Are you suggesting Bethesda didn't treat their fans with respect?
Are you suggesting Bethesda didn't treat their fans with respect?
For me, one of the best parts of tes/fallout 3+ is the modding scene. The games are allways a bit jank and unstable when they launch. But modders tend to fix that stuff fast.
The fact that bethesda has actualy gone out of their way to harras modders this time, really lowers my oppionion of this game. The fact that they have disabled file selection as default, making you have to enable it throgh ini files. And even after that, the launcher option itself is hidden when you launch the game. And then, the very first patch bethesda release actutaly disable the fix people made to eneable the fileselector just puts the ising on the cake. They had time to do that, but not fix one of the games HUNDRES of other bugs? Thanks.....
FO4 is a good game, but TW3 is far, FAR better, both at launch and at this state.
Yes, Fallout isn't TES. And those awards are nothing more than an option to put another PR label on the box/page. The same with movies. The same with music.
Aren't there like a bajillion GOTY's anyway? Every website, magazine, game convention/expo and critic has their own GOTY awards.
I'd like to take this time to suggest the blasphemous idea that Bethesda sell the IP and move on to something else. It's not an exaggeration to say they put more work and love into TES - it is after all their own. And it'd be nice to see them come up with another original IP.
No, just saying that CDRP has been good to their community.
Agreed. And honestly, I feel like group-think has taken over the gaming industry/audience (not everyone, but enough people that they are able to influence the general nature of thoughts on games and discussions of them). Take FO4-- objectively, this game is absolutely incredible. It improves in almost every respect on FO3, and is incredibly complex and immersive. But because (1) they experimented with new dialogue, and (2) it isn't an isometric game like FO1 or FO2, enough people cry and wail like the world is ending, and non-stop talk about how terrible this game is because of that. And I'm not even saying there aren't legitimate gripes about either of those two things, but in the end, they are incredibly minor things that are blown way out of proportion. Just look at the Metacritic User-Score, its something like 5.9. Enough people focus on these minor details and tank the score of a game because of them.
I've been a gamer for 20 years. But honestly, what I'm seeing now, and the way group-think is affecting the general attitudes about games, its incredibly immature and disheartening. Another example would the console wars- there are people who basically think that Microsoft is the antichrist of video games because they dared to propose a new way of distributing games, and that the Xbox is a terrible console because it is (in a very minor way) less powerful than the PS4. Yet that small amount of people were so loud and so immaturely aghast by what they saw that it drove all the news stories leading up to the console launches, giving the PS4 something like a 2:1 marketshare.
Anyway, sorry to rant. But I find the general state of the gaming community to be disturbing, and I don't know why this has all happened.
If I recall correctly, Bioshock Infinite's combat was the result of some serious executive meddling. It's unfortunate, but despite the first game's wild success, apparently the higher ups were up Ken Levine's butt about "MOAR COMBAT" from start to finish during production. Honestly, I'm amazed the game and its story turned out as good as it did, considering.
a crapton of problems?, no, the only reason the witcher 3 won was because of the graphics, thats it
Every gaming media outlet comes with their own Game of the Year nowadays, it's utterly meaningless at this point to use it as some sort of metric to judge quality. Right now it's more of a financial collaboration between games media and game companies as an excuse to re-sell old games as "Game of the Year" editions down the line for another $60.
They haven't harassed the modders. They didn't go out of their way to disable file selection in the launcher again for people that enabled it, it just got reset when they updated the launcher to fix a bug with one of the graphics settings.
And I'm totally okay with Bethesda disabling file selection until they're ready to release the official tools on their terms. They shouldn't encourage modding until their own tools are released, and it's really trivial for people to enable file selection anyway if they really want to. It's a shame they aren't releasing the editor concurrently with the game itself any more, though. That's how stuff like TESVSnip emerges and causes problems - I can't believe people are using it again for Fallout 4 when it wasn't even safe to use for Skyrim.
I feel like Bioshock Infinite is a good example of a certain thing I'm noticing with a lot of games that supposedly have good stories. It doesn't have a great story, necessarily. It has great characters and a great setting. The story itself is mostly just a chain of "oh, before you can do this you have to go do this other thing that has nothing to do with what you originally wanted to do", although the ending was brilliant. The entire main storylines for Daggerfall and Morrowind are even better examples.
True, what made Bioshock Infinite -- and the first Bioshock, too, really -- so good was that the plot itself wasn't anything super groundbreaking, but its characters were so well written that they easily carried the game's story. That ending threw me for one hell of a loop the first time I played lol, one of the few times I had to sit for a day or so and just ponder what the hell I just witnessed.
But we're getting off topic, so I'll end it there ha.
W3 has considerably more nominations. FO4 isn't going to beat it at many places.
It is funny to watch.
It's always people hate something or love something,never any in-between.
I agree with the sentiment that this could (and should)be something that makes bethesda rethink its current approach to fallout(and elder scrolls)
It's no different from any other outlet that gives out GOTY awards, as its all entirely subjective. Having a bigger budget for your awards show doesn't make one's opinion seem anymore superior to another. Probably don't need to tell this to anyone on these forums (for the most part anyway), but folk tend to mistakenly hold these big budget game award shows in high regard in determining what is objectively the best when that is not the case.
With that said, I'd say it was a well deserved award for The Witcher 3, as I certainly loved playing it myself. But I also enjoyed Fallout 4, still enjoying actually. And currently, I can't decide which one I enjoy more. Although I am able to point a number of issues I have with Fallout 4 whereas I had very little to none with The Witcher 3.
The Game Awards is incredibly biased. Where is the best Kickstarter board game, best trading card game, best remake board game, best playground game, or best PnP RPG? With a name like The Game Awards, it should include every type of game that was released this year. Instead it just discriminates against any game that isn't a video game.
Afaic this is TESO 2. Sounded good on paper but lasted too long to make and the market changed in the meantime. The monthly subscription for a game that isn't worth a monthly subscription, and now the release of a game that looks like 2009 in the same year The Witcher 3 looks like 2015. Graphics and animations may not be the most important thing for gaming, but sure are important for scores, awards and all this [censored].
Masses of who though? I pay no attention to the internet when it comes to games and really only bought FO 4 because my friends were having a ball with it. I expected to have to wait until next year for it to be a playable game. I've found it to be a mash of various features across a couple different game systems overlaid on a typical Beth world. I'm on my second playthrough and 200 hours into the game. Needless to say I'm a huge fan. As for the masses who buy games, it looks like FO 4 sold twice as many copies as Witcher 3 and is likely to surpass Skyrim in total sales. That is the best incentive for Beth to keep doing what they are doing and ignore the people saying that they have abandoned RPGs or other silliness.
I can't in good will take a game competition where Sunset is an actual contender seriously.
So for the last few weeks, there's been plenty of threads like "Will F4 will GOTY?" Of course most of the fans were saying something along the lines "Sure it will, there's no way it won't!"
It didn't and now the fanbase is unanimously saying "Well GOTY doesn't matter anyway, so who cares!"
There are many other goty awards, there is still plenty time to grab one
The same names keep popping up whenever there's a chance to hate on Bethesda or the people that like their games.
Good point, but VGA/TGA is the biggest one.
Obviously it's about as important as Oscars or whatever, i.e. not at all for anything but marketing. I was just amused by the 180 by the fanbase
there isn't just one GOTY award you know, every website, magazine and media outlet have their own GOTY award