The Flooded City:Redux I

Post » Tue Jul 13, 2010 10:30 pm

I realise that The Comedian ran this a while ago. I Co-Hosted, and thus have the right to bring it back. I have already asked Com about being my co-host.


February 17th, 2355. The People's Government of America is created.

January 1st, 2356. The People's Government is growing strong. Everyone agrees with their views on the Wasteland. Their numbers grow to the thousands.

March 6th, 2340. The People's Government and it's army overthrow what's left of the Enclave. Now being the only form of Government. They take command of America, and start to rebuild.

March 7th, 2340. The People's Government sends a massive assault on the FEV vats in America.

August 30th, 2345. The Western Brotherhood leave, and go back East. Reuniting with the main base of operations. The same day, they agree to join the People's Government.

June 28th, 2400. Fifty-five years after the destruction of all opposing factions. The People's Government rebuilds most major cities of America. Communication between each city is set up. Roads are made, cars are fixed and rebuilt.

October 14th, 2406. Communication starts between other countries, including all allied countries, and all Soviet countries.

December 25th, 2500. America is thriving, and is the strongest country in the world. All other major powers are also rebuilt, and growing stronger. World peace has finally started.

July 4th, 2550. The People's Government elects President Garmin. He grows paranoid of other countries growing stronger. Manufacturing weapons begins, including nuclear weapons.

August 9th, 2600. Other countries learn of America's weapon manufacturing. They all start making weapons themselves, starting an Arms Race.

October 12th, 2605. China demands all countries stop making weapons. America refuses, and reacts with force, starting a war with China.

December 31st, 2605. ? And so the Great War has a sequel.

Where you come in.

Nobody worried about nuclear warfare, assuming their government didn't want to repeat the Great War. You are a citizen in the city of San Francisco, and you are on a ship going on it's first voyage to another country. Miles away from the coast, others on the ship notice plumes of smoke come from land.

As a child, you watch as your home is destroyed. No one knows the fate of other countries. When the boat can't get a signal out to anyone, everyone assumes the Great War repeated itself. Ten years later, the boat is forced to return to American soil. While most people wait back on the giant ship, a small team is sent out to San Francisco.

The city is flooded almost completely, the murky water covered the ground. There's only one thing to remember while outside in the water; stay away from the deep parts. You never know what's swimming around your feet. Be it human, or animal.

You have two choices; leave the team, and survive as you wish, or stay with the team and create a new society. If you leave the city, you'll die within days. If you leave the team, you'll suffer the same fate.

Basic rules apply.

-My word > Yours
-No ubering
-No character killing, with their consent
-No taking from others without permission
-Try not to kill every enemy with ease. See Stream's "General Combat Guide." It's nice
-Have fun!

1st Thread

The ship came up to the city, and slowly drifted through the flooded streets to a large office building. The team took a metal bridge over to the building, and discovered fish-like mutants not too long after. After the group spit up, fights started through the people; and everyone was wounded except for the team medic. One team member disappeared.

The team fled back to the ship with their wounded, and reached the deck of the ship; only to find it empty. A giant bird flew down and attacked them, but it was soon killed by the ship captain. After fleeing into the ship, the team found everyone hurt from a concentrated attack by various mutants, most notably the giant birds.

New members are being chosen from the uninjured or barely-injured members of the crew. The team will now be led by former team second-in command Jansen Gray, regardless of the injuries he suffered during the last foray into the city. This time, the ship will leave range of the shore. There will be little chance of a quick rescue if the team rund into trouble, so a larger force is being chosen.

This is the form of charicter sheet I want.





Weapons:(No lazers, they were banned by international law after the first war, Other than that, anything. Assault rifles, SMG's, grenades, handguns, shotguns. Whatever 'ya want from the ships armory.Please make them all real world weapons, and with the range a human could actually carry.)

Armor/Clothing:(No Power armor, the ship doesnt have any)

Food,Ammo,and Medicine:(Load up with whatever you can use, this'll be a long trip. Food, water, meds, blankets, the whole nine yards, not too much weight though.BRING LOTS OFF AMMUNITION!)

Bio:(At least two paragraphs, preferrable more.)

BEFORE POSTING, READ FIRST. It will give you insight on the general theme, as well as why it failed the first time, so that it doesnt happen again.

Sannes Vallen{ME}


Name:Jansen Gray

Race:Caucasian,plus a bit of Blackfoot indian.


Appearance:Stands about 5'5",with a thin,muscular build.He has dark grey hair,one shade away from black,tied back in a rough ponytail,and his Blackfoot ancestors dusky complection and sharp,slim features.His eyes are a piercing white blue,like ice,and his face id locked in a perpetual smirk.

Weapons:After having fought Face-To-Face with the mutants during the last foray, he has rethought his armament. He has now replaced his Nagant Revolver for Higher-Caliber, worn in a He has replaced his sawn-off with an, fitted with and underbarrel flashlight. In a modified sheath in his revolver holster, he carries a

Armor/Clothing:A grey hooded jacket and a pair of faded black jeans. Underneath the jacket, he now wears a fitted with a holster for his Jericho, beneath his jacket, both for protection and the hide the gruesome scars inflicted on his torso during the last foray into San francisco.

