So i've found a way to get to 100 smithing SO easily. It's also quite simple too, all you need is 5500 gold, 1 gold bar, and 1 flawless diamond. To get a gold bar and a flawless diamond, follow these videos: and Getting the gold bars can be a bit out of the way, but you can use this glitch to travel faster with your horse while in the water:
so, once you have your gold bars and flawless diamond, you're going to want to spend that 500 gold to hire Jenassa. She's a dark elf mercenary inside the drunken huntsman inside of whiterun. Your companion doesn't have to be Jenassa, it just has to be someone that will be willing to pick up stolen items, and since she's a mercenary and available from the beginning of the game, she's a safe bet.
once you get Jenassa, you need a good place to do it, where there aren't any npcs too see you stealing, so you should buy the breezehome in whiterun. I used it and found it to be perfect.
once you have all the prerequisites taken care of, you're going to do the duplication glitch. This glitch is really buggy, and in all honesty, I'm not even sure how it works. First, watch this video: Now that you have a simple understanding on how it's done, im going to explain to you how to duplicate a large amount of items. The glitch removed all of the bonuses from his item that he put on (enchantments, smithing reinforcements, etc.) and was on the ground as just the plain item. This glitch also removes the amount dropped, so you will always find that when you come back to the location to retrieve the items off of the ground, there will always be one. So never drop a stack.
step by step, you need to go into your house, drop your gold bars and flawless diamonds, at this point, you should have at least one. If you have 5 or more, which gives you the option to drop all of them, one of them, or any number inbetween. You're going to want to drop them one at a time. This may sound tedious at first, but there is a workaround. Once all the items are on the ground, you're going to tell Jenassa to wait. As long as she's waiting, you're golden. (btw pro tip, if you hold the triangle button, or whatever you use to interact with things, it will automatically open the companion command prompt. you may have to be standing back from your companion, though.) after you have Jenassa wait, have her pick up ever item that you want to duplicate. Once she picked them up and is waiting, leave your house. Now you're in whiterun. Once outside, fast travel to whiterun. Again, I don't know how this glitch works, but once you've fast traveled, this next part will work. Now, after you fast traveled, enter breezehome. You should find Jenassa standing there with the items that she picked up on the ground. Pick up the items that are on the ground and take the items that are in Jenassa's inventory. It gets buggy here, as the items in her inventory will be marked as stolen, or eventually will be, which is why you need a mercenary. You just rinse and repeat this until you get the desired amount of flawless diamonds and gold bars. * One thing to note is that once you have all the picked up the items in and they're in your inventory, when you go to drop all of them in one pile, they will all be dropped individually. So once you hit 5+ of the items, just say drop all. They will be dropped as if you individually dropped them, making this process much faster. You have to be careful though, as sometimes there can be a few that haven't separated. Just pick up the ones that are in a stack and drop them individually.
once you have a large amount of the items, you can go make yourself some diamond necklaces that sell for 1200 a pop! these will help you get rich and, since they sell high, they will net you a very large amount of smithing xp.
a TL;DR/clarification of these instructions, enter breezehome > have Jenassa wait > drop items individually > have Jenassa pick them up > exit breezehome > fast travel to whiterun > enter breezehome > pickup items and take the duplicated items from Jenassa > repeat