in the near future. On the whole, their captain's whole story sounded uncomfortably close to the various fables and stereotypical adventurers' tales, the likes of which she was all too familiar with from the many different occasions she'd posed as a bard. Decidedly not what I'd prefer to be doing, then. But, It was all she could do to suppress a sigh. The Eight protect. The things you do for the Empire...

Further questions were passed around, but the agent found her attention dwindling, eyes wandering sometimes towards their exotic captain or some of the other less common races that had decided to join up for what she inwardly called an 'adventure' not without a bit of irritation and chagrin. Time spent lurking in ancient temples or what not was time she wasn't spending picking up as much as she could of the goings-on of Akavir, after all.

If it *is* going to be a cliche adventure, though, at least there are plenty of cliche adventurers to take the heat in my stead and ensure I return to Cyrodiil in one piece. Several faces caught Elene's attenion for a second longer than the others. The grotesque scars of what seemed to have once been a Breton before half his face fell off; the purple-eyed Altmer who undoubtedly was some sort of a wizard and thus best never left without supervision lest he blew something up; a youthful Dunmer who probably was nothing of the sort, knowing the peculiarities of Elven aging.

Definitely the sort of group that only Mara could love. And stuck in the middle of them all, an agent of the Oculatus.

A smile found its way to her lips as Elene stood up, concealing the parchment somewhere in the depths of her robe and walking (slightly unsteadily; sea legs she did not possess) over to the rail while the others continued going over their questions and mulling over the captain's answers.

This might turn out to be just a little more exciting than a traitor sweep throught the White Gold.
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Juan Suarez
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 9:07 am

Almaric Ashcliffe, Main Deck. Midday.

"A few days.. Great. No wonder half of these folk brought books, all i've got to read is Eskobans books of ramblings on what he'd heard of this artifact." Almarics mind had began to trail off without him as he glared back into the watery waves which surrounded them "Feels like that job with Pohlmann, tucked away on a ship for days while we docked in Anvil. Was a fair bounty at the end of it, though he gained the affections of the lady and i lost half my face. Always was a lucky sod." He let out a sigh, now both his feelings and his stomach were upset. "Suppose eating isnt the wisest of ideas, though would be foolish to refuse the possibility of lasting rations.."

The Breton bent down awkwardly and picked up his satchel, slugging it over his shoulder he made for the stairs to head below deck. He paused by the doorway, then turned back to the Captain. "I trust we're to be the entertainment? Or will your crew be participating?" he grumbled, though not wholly on purpose.
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Marion Geneste
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 5:43 am

D'vatla, Mouth of Seqen-Alta, Mid Deck.

A typhoon of purple energy bursted forth from nowhere and with it came the shape of a monster or at least that is what one would think.
One slave goblin who had been cleaning the akaviri cabins witnessed the event with open eyes and hesistated to move in absolute fear.
From the waves of darkened summoning came a figure of a sload and his two workers or servants, a dunmer mage, as well as a khajiit.
The dunmer gestured to his master in a request form, speaking in a strange language. The sload responded similarly but disagreed.

What the monster did in the frightened goblin's view was even more surprising than before, for he changed his tongue into that of akaviri.
"Goblin! this one is D'vatla, the Soul-Trader of Agonio." His tongue was sharp between his crooked teeth, yet still unbalanced.
"This one bids that would you kindly go to the master of this bone vessel and instruct the tsaesci to come here at once."
The goblin hurried off while D'vatla's servants began to look through their supplies, for two items were of importance to the sload now.

Meanwhile, the goblin quickly made his way through the halls of ivory, ebony wood or dragon bone arches of this catamaran treasure ship.
Spiral ramp-like staircases were navigated, goblin soup kitchens avoided, training halls crept through and to the top deck did his aim end up in.
From his position the goblin stealthly crept through the foreigners, shipmasters, sailors and the lookouts to eventually make his way to the captain.
He got up in an embarassing scrawl, before beginning to bow deeply to the tsaesci, then presently kissing his arms in traditional respect.

