I feel bad for Todd Howard the streak has ended
I feel bad for Todd Howard the streak has ended
Fair enough! Still there are games that aren't labeled as RPG's that actually meets my criteria of the franchise.
Again, it's all opinion. There is no right or wrong answer.
I'm not disagreeing to make myself feel better. I played Witcher 3 and I hated it, it's a simple as that.
As far as fan boys go, let's be honest, every games fan boys are awful. Fallout 4 has them, Witcher 3 has them, Skyrim had them, Call of Duty has them, ect. They all think that their games are gifts from the heavens and they are all very wrong. Every one of those games that I just listed all have their faults and are by no means perfect.
Sounds like your Game of the Year. For every Year?
2011. My game of the year is Dragon Age Origins, as it is the best game ever made and i play it atleast once every year.
Pretty much. I think the problem with Beth these days is that they stopped caring about polish. I WANT MY POLISH BACK!
My game of the year was watching fans rage when their game lost in a category, specially Life is Strange fans.
None of the Bethesda games have been worthy of being a Game Of The Year with the possible exception of Fallout 3. I find it sad that it has taken this long for award-givers to realize it but at least they've broken free of the Bethesda spell. Then again, this ain't the only event giving out awards is it? Might be that some other award show that is more zealous of Bethesda will give the hybrid mish-mash abomination that is Fallout 4 an award. If anything I think that that'd be a clear sign that that award show has zero merit. It's a good test to weed out which award show can be remotely trusted and which can't.
Not that I think awards mean anything.
I just don't like it when you Bethfans use awards and sales figures as arguments to defend Bethesda with.
So if you can't use awards as an argument for how "no FO4 is totally a good sequel and RPG" then it's all good to me.
I really hope Fallout 4 walks away with zero awards from anyone, it really doesn't deserve any. RPG, shooter, art design, musical score, I haven't seen it excel in anything.
The best game, series actually, story wise will always be Bioshock in my opinion. With the exception possibly being Bioshock 2 (Although Minerva's Den was amazing).
Bioshock is very well thought out and well told, even Bioshock 2. So it is up there. Bioshock Infinite was ruined by the gameplay though, to many shooting galleries. Just a personal opinion.
The Witcher 3 is one of the best games I've ever played.
It was a loss by awesome.
Not a win by failure.
The awards are fan-voted. Witcher 3 had a lot more time for people to play and enjoy the game (on top of actually being a good game). Don't put too much stock into awards shows and enjoy FO4 for what it is-- an awesome game.
The only people who will make claims that this is a failure on Bethesda's part are the purists who want everything to go back to isometric views and turn based combat.
Really glad to hear it, hope one day Bethesda will start to make RPGs again.
This was jury-voted
Myeh who cares? I haven't watched these things since Molyneux won his awards for the pet AI in Black and White
Again, tradition RPGs aren't the only thing that qualifies as an RPG. Fallout 4 isn't a traditional RPG but it is still an RPG.
Ah, that guy in the Kotaku comments was wrong then. I should know better than to believe anything in a comments section. Lol.
I'm okay with Fallout 4 not getting GotY, I still haven't decided if it's Bethesda's best game (although it blows Fallout 3 out of the water). I am a little confused about all of the negativity I've seen around it. The gameplay is almost a unilateral improvement from Fallout 3 and New Vegas, the writing is pretty par for the course for a Bethesda game (although I do believe they made good on their commitment to improve characters). And while I can understand peoples' issues with the dialog system (which I'll say I don't have any problems with), some people are treating it like it's utterly terrible when it doesn't seem to be much better or worse than any other Bethesda game.
The game is also surprisingly stable for me and most other people, and there's still plenty to do. So it's just a little odd to me that this game is getting a disproportionate amount of negativity compared to like Fallout 3 or Skyrim. Then again, I wasn't around the community for the launches of those games, so maybe it's always been like this at release and eventually smoothed out.
Just curious - did "The Game Awards" exist under a different name previously? Not sure I've heard of them before. (In which case, all the OP's "wow, first time Beth hasn't won GotY/won any awards" has less weight, if it's some new award show.)
Seriously, though, is this a big award event, or just another one?
(Personally, I don't really care about GotY or anything like that. I just care if I enjoy a game. I don't gain any personal satisfaction/prestige/studliness if a game I enjoy playing gets awards. )
This is ex Spike VGA (Skyrim was announced at this ceremony in 2010)
The Game Awards is sort of like The Oscars for games. Its mostly fluff, but its the biggest award show around. It has changed name on a few occasions, it was named VGA a long time, i think.
I must say I like Fallout 4 faults and all and am having a good time playing it but for me Witcher 3 was so much better at storytelling.
The Witcher 3 had an allright main story but what really made it shine is the sidequests. I never felt like "go there and kill these monsters and get some rewards" or "Go there and fetch this and come back for rewards". Also I always felt I was making moral choices.
Fallout 4 is fun but doesn't bring much new. Lot's of quest are just "go there and fetch this and get rewards or kill those bad guys and get rewards" Some quests manage to add some flavour to this like the Silver Shroud quest which I loved but it often ended in "Hey you! Fetch some paint or fetch some baseball cards."
Base building which was the new thing could have gotten some more love, those who crawl under their own walls know what I am talking about.
What I feel F4 needs is better quests, better base building and more variety in weapons and armor. I hope these things will be adressed in future dlc's and patches.
And remember opinions are not facts so people can like/dislike both games.
Yea it existed as VGA before. There was this one time back in 2013 where it was called VGX which was by far one of the most cancerous things I've seen.
Anyways as I mentioned already, Bethesda never won back in 2008 with Fallout 3 either so this isn't a first.