What about you?
Ha. I can't decide between a new radio station, a gameplay overhaul, or a Don Quixote-inspired follower. That is, I can't decide which one I'll do first.
Please no paid mods...... or SW (one can hope)
Argonians, freaking Argonians everywhere!
Probably needs to see what needs fixing (this is a Bethesda game, after all).
removing the voice from the main character
Who said the main character is voiced? I think it's too much trouble for Bethesda to implement.
Got that right.
I generally look foreward to graphical enhancement mods and new location/buildings mods.
I don't care.. as long as it's pointless and adds nothing to the gameplay.
Mods that come out right away usually aren't that great because the mod maker hasn't played the game all the way through yet. However, I'm pretty sure that one of the first big mods we'll see will be a nvde mod. Modding community loves their nudity.
Starting small and let it grow. What to expect from me... should be known.
Whatever it is, I know its going to be great, you're a legend sesom
I'll probably end up revising a beth home for my own personal use, perhaps to include more mannequins or weapon plaques....assuming we get those. And if not, I'll be crying till a modder adds them back in.
That's not how mods work. I daresay the game has to be likeable in the first place in order to create a modding community.
Bikini power armour for madam, bare chested power armour for sir.
Nothing can go wrong with this plan.
The first mod I plan on doing will be Living Space Invaders, in which rows upon rows of ghouls shuffle left and right and take steps forward when they reach the left or right bounds of the playfield.
The protagonist will use a fully-voice-modulated sonic gun to try and take out the ghouls, while periodically cowering behind three destructible rowing skiffs placed as makeshift barricades.
Also, for stability reasons, I will be replacing the entire game environment with Antwerp, Belgium, true to scale, including a working transit system, as well as implementing player-rideable horses and player-driveable main battle tanks, overhauling combat into a We-Go-style simultaneous turn-based party-centric system, and adding procedurally-generated chewing gum dynamics, including comprehensive flavor simulation. And every inventory item will be romanceable, including caps, fully-voiced with augmented virtual reality support.
Just a little somethin'-somethin' to cobble together in a few minutes to shake out the toolkit, tis all.
A house worthy of being covered in the blood of Bostonians
Really? The game isn't even out yet and you guys are planning how to change the game? Give the Vanilla game a chance before you guys go outright modding everything please.
I plan on modding https://scontent-lax1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/11178341_10153006206274652_8817792485202715942_n.jpg?oh=e8311dc7be6da5ce75e08c7d25877fcd&oe=55F4C809, a boston terrier, into Dogmeat. I figure it's setting appropriate.
This is the reason Bethesda won't put effort into their games.
Yeah I strongly recommend to stay away from Fallout 4 so you don't get dissapointed from the lack of effort.
Don't you all not realize that there is no construction set and won't be for a while after release? So yes all that people that plan mods now will play it first.