"The forum morale is falling fast."

Post » Fri Jun 17, 2011 6:46 pm

wow, can't believe this thread lasted 14 pages... I'm just going to spam in here because I'm confused and feel left out... ok, my contribution:

No, forum morale is same as its usual low. The conversations about "hey, this game is great," "oh yeah, I totally agree" "me too, lets keep agreeing about other stuff!" just aren't as interesting...
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keri seymour
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Post » Fri Jun 17, 2011 3:44 pm

A lot of art that is popular isn't that great. It's like pulp-fiction, just a rehash of an old story, once you're done you throw it to the side and pick the next one up. They don't leave a long lasting impression. They exist to temporarily fill an emotional yearning. People have built and run entire industries out of this concept whether they want to admit it or not, because it's a cycle that makes them money. In my opinion, The Elder Scrolls series is the best of both popular art and fine art in that it has an aspect to it that can be enjoyed by anyone. These are the people that just rush through the main quest, in it for action, and the story, even though they probably don't understand half of it. Then there's that other aspect that is filled with content that gives the player the opportunity to immerse themselves within the world and gain a lot out of it.

Saying Skyrim will be bad because it aims toward a large audience in a matter of fact way is really annoying to me, especially sense we have only seen about 10 minutes of Game play. It's like playing, no, watching someone play a game for 10 minutes and deciding it's the worst game in the entire series, and could have been infinitely better. This is exactly what happens when I'm working on a painting; people come up to me while I'm working and judge the painting, and say very weird things about it even though it won't be done for another good 10 to 15 hours of work. If you ever saw the progression of one of my paintings, you'll know that it changes quite a bit as it progresses toward something I find satisfying. I especially despise people that ask me if I'm done when it's just a doodle, or say it's very good, even though I know it could be so much better. Like what vsions said, nothing can be entirely perfect and criticism is a very valuable thing if it's in the right context or it just makes the artist feel like [censored]. It's like people who say they like Morrowind more than Oblivion. That's nice, but it means nothing if you can't give a reason why. Artist's want to hear why people like it, and why people don't like it. We can only judge aspects of Skyrim we've seen, and I think it's impossible and rude to try and judge the whole product when it's not done and fully experienced.

It's okay to say we don't like how Armor customization seems to work, but there's not much weight to that, because we don't know for sure how it works and is presented in the game. Saying Skyrim will be bad because we can't separate greaves from the briastplate is like me saying Harry Potter is bad because the last chapter in the last book seemed like bad fan fiction. It's a bad chapter in a great book. It's possibly a bad feature in an overall great game in very a enjoyable series, but a bad game? No. I honestly don't mind this decision, because I didn't think it was that big of a deal in Fallout 3, sure it limits your customization a little, but it really doesn't effect the overall enjoyment of the game.

I love you.

You have managed to take my entire life philosophy, and turn it into 3 small paragraphs.
I will be quoting you in future essays.

Every time I see something cut out, I don't rage. I don't question whether it will be a great game. Everything they do is for a reason to make the game better. They wouldn't cut out greaves if there wasn't a reason. There's time, money, and technical troubles people need to consider.

I plan to one day be a developer, and so when I come to gaming forums, I tend to attempt to see issues from a developers point of view, not a consumers point of view.
Everybody wants Skyrim to be their personal game, and that's impossible.
Obviously criticism is necessary, but before you cry wolf, make sure you know the wolf is there - or rather, isn't there.
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Post » Fri Jun 17, 2011 8:51 pm

Rarely ever if EVER do you see a poster getting flamed for liking something in Skyrim, a cut feature or not whatever have you, when someone says "I like X" they generally aren't flamed.

When you see an individual saying "I don't like Y" almost immediately they are beset upon like meat to rabid dogs, so i disagree with what I percieve summers statement seem to be pointing at, that is "negetive" posters flaming someone when generally that is not the case.

like I said in a previous thread, and what I probably will continue to say, since when is negetivity a bad thing? and since when is being positive = always good? if such is ones thought processes I recommend reading up in psychology with regards to Positive/Negetive reinforcements. also read up on lightning. as stated by a previous poster "you like X? yeah I like X, yeah X is awesome." discussion over :shrug: what else is there to talk about?

When your on the Forums specifically the TES sections of course in some way some manner you like TES you don't join for shids and giggles right? you come here to gain information or share discussions so why does one become a blacksheep just because they express concern over the information being presented? all of a sudden it becomes whining? really so then what are people who praise the game doing? kissing ass? see how that works? mmk

like stated by GP stop bringing the torches and pitch forks for peoples opinions its bad enough in the real world people are slain for that, can it not spill over into the forums please?
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Post » Fri Jun 17, 2011 8:38 pm

I am pretty sure that pants are being cut out so that armor is balanced with robes. :P Clothing can not be worn under armor because you can enchant it and that would mean players who wear armor could have 2x the enchants.
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Hope Greenhaw
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Post » Fri Jun 17, 2011 10:01 am

I am pretty sure that pants are being cut out so that armor is balanced with robes. :P Clothing can not be worn under armor because you can enchant it and that would mean players who wear armor could have 2x the enchants.

One very simple solution to this. Make a cap on how many enchanted items you can wear at once....

That way you could still wear clothing under your armor. Would make sense in a freezing climate like Skyrim.

And as for morale? Mine has never been higher, although it will probably reach its peak on 11.11.11.
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Lillian Cawfield
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Post » Fri Jun 17, 2011 10:10 am

and just like a vehicle, the structural integrity becomes compromised. You started out with an SUV and now you've got a sports car. Sure, it's pretty, and it's faster, but try taking it offroad or getting stuck in the mud. Your gonna want those big, ugly wheels and raw power.

Rally cars. Best of both worlds and still look awesome. :)

This game should be a rally car.
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Ezekiel Macallister
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Post » Fri Jun 17, 2011 11:44 am

I plan to one day be a developer, and so when I come to gaming forums, I tend to attempt to see issues from a developers point of view, not a consumers point of view.

When you do end up as a deveolper you'll spend a lot of time trying see things from the consumers point of view. :dance:
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Mariaa EM.
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Post » Fri Jun 17, 2011 1:53 pm

Psh. I'm totally buying the game. So, for my $60 well spent, I'll [censored] and whine all over this internet forum if I feel like it! Nyah! :nono:

To be honest, though, there is a lot of whining going on. Fortunately, I don't feel very strongly about vampires or werewolves or spears, so I'm safe!
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Marguerite Dabrin
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Post » Fri Jun 17, 2011 9:26 am

The moral is falling because the game keeps getting less and less complex

They keep removing, simplifying and streamlining every aspect of the game for one reason, to go mainstream

But i dont want to have to worry about greaves i just want to push X and have awesome stuff shoot out of my character and kill dragons! raar!

I dont want to have to worry about a bunch of numbers and stats i just want to move my mouse around like crazy while i get fat loot!

Every decision that has been blasted is them removing something from the game so that it appeals to "new fans"

Im going to buy the game ( i have little choice on RPGs) but i hope it does as poorly as Dragon Age 2 did, and maybe developers will stop trying to get new players and just keep their old ones happy
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