His squeaking voice was felt with absolute fear of the captain and he carefully played his words together, else he'd end up being thrown overboard.
"Ship Masterrr.. shur.. Ship Master Saresh, Lord of the Seven Expeditions, Hunger of Fangs, Golden Grasp of Her Claw, Slayer of Jerruthsaviik.."
The tone of his comment made it look to have been repeated twice daily, almost religiously, in worry of repercussions of any inaccuracies of title.
"Your brilliant liege, me sirra is told to give your wonderful liege news of meeting. Me sirra sees slimey kamal with foreign dark goblin, in lower deck."

The goblin was nowhere as proficient in the language of Tamriel as others on the ship, he actually spoke more like a parrot in actuality.
For he copied words used by other goblins that gave messages of attendance to the higher lords of the top deck, when he heard them.
Which was ever so rarely, for goblins would only ever come to middle or top decks when requested to clean or to prepare the food there.
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Monique Cameron
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 8:42 am

Saresh, Main Deck, Midday

Saresh cocked his head at the odd question, "Of course! Should you choose to be. For non-crew, the training room is optional. For us Tsaesci, even if it were optional under my command, most of us would still use it religiously. I myself am inclined to spar; I've been asleep far too long!" he was about to continue when he noticed one the the ship's trained goblins at his coils. It kissed his arm in the traditional sign of respect before babbling on about his titles. The goblin continued about seeing a "slimy Kamal" and "Dark Goblin". Saresh lowered himself down and placed a hand on top of the goblins head. "Please! Oro! Enough with the titles!" he said with softly, with a smile, "You know I'm more lenient than other commanders." he paused, "A Kamal? What was his name?"

The Goblin seemed to have calmed himself slightly at Saresh's words and spoke again, "Me sirra heard him as 'D'Vatla', shipmaster. It came with light!" Saresh was unclear on what the last part meant, but it seemed magical. That makes sense, if it's really D'Vatla... He gave the goblin named Oro an encouraging pat on the head while saying, "Thank you, Oro. You may return to your duties." The goblin nodded and began making his way back to the doorway to the lower decks, but paused when Saresh said, "And Oro? Good work." The Goblin happily returned to the lower decks as several passengers stared at him in confusion.

He felt this scene deserved an explanation. "Well I should have mentioned it before, but there are goblins aboard. They are trained, and completely harmless, provided you do not provoke them. They typically stay on the lower decks, so you probably won't see them too often. Now, it appears I have matters to attend to. As I said, The training room is available to all, and you can feel free to eat as much as you like. Now I must take my leave." He made his way through the crowd and down the ramps leading to the middle decks. He paused when he came to the spiral ramp-like staircase that led to the lower decks. It was assumed that he wouldn't have need to come down here, so they didn't install a proper ramp. He sighed and carefully navigated his way down the stairs. It was a tight fit, as the passage wasn't meant for bonded, but he managed.

He passed a few goblin workers, who all bowed to him out of respect. He made his way to a room whose door was open, and walking inside he saw Oro, nervously trying to resume his duties while keeping a frightened eye on the other occupants of the room. He slid towards them, and spoke to the robed one in the middle. "So.... You are D'Vatla? I take it you are here per the arrangement with the seers?"
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 6:22 pm

D'vatla, Mouth of Seqen-Alta: Mid Deck, Midday.

The sload waited patiently for the tsaesci and allowed his stewards to go about searching for the urn, as well as the scroll they brought with them.
It took some time but they eventually found it within a sack that held different contents, but notably D'vatla's habitual supplies of enchantments.
Slave goblins poked their head in every now and then, curious or inquisitive to what had startled the young ratcatcher Oro of his usual duties.
D'vatla usually ignored them, however some were a little too mischievous for his liking, so he sent the khajiit Ma-'Renrij to go scare them away.

Eventually the tsaesci came. Obviously, for a racket was made when something a little too big for the goblin walkways attempted to squeeze in them.
But the thing was successful from the following sound and subsequently entered the room to which D'vatla, as well as his followers, made president.
He answered the group with what the sload found as an obvious question. However, his court intrigue taught him better than to make the same mistake.
"He is indeed D'vatla." "We're here under the pretense deal that it can obtain one enchanted fang in return for services rendered."

