1. Shishkabab
2. 10mm SMG
3. Chinese Assualt Rifle
4. Hunting Rifle
5. Frag Grenades (Nuka-Grenades when I get enough)
6. Bottlecap Mines
7. Empty
8. Stimpaks
The Shishkabab is fun to use and is great for saving ammo.
The SMG replaces the 10mm pistol as my close range weapon. 10mm ammo is easy to come by and this baby packs a considerable punch considering it's not "unique."
The Chinese rifle is, as mentioned, a good all round weapon that's effective in any number of situations. The ammo's pretty easy to get too.
The Hunting Rifle is not any where near as powerful or accurate as the sniper rifle but the ammo is MUCH easier to come by and it's also easy to get parts for it. This is my "beater gun" as my dad would have said. While the others are around for when I need the firepower this baby is there for the more generic, less imposing enemies like molerats or radscorpions. Works good on raiders too.
The frag grenades are there because I don't have any Nuka grenades. I just got the schematics for them only to find that I need Nuka-cola quantum to make them. I sold or used every Nuka-cola quantum I found thus far. :facepalm:
I don't use mines very often so I'm not sure if I'll keep them as a hot key. But when I do use them I like to use the best available to me!
Nothing in the 7 slot. I don't care for Big Guns. Too heavy. I'm playing with a low-strength build.
I can't open my pip-boy to use stimpaks while reloading my weapon and that seems to be when I need them the most but I can use them any time I want when they're set to a hotkey!

Minus the bottlecap mines I guess this rule kind of comes naturaly to me.
I haven't found any "unique" weapons yet (other than a couple of combat knives) but I've got my eyes peeled.