Food,Ammo,and Medicine:Ten Full-Meal Ration packs in his satchel.A canteen of drinking water.Two syrenges of morphine,a half-full bottle of pain pills,and some gauze.

Bio:Jansen is a skilled survivor,having both firearm skills and old blackfoot tracking techniques taught to him by his now-deceased father.He tends to be serious,but ocasionally shares some of his dry and morbid humor.He is best at door-to-door, Room-to-Room fighting.

The Comedian{Co-Host)

Name: Wilhelm Gustloff (+1 if you knew where the name came from.)

Ethnic Group: German

Age: 28

Appearance: Blond, unkempt hair. Blue eyes, with bags under them showing lack of sleep. Stands about 5'9" with a muscular build. Tan skin, from working outside most of his life on the boat.

Weapon(s): AA12, Sten.

Armor: Worn out work clothes; a stained white shirt, blue jeans, a heavy coat, and giant rubber boots.

Misc Items: One bottle of water w/ purifying packs. A small swiss army knife, and a large hunting knife.

Bio: It was the first, and the only voyage to another country at the time. The People's Government wanted to rebuild the massive tanker that spent so many years at San Francisco, rather than create one on it's own. The ship soon carried the last survivors of the World. Wilhelm was quite possibly the only teenager to witness the events; and he was the youngest to know what was going on. Not knowing what kind of emotion to feel; anger, sadness, depression... He just watched silently as those around him panicked on the ship. He had no feeling for what had happened, and he didn't know why.

Over the next ten years, he worked as everything on the ship. He cleaned, he cooked, he was in maintenance, you name it. He practically was in charge of the whole ship. And when the time came, he was the one in charge of the small team seeking salvation. He didn't like the idea; but he had no choice.

He was sent with a few men to their old home, which was flooded almost completely. He has now returned to the ship after the failure of the first exploration mission. His turn as leader is up, and he janded command over to second-in-command Jansen Grey.
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Amber Hubbard
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Post » Tue Jul 13, 2010 2:58 pm

This is really just a copy/paste of my old sheet, with some updated weapons. Hope it's fine.

Name: Wilhelm Gustloff (+1 if you knew where the name came from.)

Ethnic Group: German

Age: 28

Appearance: Blond, unkempt hair. Blue eyes, with bags under them showing lack of sleep. Stands about 5'9" with a muscular build. Tan skin, from working outside most of his life on the boat.

Weapon(s): G18, AA-12 Shotgun, Sten.

Armor: Worn out work clothes; a stained white shirt, blue jeans, a heavy coat, and giant rubber boots.

Misc Items: One bottle of water w/ purifying packs. A small swiss army knife, and a large hunting knife.

Bio: It was the first, and the only voyage to another country at the time. The People's Government wanted to rebuild the massive tanker that spent so many years at San Francisco, rather than create one on it's own. The ship soon carried the last survivors of the World. Wilhelm was quite possibly the only teenager to witness the events; and he was the youngest to know what was going on. Not knowing what kind of emotion to feel; anger, sadness, depression... He just watched silently as those around him panicked on the ship. He had no feeling for what had happened, and he didn't know why.

Over the next ten years, he worked as everything on the ship. He cleaned, he cooked, he was in maintenance, you name it. He practically was in charge of the whole ship. And when the time came, he was the one in charge of the small team seeking salvation. He didn't like the idea; but he had no choice. He was sent with a few men to their old home, which was flooded almost completely. Their job was to kill everything....
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Post » Wed Jul 14, 2010 3:09 am

This is really just a copy/paste of my old sheet, with some updated weapons. Hope it's fine.

Name: Wilhelm Gustloff (+1 if you knew where the name came from.)

Ermmm...Some ship disaster?
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Cathrin Hummel
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Post » Tue Jul 13, 2010 4:56 pm

Haven't been here in a while, Glad to be back. Copypasta:

Name:Lydia Burke
Race: Caucasian
Age: 19

Appearance: Short and thin with large Hazel eyes. A small, pretty face. Short-ish Brown hair curled into a classic 50's hairstyle.
Weapons: Whatever blunt melee weapon she can find. Currently, an old Candlebra from the ship's restaurant.
Armor: A Green dress with sensible Black shoes. Stained and torn in some places.
Misc Items: Earrings, Watch, a few Bottlecaps, a large handbag full of Medical Supplies.

Bio: Being the only young girl on the ship, Lydia didn't have many friends. The boys gave her quizzical looks when she chose to cook or play instead of fighting.
This time alone meant Lydia grew to be an exceptional Medic, and so was chosen to aid the scavengers on their mission through the city.

Lydia is quiet, a bit of a recluse. She'd never really got on with anyone on the Ship. Lydia is timid and shy, exactly the person you'd expect not to survive a Nuclear Holocaust. Inside she is kind, but outside she is hard as a rock. Her face is a constant mask of indifference. Although most on the ship thought of Lydia as odd, they soon changed their minds when they were in need of Medical assistance.

Sorry it's not much, I'll post more in the morning. :P
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