Uh, well firstly, I don't want an MMO. Secondly, if they made one in all of Tamriel, I feel that there would be far too little attention given to each individual province and what is available in each province will have to be made far smaller and have far less content due to the fact that manpower is not infinite. It's a quality versus quantity issue. There is such a thing as unfocused.
Did I say I was talking about it BEING an MMO? Are you unaware of the difference between thinking of something LIKE an MMO and it actually being an MMO.
And how is there such a thing as unfocused in a sandbox game? Unfocused... on what? What is supposed to be focused on?
I'd also like to point out that you are not good at math.
If 1 province requires, say, 50,000 man hours, then 9 provinces doesn't require INFINITE man hours, it requires 50,000 times 9 man-hours.
You have this odd assumption that detail is impossible when I am talking about a hypothetical future with as mane employees as would be needed for this sort of thing.