The Forgotten Halls
------ v 2.1 ------
Lost deep below Neselia the Forgotten Halls await to be discovered
Long lost halls of the Falmer hide rumors of death traps, undead creatures and treasure - do you
dare to venture deeper into the Neverhalls? What will you find?
This mod requires Morrowind, Bloodmoon, Tribunal and The Neverhalls mod.
*Extract all files to the /Morrowind/Data Files/ folder
*Tick the plugin in the Morrowind Launcher
Playing the mod
The Forgotten Halls is an expansion to the Neverhalls and such it requires the Neverhalls to work.
The mod adds two new areas to the Neverhalls to explore, along with a host of new traps and items
to find.
The Forgotten Halls can boast:
- New traps: SPike pits and Dark Sila stones
- High level enemies: Can you defeat the Ghoul King?
- New Armor: The depths hide many things
- New lore: Find the scripters and learn more about the ruin Neselia
- New weapons, new creatures, new misc items
- New Summon spells (added in Version 2)
Changes made in version 2
-changed file name
-removed dirty refrences to armor
-removed dirty refrences causing NPC duplication
- added more loot chests
- fixed a few spelling mistakes
- re-adjusted the loot level list, increasing the chance of finding an item in a chest
- re-aligned the staff spike trap
- Changed the pit traps to damage the player
- New book to expand upon the falmer and Neselia lore/background
- Sila Textures. Ghostnull has kindly updated the textures and so I will be working them into the mod.
- balanced out the enchantments and the item values (see below for full list of balance changes)
- New summon spell! Now you can summon a ghoul! It Was planned for the origonal mod but was not included
version 2.1
- Fixed dupliacting NPC
Balanced Items:
Falmer Ancient Amulet 2,000 (instead of 120)
Ring of Frost Bite 2,000 (instead of 400)
Sila's Aim 2,000 (instead of 1,200)
Falmer Bow 1,000 (instead of 10,000)
Staff of the Falmer 2,000 (instead of 20,000)
Ancient Falmer Longsword 5,000 (instead of 55,000)
*Ancient Falmer Longsword frost damage 5-15 on strike (instead of 1-10)
disintegrate armor 50-150 on strike (instead of 1-10)
Falmer Ancient Amulet fortify attack 10 (instead of 20)
resist magicka 25 (instead of 20)
(removed sanctuary)
Ring of Frost Bite fortify attack 10
resist frost 25 (instead of 100)
Sila's Aim fortify marksman 10 for 30 on self (instead of acrobatics 15)
fortify attack 10 for 30 on self (instead of 5)
*This enchantment has been set to auto-calculated
- None known (apart from that one epic castle mod I saw by Dagoth Jeff.....)
- Feel free to back up your save games before you install this mod.
If you wish to use any of the resources in your own mod, you must please contact me first.
Midgetalien - Level Design, Meshes, Scripting, Textures, Weapons
Vality7 - Tileset
Bjam - Door Meshes
Madent - Statue Mesh
Demon Xen - Ghoul King
Ghost Null - Sila Stones, Lamps, lights, tileset, textures and scripting
Lady E - Various Resources
Adul - Scripting
BTB - Balancing issuies and reconmendations
Fliggerty for his support and putting up with my constant questions and pleas for help
Everyone at the offical forums for their help and support
If I have forgotten anyone I apologise! Just drop me an email and I wil add you to the credits