Did the Nords "wake" into dragons?
Of course not, we're waking up through time, but it's all in a jumble. I spy:
The Pact of Chieftains
The War of Succession
The Wild Hunt's slaying of Borgas
Wulfharth forsaking Skyrim
The Battle of Sungard
The Mainland's Cultural Outlook regarding the SkaalAmong other things, but then the story changes every year. One has to look hard to see everything, which is always a hard thing to do. For example, last year's had little to nothing to do with dragons at all, if I recall correctly, but a year's a long time in the 'rim.
I certainly remember that
I wasn't listed, but that's a whole other story.
By the way, when I said "of course not" that's Elk-speak for "that's one way of looking at it, but then I have to turn my head and use the other eye, too."