Name : Greggory Entius
Age : 28
Race: Imperial
six : Male
Rank : Private
General Appearance : Gregg has a youthful, handsome appearence, but has slightly hardened while participating in this conflict. His hair is slightly longer than regulation, his little part of protesting this war. He is athletic in build, lean muscle covering his body, thanks to his military training. He is about 5'11, just short of 6 ft, as he likes to say, and weighs about 155 lbs, little fat in his entire body.
Mental profile: Gregg is quite talkative, but not so much that he doesn't know when to shut up. He can also be quite the smart aleck, making snide comments, but doesn't disobey orders. Gregg also likes to make people laugh. He can keep other people sane, and maybe making people laugh is his way of staying sane.
Armor: Preffering light armor to heavy armor, he wears full leather. This gives him protection in the right places, but mobility as well. He also wears a helmet of the scout (enchanted, life detection up to 50 ft)
Clothing : Underneath his armor, he wears a green collared shirt with some brown pants.
Weapon : Gregg carries a steel longsword on his hip. Due to a little bit of superstition, he carries a silver dagger around in his boot. He also has an iron bow, and a quiver of whatever arrows he can find.
Miscellany : N/A
Bio: Greggory was born into a fairly rich family. His father was an old military man, and his mother was largely superstitious and, I guess we would call her liberal. A match made in hell, and Gregg's parents always fought over the smallest things. Gregg spent as much time away from the house as possible. Once he was in his twenties, he joined the Imperial Legion, due to a need to satisfy his father. After the splitting up, Greggory remained with the United Council. His mother did not take to it well. She spit at him as he left for the Black Marshes. They put him into the Fodder Lads, and deployed him straight into the fray?
Gregg looked around. He was lost. Not just lost. The kind of lost that you don't even want of move so you don't get more lost. There were more than one squadren of the Fodder Lads, and he was the scout for his. He had been sent ahead with a map, to see what they were going to be going through. When he came back, his squad was dead. His helmet picked up about 5 Argonians moving torwards him through the darkness of the trees. He ran, knowing he couldn't take all of them. Eventually, he wanted to check where he was. Apparently, he was in 'Uncharted Territory'. Eventually he deceided to move torwards 'Charted Territory.' As he got closer, he heard some talking ahead of him.
'Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap' he thought as he slowly moved closer, detecting at least 6 signs of life. He sat there and listened for a while. Eventually he figured out that they were not Argonian voices. Eventually, he took a peek around the tree.
'Thank the Nine!' he thought as he saw the United Council troops. Fodder Lads no less. He came around from the tree and approached them, his hands up. "Hail," said Gregg with a smile of relief "Room for one more?"