Lol, I like it.
Lol, I like it.
Hmmm, I wonder what this button does....
Mauled to death By angry roach. Right from the start, i take my step out of the vault. While enjoying some nice rum and poptarts.
I will die in a freak, rock paper scissors match with a deathclaw.
OH OH OH I just remembered my first death in FO3!!!
It was right outside the Vault, yeap that's where it will happen!
Someone will start shooting at me because I'm just that kind of guy, and I'll side step a few times, whip out my handy pistol and blow them away then almost immediately get blown to smithereens because the bullets that didn't hit me will have hit the insanely destructive nuclear car reactor and set it on fire while I was busy patting myself on the back for my marksmanship ability....
Yeahh propably falling down a cliff while im walking about in pure ecstasy
By an enemy whose level wasn't dependant on mine.
During the usual death tune, I will have a quiet and simple laugh, mostly out of relief.
At least, I hope.
Most likely my curiosity will get the better of me and i'll start exploring and collecting interesting pieces of junk, drifting further and further away from the starting area/main quest..
Right up until i walk into a legendary deathclaw (or a similar enemy that is WAY over my level )
All i can hope for when it happens (i know its gonna happen) is that i have a save game not to far behind.
I'd like to change my answer to the most common way we die (General Ackbar approved):
It's a trap!
My first Death? It will be within about 15 minutes of the vault exit after having done something stupid. I can predict this because it happens to me in just about every game I play. Reason, I get lost and miss all the cues that say "Walk this way to the starter area that will not kill you right away" and then stumble into the only Deathclaw or Yuo Gui or whatever alpha creature there is in the vicinity. Or I fall off a cliff.
Probably when I put my controller down and forget to pause, when I am packing a *cough* with the finest *cough* cough*. Dammit if that don't happen more often then I can remember.
I expect to trip over the vault door rim, and break my neck on the way out.
Since we can build settlements and grow food, I'm going to die in a "bizarre gardening accident" like Spinal Tap's first drummer.
I plan on testing the plot armour and seeing if I really can survive a nuke in the face
After that it will probably be a landmine or gravity lol.
Same way I always die. Saying "I don't need to use a Stimpak YET...."
Or jumping down an embankment that is a lot taller than it looks and having my legs shattered by gravity as I ragdoll down the hillside.
Always happens one of those two ways.
Or opening the Pip Boy for a StimPak thinking it'd freeze time...