Right out of the gate.
Hey! It could happen!
Right out of the gate.
Hey! It could happen!
In my chair...
Because I can't take anymore of this fracking HYPE TRAIN!
As for the game itself, prob wherever the nuke makes impact....
I'll be mauled by a yao guai while trying to tame it enough to use as a mount.
That or the crowd favorite frag mine.
mine will be unfortunate frag mine deployment but just case there are no mines then will be Gravity..... thats how goes in fallout for me
I'll be sitting in my recliner of course!
I'm going to be killed in a construction project that I'm managing by two guys I had tried to set up to kill each other earlier
Feel free to steal it! Just remember to save your game before the sirens start.
Also aye, most of my first time deaths are due purely to my own stupidity and often involve both stupidity and landmines.
Never get killed much in the early game in Oblivion and onwards. The games have a nice difficulty curve like that.
What I am anticipating though is to choose a set of armour and weapons based on how they fit my character, and then get in many death-loops with high level enemies over and over again as I develop new strategies.
The planned armoury of assault rifle, machine pistol, and as close as I can get to a leather/combat armour layered thing should get me pretty far. Especially since my character will have knowledge of military tactics, which will seem to help him even more since the enemies take cover now and don't just run into the open spewing bullets everywhere like the previous two games.
Probably a deathclaw, it's always a damn deathclaw.
Oh, here and there. Maybe all over... the ground.
On the floor with my characters leg blown off after an unfortunate incident with a Frag mine, it's always the damn Frag mines..
Most likely from walking off a cliff while holding the move forward key and itching my nose.
In the Power Armor after I misgauge a jump and end up drowning in a lake...
Probably admiring my character, and get mauled by something horrific.
Not watching where I am going and waling off a cliff, or stepping on a mine.
Oh god, the flashbacks. I tried that on my first playthrough, didn't understand why it was so hard, and didn't pick the game up again for a few months. How stupid I was.
I imagine my first death will be exploring too far off the main path at an early level and coming across a deathclaw or Yao Guai. Maybe falling off a mountain.
Probably somewhere in the opposite direction of the main story, getting my ass handed to me while I'm trying to gun down some high leveled enemies.
Hopefully that doesn't include your furball friend. Even a raider needs a pal.
I'm hoping I can be a slaver myself. The one thing I missed in NV is slapping collars on everyone I met.
As far as when I die, it will probably be to a trap. I'm pretty good at FO combat, be it turn based or the real time/VATS FO(even if I need to turn and flee). It is usually, eventually, a trap that kills me. On dead is dead playthroughs I usually die in Dead Money, sometimes painfully towards the end, so so close to the end. sigh. Can't even remember the last time I died in FO1 and 2, FOT being the bloodiest of the bunch as .50 cal Ma Deuces rip through your PA like a hot knife through butter leaving you a bloody pile of goo, and a Gauss mini gun will turn you into glob of excrement.
I am going to test this myself, mainly by just refusing to run for the Vault, and sitting in my home. I want to see if I get killed or not. I don't count tests like this to go towards my I got killed counter, tho, as I am doing this for SCIENCE to see if there is a consequence.
Bear Trap, I have very bad luck with those.