The dunmer said in stead of his master's tongue. Only after this did the sload find it appropriate enough for his own voice to beckon to the tsaesci.
"This one is also aware of your shortage on 'supplies.'" "The nobles of Tai'lek-loekar expressed your vessel starve for your insolence."
His voice was calm in expressing this news- he did not express any concern to the snake's health as it did not benefit his interests, at least for a sload.
"However, due to this one's great kindness, we have brought you six hundred and twelve feastings within this urn. Yes, for your tastes."

D'vatla flicked his blubbery fingers at the nearby goblin, Oro and spoke a few simple, understandable words in akaviri tongue. "Urn to the Cook, Goblin."
The goblin hurried off in the direction of his people's soup kitchen on the ship, where the contents of the urn would be prepared for the tsaesci hosts.
Once the little pale thing was out of the room, the sload spoke once more. "This one expects payment for that, as well as delivery of this scroll."
The scroll itself holding a standing order for one Saresh to come before the council of merchant lords, as well as seers, to face accusations of incompetence in duty.
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Arnold Wet
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 2:59 am

Trannigan gave a nod to the Tsaesci once he answered him, then he simply took a seat at one of the tables in the same room and ate a little bit more of the food he had brought with him. He was a bit displeased at the reptilian beings answer but the Imperial realized he should have been more specific with what he meant by help. He wasn't in the mood to do simple grunt work but didn't completely rule-out the idea either. they would be on the ship for a few days still after all.

The Imperial decided instead to just listen in as the others communicated with the captain as well as with each other a little bit. He did not bother saying anything though. He usually was quiet when in a large group of people, preferring instead to just listen and learn about them then spout off about himself.
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Taylah Haines
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 12:06 pm

Mathyn bowed his head politely and began to make his way to the training room. He arrived to a few people eating while others spared. He ignored the group fighting and moved directly to the food. He filled a plate with his favorite food and walked back up to the main deck. He always preferred to eat outside.

As he ate he looked around at the other passengers trying to anolyze the others. He saw, warriors, mages, and other tsaeci sailors and warriors. As he looked around he caught the faint smell of fragrant perfume. He searched around for the source but the people around him made it hard to pinpoint the smell.
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Gavin Roberts
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 4:27 am

Almaric Ashcliffe, Main Deck - Training/eating Room.

"Oh wonderful, we've even got goblins on the ship" thought Almaric, still standing in the doorway. "I wonder from what corner of the land this guest is, likely some bastard son of daedra."
The Breton followed another of the company downstairs to the training room, they said little to one another except that which eyes exchanged. Once he stepped in the room, he was alittle taken back by the scale of it all. The main fighting area felt like that of the arena, though it could not be the true size. Almarics perception left much to be desired at the best of times, though in strange areas it was nigh on useless. He did spot the food however, and followed the Dunmer across to the table.

The young-looking mage seemed the know what he was doing, selecting what appeared to be his favourites from the tables offerings. Almaric felt lost once again, scanning his eyes over the strange array of oddly shaped fruits and vegetables. "Wonderful. The luck Pohlmann got must have been stolen from me i do swear.." He let out a deep sigh, selecting a handful of fruits which looked more 'Normal' to him. Peeling back the skin of one of the sharp-looking fruits, he took a wary bite of it's contents. "Mmmh.." he grumbled approvingly, "Not bad for a foreign dish." He selected a handfull more and tossed them into his satchel for a later date. Their skin ought to keep them from going off for a few days, and he felt unsure of how much more of the selected would be deemed eatable.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 10:48 am

Mathyn searched for the source of the perfume. He found it peculiar that such a smell was on a ship like this. Bound for adventure each person her is probably prepared for adventure yet here was the light a dainty smell of a woman. And a noble woman at that.

As the smell grew stronger he looked around and found a woman in robes leaning against the rails of the ship. "Excuse me miss?" He gently and politely tapped her on the shoulder taking in her apparel. From what he saw she was a noble or at least a woman of high standing. But he couldn't tell anymore than that. She seemed mysterious.
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