The Fiction SPECIAL Game!

Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 6:09 pm

So let's play a game! We'll take your favorite character from fiction, from Batman to Edward, from Terminator to Spock and give them a SPECIAL, tag skils, traits, weapon and a prominant perk for them.

Rules: You can't criticize another persons build for a character, SPECIAL must be either 40 points total or 47 if your character would have implants. You may only pick 1 perk that most perfectly characterizes your character, but you may have one, none or two Traits. Traits, weapons, skills etc must actually be in the game, no made up ones! Limit one per post so we can have plenty for other people to choose. Be a good sport!

Here's the template
Major Perk:
Favorite Weapon:

I'll go first and do a couple to show you what I mean

Who: Rick Deckard
From: Blade Runner
S 6
P 7
E 6
C 4
I 5
A 5
L 7
Tags: Guns, Sneak, Speech
Traits: Built to Destroy (ooh double meaning), Trigger Discipline
Major Perk: Robotics Expert (think about it)
Favorite Weapon: That Gun!

here's another as an example
Who: Hannibal Lecter
From: The Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal, etc
S 4
P 6
E 4
C 7
I 10
A 4
L 5
Tags: Speech, Medicine, Science
Traits: Built to Destroy
Major Perk: Cannibal (ofcourse)
Favorite Weapon: Cleaver, for those large cuts of "meat"

Have fun!
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Marine Arrègle
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 3:10 pm

Sorry, we don't allow forum games.
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megan gleeson
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