If you're looking to add things to the OP you might want to consider this tweet from Andrew Reiner, one of the head editors at GI:
"And wait until you see what this game is all about! Mind...blown..."
Link: http://twitter.com/Andrew_Reiner/status/15239727204540416
Yeah and if you want to update what Todd Howard said to his full comments here is what he said...
"They saw a lot [Game Informer visited the office of Bethesda last week] and I think, I hope, everybody is surprised with how much stuff were showing. It's... it's a lot. We wanted to sorta compress the amount of time that we talked about the game. It's still eleven months, it's a long time, but traditionally we're going on like two years talking about a game, so we start out very slow and we wanted to come out of the gate with a lot of... A lot of STUFF. So I think the fans will be excited."
And link to podcast that you can listen to on your browser.