Yeah, I just deleted my mage (only level 7). Going to wait for mods or an update.
while some points risen are perfectly valid; most complaints are rather clueless, and people should really learn to look for guides and ask to advice rather than complain and declare stuff broken just because they dont know how to use it.
"spells dont scale" FALSE, what doesn't scale is their damage (you can increase their damage by 50% with perks tho so no need for perks there as someone sugested), would it be nice to have some +fire/ice/lighting damage gear? yes I would agree with that, in low amounts (like 5-10% base).
but heres the truth: base spells are MUCH more powerfull than bows and weapons, and their scalling is their mana cost(you have difficulty casting master rank spells without 100 skill + enchants for further reduction, but once you do, you can freely sling these spells nonstop), they do more damage and have added effects that are invaluable in fights and synergize well amongst each other, like aoe, ranged, drains, crowd control etc.
more mana efficiency = more spells slinged = more damage and more CC
"pure mage isnt viable" FALSE, you just dont know how to build it and/or how to use it, I play a 50 mage focused almost entirely on destruction, using restoration and alteration for support and defence, and I own groups of mobs with ease and rather spectacular effects, even when there are leader mobs in the mix.
"destruction is weak damage" FALSE, if you are narrow mindedely comparing your highest rank single target spell (thunderbolt or icelance 90 damage) to melee and bow, sure they can easily do 50-100% more damage than that (in relative normal conditions, I dont care less about exploits of crafting); thing is bows and swings can only swing one at the time, as a destruction mage you SHOULD NOT be using one spell to take out targets, yeah I know its hard... but make some key binds for spells and use them...
you can basicaly put a 50 damage trap on the floor, cover it with another 50dps(ifm emory serves) dot on top of it and THEN shoot the target with the single target spellS (note the S) synergizing fire spells with other spells will make thet arget take added damage from the fire debuff.
do them ath and you can have one hell of a burst to a target that is after you that goes way over 200 if you use multipliers such as dual casting, poisons and the fire debuff.
also all this can be done AOE, you can take out large groups of mobs with ease like this, good luck aoe'ing with that kind of power, even with a full perked 2 handed build.
another thing people complain is they are squishy and cant use spells cuz of mana...
yes a pure mage uses cloth and even ebonyflesh isnt enough to cover you from power attacks that can one-two shot you, but here again... you should not be using destruction for defence, (tho in this case you should beu sing frost to drain their stamina and prevent power attacks), alteration becides the armor buff, has paralysis and mass paralysis (love it)
mana... ye thats a problem, thats actually where spells DO SCALE, and where you should focus on early on in the game, use whatver makes it more fun to you, to have more mana to use in combat, enchanting is the best bet, get -spell cost enchants mixed in with +mana and + mana regen, and you will be getting sustainable mana pool (you can even exploit and get spells for free, but like I said I dont care for exploits)