OOC : Finally back , cheer's for covering me Sibera
Prescott quickly snapped back into it . He had been so caught up in his emotions , and the idea of the inevitable horror that was to come , that he had mellowed out . He shook his head and blunk a few times , before realising that his Lieutenant had just proved himself highly capable of leading the squad . He saluted the Khajiit .
"Good work Lieutenant , I couldn't of done a better job myself" He said boldly with newfound pride for his comrade .
He looked up , the sky was nearly blotted out by the dense forest canopy , but he could still see the ugly and gray overcast weather through the small holes . The rain didn't seem to have any trouble getting through though , something that displeased the captain .
This rain was a detriment , it was loud , obscuring any sounds of approaching Republic soldiers . It was also thick , making vision somewhat limited , and very , very wet , which wasn't paticularly pleasant for anyone .
"Just cope with it lad's , and keep those filtration masks handy , this stench can't mean anything good"
By the nine , keep this up much longer and we won't last a month the gruff man grumbled in his head , wearing an expression of displeasure . He knelt down next to his Lieutenant , his cloak firmly pulled over his head to keep out the foul weather . He signalled to his Seargant . "Seargant Fara! Over here please"
He was a good planner , but he felt having his Lieutenant and Seargant with him when planning these things would not only help the squad as a whole , but make foundations to further build his understanding and friendship with them . After all , he had still barely met his men yet .