to my knowledge were never remade for x-box or ps consoles. was there a reason? seemed like a money making no brainer for the developers and a great way to introduce new players to the franchise. i never played either.
to my knowledge were never remade for x-box or ps consoles. was there a reason? seemed like a money making no brainer for the developers and a great way to introduce new players to the franchise. i never played either.
Completely remaking both FO1 and FO2 would be... annoying. You're asking to basically make two new games using the Gamebryo engine. A LOT of fans of FO and FO2 do not like FO3, and the system it uses.
They were rereleased in the "Fallout Trilogy" for PC, however. At least briefly, I'm not sure if they're still being sold.
i'm not sure how well they would be suited to controllers, now remaking them on tablets like baulder's gate ee would probably work.